Let’s demo RivGraph on the Brahmaputra River!

This demo shows some of the core functionality and convenient plotting and exporting features provided by RivGraph for a braided river network. The basic steps of RivGraph-ing a braided river include:

  1. Instantiate river class

  2. Skeletonize the binary mask

  3. Compute the network (links and nodes)

  4. Prune the network

  5. Compute morphologic metrics (lengths, widths)

  6. Compute a mesh (6.1 - Adjust mesh parameters)

  7. Assign flow directions for each link

  8. A note on topologic metrics

Along the way, we’ll export some geotiffs and GeoJSONs (or shapefiles if you prefer) for inspection in QGIS. RivGraph requires a binary mask of the channel network, preferably georeferenced (i.e., a GeoTiff) in a projected coordinate reference system.

1. Instantiate river class

from rivgraph.classes import river
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

# Define the path to the georeferenced binary image.
mask_path = './data/Brahmaputra_Braided_River/Brahmaputra_mask.tif'

# Results will be saved with this name
name = 'Brahma'

# Where to store RivGraph-generated geotiff and geovector files.
results_folder = './data/Brahmaputra_Braided_River/Results'

# Set the exit sides of the river relative to the image. In this case, the
# Brahmaputra is "entering" the image from the North and "exiting" the
# image from the South.
es = 'NS' # The first character is the upstream side

# Boot up the river class! We set verbose=True to see progress of processing.
brahma = river(name, mask_path, results_folder, exit_sides=es, verbose=True)

# The mask has been re-binarized and stored as an attribute of brahma:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1eb4f279e50>

2. Skeletonize the binary mask

# Simply use the skeletonize() method.

# The skeletonized image is stored as an attribute to the brahm class. Let's take a look.
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1eb4f7e90a0>

The skeleton is hard to see; perhaps we’d like to look at it closer? One option is to save it as a geotiff and pull it up in a GIS (like QGIS).

# We use the write_geotiff() method with the 'skeleton' option.
Geotiff written to dataBrahmaputra_Braided_RiverResultsBrahma_skel.tif.

The georeferenced Brahmaputra skeleton has been written to disk, so we can pull it up in QGIS along with the georeferenced mask:



4. Prune the network


# We see that 'inlets' and 'outlets' have been added to the nodes dictionary:

# We can get the node ids of the inlets and outlets
print('inlets:', brahma.nodes['inlets'])
print('outlets:', brahma.nodes['outlets'])
dict_keys(['idx', 'conn', 'id', 'inlets', 'outlets'])
inlets: [247]
outlets: [1919]

5. Compute morphologic metrics (lengths, widths)

Now that the network is resolved and pruned, we can compute some link metrics.


# Let's look at histograms of link widths and lengths:
trash = plt.hist(brahma.links['len_adj'], bins=50)
plt.xlabel('link length (m)')
plt.title('Histogram of link lengths')
Computing distance transform...done.
Computing link widths and lengths...done.
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Histogram of link lengths')

In the above figure, we see that almost all the links are shorter than 5 km. This histogram will be different for each braided river, and can depend on the resolution of your input binary mask. Resolving smaller channels generally, though not always, produces smaller average link lengths as longer links are broken to connect to the smaller ones.

Note: the lengths are reported in meters bcause that is the unit of the provided mask’s CRS (coordinate reference system). You can check this unit:


6. Compute a mesh

In preparation for setting flow directions of each link, we will compute an “along-valley” mesh. This mesh is created based on the overall morphology of the braided river as opposed to individual channels within the network. The objective of the mesh is to create an along-channel grid that contains transects that are roughly perpendicular to the river “centerline” and approximately evenly-spaced.

While this mesh is necessary for setting flow directions, it is also useful for measuring along-river characteristics (like width, erosion rates, braiding index, etc.). The generation of this mesh requires a few parameters that ideally would be user-defined each time. However, for simplicity, RivGraph will make estimates of these parameters based primarily off the average link width. These parameters are described after we generate a default mesh.

# Note that we provide no arguments to the compute_mesh() function.
Computing centerline...done.
Computing link widths and lengths...done.
Generating mesh...done.

Before we play with the mesh-generation parameters, let’s take a look at what we’ve generated with the compute_mesh() function.

First, we see that a centerline was computed. We can access this centerline:

(array([764625., 764595., 764565., ..., 785475., 785505., 785535.]), array([2753535., 2753505., 2753475., ..., 2633625., 2633655., 2633655.]))

We get a numpy array of two arrays of columns, rows of the centerline. This isn’t very interpretable as-is, but we can export the centerline as a geovector file:

brahma.to_geovectors('centerline', ftype='json')

The centerline is exported as a shapefile or GeoJSON, depending on the filetype you specify. (GeoJSON is default.) Let’s take a look at this centerline in QGIS:



A little jagged, but it’s fine for our purposes. The centerline is computed by filling in all the islands of the network, then using a distance transform to find the “centermost” pixels.

Now let’s take a look at the mesh we generated. We first need to export it:

brahma.to_geovectors('mesh', ftype='json')

The mesh consists of two files: meshlines, or transects, and meshpolys. If we want to see where these files were generated, we can check the paths dictionary:


Let’s see what the mesh looks like by dragging these GeoJSONs into QGIS:



The mesh does a pretty good job of meeting our two criteria: approximately perpendicular to the centerline, and evenly-spaced along the centerline. It’s not perfect, but we can play with the parameters to adjust it.

6.1 Adjust mesh parameters

We may want to alter certain features of the mesh, like the spacing of transects or the overall width of the mesh. When we call compute_mesh(), there are three optional keyword arguments we can provide to control mesh properties. These are:

grid_spacing : The along-centerline distance between each transect. The default value is the average link width, found by np.mean(brahm.links['wid_adj']).

smoothing : The degree of smoothing to perform on the centerline before creating its offsets. This parameter is expressed in terms of the fraction of the total centerline length, so the default smoothing=0.1 will use a moving-average with a window size of 10% of the length of the centerline.

buf_halfwidth : The distance from the centerline to each edgeline of the buffer. The default is 10% wider than the maximum width of the mask, which ensures that the mask is fully covered by the mesh.

We can check what values of each of these were used above:

# grid_spacing
print('grid_spacing: {}'.format(brahma.avg_chan_width))
# buf_halfwidth
print('buf_halfwidth: {}'.format(brahma.max_valley_width_pixels * brahma.pixlen * 1.1))
# smoothing by default was 0.1
print('smoothing: {}'.format(0.1))
grid_spacing: 623.1819853141467
buf_halfwidth: 15631.83213830036
smoothing: 0.1

You may have noticed that the mesh transects near the beginning of the reach (top of image) aren’t quite a perpendicular to the centerline as we might like. Let’s try smoothing the centerline a bit more and reducing the buffer width to make these more perpendicular. The grid spacing will not affect the overall mesh strucutre, so we’ll leave it the same for comparison purposes.

brahma.compute_mesh(buf_halfwidth=10000, smoothing=0.25)
Generating mesh...done.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison with the default mesh:



There are two primary differences between our custom mesh and the default one. First, the custom mesh is narrower as a direct result of us reducing buf_halfwidth from 15631 to 10000. Secondly, the custom mesh transects are significantly more parallel to the centerline than the default mesh. This resulted from increasing smoothing from 0.1 to 0.25. These two parameters, plus grid_spacing, can be used to design a mesh to suit your needs.

8. A note on topologic metrics

If you’ve looked through the delta example, you’ll see the final section covers computing topolgic metrics. In order to compute these metrics, some additional finagling of the network is required. We have not yet implemented the required pre-processing for braided rivers. However, many of the functions in the delta metrics script can be used on braided rivers, provided you first pre-process your braided river network properly.