Basin stats examples

Generating basin stats from Earth Engine imagery is challenged by the many different ways in which image assets are stored and organized on the platform. As such, we have tried to strike a balance with rabpro between ease of use (abstracting away unncessary details) and flexibility. Before we begin pulling basin stats, lets create a basin polygon asset:

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd

import rabpro
from rabpro.basin_stats import Dataset
# # Authenticate earthengine if necessary
import ee
# ee.Authenticate()
coords = (44.9331, -69.4996)
rpo = rabpro.profiler(coords, name='basic_test')
gdf = rpo.watershed

The next several examples pull from imagery assets that are within the standard GEE data catalog ( This simplifies their queries as we (typically) do not need to specify projection or resolution information. These are read directly from the catalog:

Categorical asset - a single time window

urls, tasks = rabpro.basin_stats.compute(
        [Dataset("MODIS/006/MCD12Q1", "LC_Type1", stats=["freqhist"], start="2010-01-01", end="2011-01-01")],
data = rabpro.basin_stats.fetch_gee(urls, ["lulc"], ["system:index"])
res = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([data, gdf], axis=1))
lulc_1 lulc_17 lulc_4 lulc_5 lulc_8 da_km2 geometry
0 1.87451 16.337255 621.25098 1143.831373 262.792157 440.266532 POLYGON ((-69.49583 44.92500, -69.50417 44.92500, -69.50502 44.92832, -69.50833 44.92917, -69.54...

Numeric asset - multiple time windows

urls, tasks = rabpro.basin_stats.compute(
        [Dataset("MODIS/006/MOD17A3HGF", "Npp")],
data = rabpro.basin_stats.fetch_gee(urls, ["npp"], ["da_km2"])
data["year"] = [x for x in range(2000, 2000 + data.shape[0])]
res = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([data, gdf], axis=1))
res.geometry[res.geometry.isna()] = res.geometry[0]
npp_system:index npp_mean year da_km2 geometry
0 2000_02_18_00000000000000000000 7436.137468 2000 440.266532 POLYGON ((-69.49583 44.92500, -69.50417 44.92500, -69.50502 44.92832, -69.50833 44.92917, -69.54...
1 2001_01_01_00000000000000000000 7253.867450 2001 NaN POLYGON ((-69.49583 44.92500, -69.50417 44.92500, -69.50502 44.92832, -69.50833 44.92917, -69.54...
2 2002_01_01_00000000000000000000 6741.378228 2002 NaN POLYGON ((-69.49583 44.92500, -69.50417 44.92500, -69.50502 44.92832, -69.50833 44.92917, -69.54...
3 2003_01_01_00000000000000000000 6565.773486 2003 NaN POLYGON ((-69.49583 44.92500, -69.50417 44.92500, -69.50502 44.92832, -69.50833 44.92917, -69.54...
4 2004_01_01_00000000000000000000 7645.184775 2004 NaN POLYGON ((-69.49583 44.92500, -69.50417 44.92500, -69.50502 44.92832, -69.50833 44.92917, -69.54...

Numeric asset - time averaging

urls, tasks = rabpro.basin_stats.compute(
        [Dataset("MODIS/061/MOD17A3HGF", "Npp", time_stats=["median"])],
data = rabpro.basin_stats.fetch_gee(urls, ["npp"], ["system:index"])
res = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([data, gdf], axis=1))
npp_mean da_km2 geometry
0 7238.642484 440.266532 POLYGON ((-69.49583 44.92500, -69.50417 44.92500, -69.50502 44.92832, -69.50833 44.92917, -69.54...

The final example here demonstates a query of a “custom” imagery asset which is not present in the GEE data catalog. As a result, we must specify additional information to the compute function:

urls, tasks = rabpro.basin_stats.compute(
        [Dataset("projects/soilgrids-isric/soc_mean", "soc_0-5cm_mean", gee_type="image")],
data = rabpro.basin_stats.fetch_gee(urls, ["soc5"], ["system:index"])
res = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([data, gdf], axis=1))
soc5_mean da_km2 geometry
0 2407.976065 440.266532 POLYGON ((-69.49583 44.92500, -69.50417 44.92500, -69.50502 44.92832, -69.50833 44.92917, -69.54...