RivGraph in the wild

Some selected publications that have used RivGraph to answer some cool science questions.

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Quantitative relationships between river and channel-belt planform patterns

Quantitative relationships between river and channel-belt planform patterns

The Entropic Braiding Index (eBI): a robust metric to account for the diversity of channel scales in multi-thread rivers

The Entropic Braiding Index (eBI): a robust metric to account for the diversity of channel scales in multi-thread rivers

Width-Based Discharge Partitioning in Distributary Networks: How Right We Are

Width-Based Discharge Partitioning in Distributary Networks: How Right We Are

Interplay of river and tidal forcings promotes loops in coastal channel networks

Interplay of river and tidal forcings promotes loops in coastal channel networks

Nitrate Removal Across Ecogeomorphic Zones in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana (USA)

Nitrate Removal Across Ecogeomorphic Zones in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana (USA)

Seasonal and Morphological Controls on Nitrate Retention in Arctic Deltas

Seasonal and Morphological Controls on Nitrate Retention in Arctic Deltas

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