

Basin delineation

To use the rabpro utilities for delineating basins, you’ll need to download MERIT tiles (recommended for small basins or high resolution applications) or HydroBASINS (recommended for very large basins or low resolution applications).

Note: You do not need to configure/download BOTH MERIT and HydroBASINS. Most likely you will only need to do this for one data source (MERIT for high resolution and small basins, HydroBASINS for low resolution and large basins).

Before initiating either of these downloads, you may want to configure the path where rabpro expects to find this data. rabpro uses the appdirs package to specify a default data location. You can identify the locations where rabpro expects data to exist:

from rabpro import utils
datapaths = utils.get_datapaths()
print(datapaths['root']) # Highest-level directory rabpro is looking for

If you would like to specify a different root location, you may set the RABPRO_DATA environment variable in an active python session:

import os
os.environ['RABPRO_DATA'] = 'path/to/rabpro/data'

You may also set this environment variable more permanently by adding RABPRO_DATA to your operating system’s environment variables, but you may run into issues with your python interpreter not reading the OS environment variables correctly.

Check your data pathing with the following command:

import rabpro

Downloading HydroBASINS

There are two ways to get the required HydroBASINS datasets.

First, you may download the data directly from the provider. HydroBASINS was produced by the HydroSheds Organization and is downloadable from their HydroBASINS page. You will need to download both the level one and level twelve basin datasets for each continent. You will need to place the data into the paths specified by

from rabpro import utils
datapaths = utils.get_datapaths()
print(datapaths['HydroBasins1']) # path to place level 1
print(datapaths['HydroBasins12']) # path to place level 12

Second, you may use rabpro functionality which grabs the necessary HydroBASINS files from a zipped GDrive file and unzips them to their expected location. This can be done via the following python code:

from rabpro import data_utils

If rabpro cannot automatically fetch this data, it will print the URL of the zipped HydroBASINS file and the directory to which you should unzip this file.

Downloading MERIT-Hydro

To download MERIT-Hydro, you’ll need to request a username and password on the MERIT-Hydro homepage.

Unless you want to download the full global extent, you’ll probably need to identify specific MERIT-Hydro “tiles” of interest. You can do this following the logic in the MERIT Hydro documentation or use the rabpro function rabpro.utils.coords_to_merit_tile to obtain a tile identifier (e.g. n30e150) which you can pass to the download_merit_hydro function:

# To identify a tile
from rabpro import utils
coords = (-97.355, 45.8358) # lon, lat
utils.coords_to_merit_tile(coords[0], coords[1])
# Should output '"n30w120"'
# To download the tile
from rabpro import data_utils
data_utils.download_merit_hydro("n30w120", your_username, your_password)

Basin statistics

By default, rabpro comes enabled to work with all of the raster assets in the public GEE data catalog. It also is enabled to work with select “user” assets listed below:

Datasets included in the user data catalog:

SoilGrids 250: clay fraction

SoilGrids 250: silt fraction

SoilGrids 250: sand fraction

SoilGrids 250: nitrogen fraction

SoilGrids 250: mean soil organic carbon

Pelletier et al. 2016 Soil Thickness

Yang et al. 2020 - Nitrogen deposition

Geomorpho90m: Topography Index

Geomorpho90m: Terrian Ruggedness Index

Geomorpho90m: Slope

FLOW1K qma

Permafrost Zonation Index (Gruber et al.)

Alaskan permafrost probabilities (Pastick et al.)

Pan-arctic permafrost probabilities (NIEER, Ran et al., 2022)

Pan-arctic mean annual ground temperature (NIEER, Ran et al., 2022)

Pan-arctic active layer thickness (NIEER, Ran et al., 2022)

Northern Hemisphere modeled permafrost probabilities

Glacier presence (GLIMS)

You can request that a user asset be added to this list by filing an issue.


Basin statistics

To use rabpro utilities for pulling basin statistics from Google Earth Engine (GEE), you’ll need to sign up for a free GEE account here. Once you’ve been approved and installed the GEE Python API (typically installed as a rabpro dependency), you can use the GEE CLI to obtain a credential token by running earthengine authenticate and following the instructions. More information can be found at the GEE Python install page and the GEE CLI page.

If you are working with complex or large numbers of watershed basin polygons (or want to upload your own raster assets), you may be interested in the rabpro utilities for programmatic GEE asset uploads. These utilities require a writeable Google Cloud Platform (GCP) bucket as well as installation and authentication for the gsutil program. We recommend installing from the Python package as described here.