Source code for rivgraph.mask_to_graph

Mask to Graph Utilities (

Functions for converting a binary channel mask to a graphical representation.
from loguru import logger
import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage import morphology, measure
from rivgraph import walk
import rivgraph.ln_utils as lnu
import rivgraph.im_utils as imu
from rivgraph.ordered_set import OrderedSet

[docs]def skel_to_graph(Iskel): """ Resolves a skeleton into its consitutent links and nodes. This function finds a starting point to walk along a skeleton, then begins the walk. Rules are in place to ensure the network is fully resolved. One of the key algorithms called by this function involves the identfication of branchpoints in a way that eliminates unnecessary ones to create a parsimonious network. Rules are baked in for how to walk along the skeleton in cases where multiple branchpoints are clustered or there are multiple possible links to walk along. Note that some minor adjustments to the skeleton may be made in order to reduce the complexity of the network. For example, in the case of a "+" with a missing center pixel in the skeleton, this function will add the pixel to the center to enable the use of a single branchpoint as opposed to four. The takeaway is that there is no guarantee that the input skeleton will be perfectly preserved when network-ifying. One possible workaround, if perfect preservation is required, is to resample the skeleton to double the resolution. Parameters ---------- Iskel : np.ndarray Binary image of a skeleton. Returns ------- links : dict Links of the network with four properties: 1. 'id' - a list of unique ids for each link in the network 2. 'idx' - a list containing the pixel indices within Iskel that defines the link. These are ordered. 3. 'conn' - a list of 2-element lists containing the node ids that the link is connected to. 4. 'n_networks' - the number of disconnected networks found in the skeleton nodes : dict Nodes of the network with four properties: 1. 'id' - a list of unique ids for each node in the network 2. 'idx' - the index within Iskel of the node location 3. 'conn' - a list of lists containing the link ids connected to this node """ def check_startpoint(spidx, Iskel): """ Returns True if a skeleton pixel's first neighbor is not a branchpoint (i.e. the start pixel is valid for a walk), else returns False. Parameters ---------- spidx : int Index within Iskel of the point to check. Iskel : np.array Image of skeletonized mask. Returns ------- chk_sp : bool True if the startpoint is valid; else False. """ neighs = walk.walkable_neighbors([spidx], Iskel) isbp = walk.is_bp(neighs.pop(), Iskel) if isbp == 0: chk_sp = True else: chk_sp = False return chk_sp def find_starting_pixels(Iskel): """ Finds an endpoint pixel to begin walking to resolve network. Parameters ---------- Iskel : np.array Image of skeletonized mask. Returns ------- startpoints : list Possible starting points for the walk. """ # Get skeleton connectivity eps = imu.skel_endpoints(Iskel) eps = set(np.ravel_multi_index(eps, Iskel.shape)) # Get one endpoint per connected component in network rp, _ = imu.regionprops(Iskel, ['coords']) startpoints = [] for ni in rp['coords']: idcs = set(np.ravel_multi_index((ni[:,0], ni[:,1]), Iskel.shape)) # Find a valid endpoint for each connected component network poss_id = idcs.intersection(eps) if len(poss_id) > 0: for pid in poss_id: if check_startpoint(pid, Iskel) is True: startpoints.append(pid) break return startpoints # Pad the skeleton image to avoid edge problems when walking along skeleton initial_dims = Iskel.shape npad = 20 Iskel = np.pad(Iskel, npad, mode='constant', constant_values=0) dims = Iskel.shape # Find starting points of all the networks in Iskel startpoints = find_starting_pixels(Iskel) # Initialize topology storage vars nodes = dict() nodes['idx'] = OrderedSet([]) nodes['conn'] = [] links = dict() links['idx'] = [[]] links['conn'] = [[]] links['id'] = OrderedSet([]) # Initialize first links emanting from all starting points for i, sp in enumerate(startpoints): links = lnu.link_updater(links, len(links['id']), sp, i) nodes = lnu.node_updater(nodes, sp, i) first_step = walk.walkable_neighbors(links['idx'][i], Iskel) links = lnu.link_updater(links, i, first_step.pop()) links['n_networks'] = i+1 # Initialize set of links to be resolved links2do = OrderedSet(links['id']) while links2do: linkid = next(iter(links2do)) linkidx = links['id'].index(linkid) walking = 1 cantwalk = walk.cant_walk(links, linkidx, nodes, Iskel) while walking: # Get next possible steps poss_steps = walk.walkable_neighbors(links['idx'][linkidx], Iskel) # Now we have a few possible cases: # 1) endpoint reached, # 2) only one pixel to walk to: must check if it's a branchpoint so walk can terminate # 3) two pixels to walk to: if neither is branchpoint, problem in skeleton. If one is branchpoint, walk to it and terminate link. If both are branchpoints, walk to the one that is 4-connected. if len(poss_steps) == 0: # endpoint reached, update node, link connectivity nodes = lnu.node_updater(nodes, links['idx'][linkidx][-1], linkid) links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, conn=nodes['idx'].index(links['idx'][linkidx][-1])) links2do.remove(linkid) break # must break rather than set walking to 0 as we don't want to execute the rest of the code if len(links['idx'][linkidx]) < 4: poss_steps = list(poss_steps - cantwalk) else: poss_steps = list(poss_steps) if len(poss_steps) == 0: # We have reached an emanating link, so delete the current one we're working on links, nodes = walk.delete_link(linkid, links, nodes) links2do.remove(linkid) walking = 0 elif len(poss_steps) == 1: # Only one option, so we'll take the step links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, poss_steps) # But check if it's a branchpoint, and if so, stop marching along this link and resolve all the branchpoint links if walk.is_bp(poss_steps[0], Iskel) == 1: links, nodes, links2do = walk.handle_bp(linkid, poss_steps[0], nodes, links, links2do, Iskel) links, nodes, links2do = walk.check_dup_links(linkid, links, nodes, links2do) walking = 0 # on to next link elif len(poss_steps) > 1: # Check to see if either/both/none are branchpoints isbp = [] for n in poss_steps: isbp.append(walk.is_bp(n, Iskel)) if sum(isbp) == 0: # Compute 4-connected neighbors isfourconn = [] for ps in poss_steps: checkfour = links['idx'][linkidx][-1] - ps if checkfour in [-1, 1, -dims[1], dims[1]]: isfourconn.append(1) else: isfourconn.append(0) # Compute noturn neighbors noturn = walk.idcs_no_turnaround(links['idx'][linkidx][-2:], Iskel) noturnidx = [n for n in noturn if n in poss_steps] # If we can walk to a 4-connected pixel, we will if sum(isfourconn) == 1: links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, poss_steps[isfourconn.index(1)]) # If we can't walk to a 4-connected, try to walk in a direction that does not turn us around elif len(noturnidx) == 1: links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, noturnidx) # Else, shit. You've found a critical flaw in the algorithm. else:'idx: {}, poss_steps: {}'.format(links['idx'][linkidx][-1], poss_steps)) raise RuntimeError('Ambiguous which step to take next :( Please raise issue at') elif sum(isbp) == 1: # If we've already accounted for this branchpoint, delete the link and halt links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, poss_steps[isbp.index(1)]) links, nodes, links2do = walk.handle_bp(linkid, poss_steps[isbp.index(1)], nodes, links, links2do, Iskel) links, nodes, links2do = walk.check_dup_links(linkid, links, nodes, links2do) walking = 0 elif sum(isbp) > 1: # In the case where we can walk to more than one branchpoint, choose the # one that is 4-connected, as this is how we've designed branchpoint # assignment for complete network resolution. isfourconn = [] for ps in poss_steps: checkfour = links['idx'][linkidx][-1] - ps if checkfour in [-1, 1, -dims[1], dims[1]]: isfourconn.append(1) else: isfourconn.append(0) # Find poss_step(s) that is both 4-connected and a branchpoint isbp_and_fourconn_idx = [i for i in range(0,len(isbp)) if isbp[i]==1 and isfourconn[i]==1] # If we don't have exactly one, shit. if len(isbp_and_fourconn_idx) != 1:'idx: {}, poss_steps: {}'.format(links['idx'][linkidx][-1], poss_steps)) raise RuntimeError('There is not a unique branchpoint to step to.') else: links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, poss_steps[isbp_and_fourconn_idx[0]]) links, nodes, links2do = walk.handle_bp(linkid, poss_steps[isbp_and_fourconn_idx[0]], nodes, links, links2do, Iskel) links, nodes, links2do = walk.check_dup_links(linkid, links, nodes, links2do) walking = 0 # Put the link and node coordinates back into the unpadded links, nodes = lnu.adjust_for_padding(links, nodes, npad, dims, initial_dims) # Add indices to nodes--this probably should've been done in network extraction # but since nodes have unique idx it was unnecessary. nodes['id'] = OrderedSet(range(0,len(nodes['idx']))) # Remove duplicate links if they exist; for some single-pixel links, # duplicates are formed. Ideally the walking code should ensure that this # doesn't happen, but for now removing duplicates suffices. links, nodes = lnu.remove_duplicate_links(links, nodes) return links, nodes
[docs]def skeletonize_mask(Imask): """ Skeletonizes an input binary image, typically a mask. Also performs some skeleton simplification by (1) removing pixels that don't alter connectivity, and (2) filling small skeleton holes and reskeletonizing. Parameters ---------- Imask : np.array Binary image to be skeletonized. Returns ------- Iskel : np.array The skeletonization of Imask. """ # Create copy of mask to skeletonize Iskel = np.array(Imask, copy=True, dtype='bool') # Perform skeletonization Iskel = morphology.skeletonize(Iskel) # Simplify the skeleton (i.e. remove pixels that don't alter connectivity) Iskel = simplify_skel(Iskel) # Fill small skeleton holes, re-skeletonize, and re-simplify Iskel = imu.fill_holes(Iskel, maxholesize=4) Iskel = morphology.skeletonize(Iskel) Iskel = simplify_skel(Iskel) # Fill single pixel holes Iskel = imu.fill_holes(Iskel, maxholesize=1) return Iskel
[docs]def skeletonize_river_mask(I, es, padscale=2): """ Skeletonizes a binary mask of a river channel network. Differs from skeletonize mask above by using knowledge of the exit sides of the river with respect to the mask (I) to avoid edge effects of skeletonization by mirroring the mask at its ends, then trimming it after processing. As with skeletonize_mask, skeleton simplification is performed. Parameters ---------- I : np.array Binary river mask to skeletonize. es : str A two-character string (from N, E, S, or W) that denotes which sides of the image the river intersects (upstream first) -- e.g. 'NS', 'EW', 'NW', etc. padscale : int, optional Pad multiplier that sets the size of the padding. Multplies the blob size along the axis of the image that the blob intersect to determine the padding distance. The default is 2. Returns ------- Iskel : np.array The skeletonization of I. """ # Crop image Ic, crop_pads = imu.crop_binary_im(I) # Pad image (reflects channels at image edges) Ip, pads = pad_river_im(Ic, es, pm=padscale) # Skeletonize padded image Iskel = morphology.skeletonize(Ip) # Remove padding Iskel = Iskel[pads[0]:Iskel.shape[0]-pads[1], pads[3]:Iskel.shape[1]-pads[2]] # Add back what was cropped so skeleton image is original size crop_pads_add = ((crop_pads[1], crop_pads[3]),(crop_pads[0], crop_pads[2])) Iskel = np.pad(Iskel, crop_pads_add, mode='constant', constant_values=(0,0)) # Ensure skeleton is prepared for analysis by RivGraph # Simplify the skeleton (i.e. remove pixels that don't alter connectivity) Iskel = simplify_skel(Iskel) # Fill small skeleton holes, re-skeletonize, and re-simplify Iskel = imu.fill_holes(Iskel, maxholesize=4) Iskel = morphology.skeletonize(Iskel) Iskel = simplify_skel(Iskel) # Fill single pixel holes Iskel = imu.fill_holes(Iskel, maxholesize=1) # The handling of edges can leave pieces of the skeleton stranded (i.e. # disconnected from the main skeleton). Remove those here by keeping the # largest blob. Iskel = imu.largest_blobs(Iskel, nlargest=1, action='keep') return Iskel
[docs]def simplify_skel(Iskel): """ This function iterates through all skeleton pixels pixels that have connectivity > 2. It removes the pixel and checks if the number of blobs has changed after removal. If so, the pixel is necessary to maintain connectivity. Otherwise the pixel is not retained. It also adds pixels to the centers of "+" cases, as this reduces the number of branchpoints from 4 to 1. Parameters ---------- Iskel : np.array Image of the skeleton to simplify. Returns ------- Iskel : np.array The simplified skeleton. """ Iskel = np.array(Iskel, dtype=np.uint8) Ic = imu.im_connectivity(Iskel) ypix, xpix = np.where(Ic > 2) # Get all pixels with connectivity > 2 for y, x in zip(ypix, xpix): nv = imu.neighbor_vals(Iskel, x, y) # Skip edge cases if np.any(np.isnan(nv)) == True: continue # Create 3x3 array with center pixel removed Inv = np.array([[nv[0], nv[1], nv[2]], [nv[3], 0, nv[4]], [nv[5], nv[6], nv[7]]], dtype=bool) # Check the connectivity after removing the pixel, set to zero if unchanged Ilabeled = measure.label(Inv, background=0, connectivity=2) if np.max(Ilabeled) == 1: Iskel[y,x] = 0 # We simplify the network if we actually add pixels to the centers of # "+" cases, so let's do that. kern = np.array([[1, 10, 1], [10, 1, 10], [1, 10, 1]], dtype=np.uint8) Iconv = cv2.filter2D(Iskel, -1, kern) Iskel[Iconv==40] = 1 return Iskel
[docs]def pad_river_im(I, es, pm=2): """ Pads the edges of a binary river image by extending the ends of the river. Different than mirrored padding in that the "mirror" here is just a rectangle. This simplifies skeletonization and interpretation in cases where the channel is complex near the boundaries. Parameters ---------- I : np.array Binary image to pad; typically a river channel network. es : str A two-character string (from N, E, S, or W) that denotes which sides of the image the river intersects (upstream first) -- e.g. 'NS', 'EW', 'NW', etc. pm : int, optional Pad multiplier that sets the size of the padding. Multplies the blob size along the axis of the image that the blob intersect to determine the padding distance. The default is 2. Returns ------- Ip : np.array The padded image.. pads : list 4 entry list containing the number of pixels padded on the [n, s, e, w] edges of the image. """ Ip = I.copy() # so original array is not modified pads = [0, 0, 0, 0] # saves the number of pixels padded to each [n,s,e,w] edge if 'n' in es.lower(): rowidcs = np.where(Ip[0,:]==True)[0] st = np.min(rowidcs) en = np.max(rowidcs) pads[0] = (en-st) * pm # Make pad addpad = np.zeros((pads[0], Ip.shape[1]), dtype=bool) addpad[:,rowidcs] = True # Add pad to image Ip = np.concatenate((addpad, Ip)) if 's' in es.lower(): rowidcs = np.where(Ip[-1,:]==True)[0] st = np.min(rowidcs) en = np.max(rowidcs) pads[1] = (en-st) * pm # Make pad addpad = np.zeros((pads[1], Ip.shape[1]), dtype=bool) addpad[:,rowidcs] = True # Add pad to image Ip = np.concatenate((Ip, addpad)) if 'e' in es.lower(): colidcs = np.where(Ip[:,-1]==True)[0] st = np.min(colidcs) en = np.max(colidcs) pads[2] = (en-st) * pm # Make pad addpad = np.zeros((Ip.shape[0], pads[2]), dtype=bool) addpad[colidcs,:] = True Ip = np.concatenate((Ip, addpad), axis=1) if 'w' in es.lower(): colidcs = np.where(Ip[:,0]==True)[0] st = np.min(colidcs) en = np.max(colidcs) pads[3] = (en-st) * pm # Make pad addpad = np.zeros((Ip.shape[0], pads[3]), dtype=bool) addpad[colidcs,:] = True Ip = np.concatenate((addpad, Ip), axis=1) return Ip, pads