Source code for rivgraph.directionality

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Directionality Utilities (

Created on Wed Nov  7 11:38:16 2018
@author: Jon
from loguru import logger
import os
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import itertools
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import mode
from rivgraph import ln_utils as lnu
from rivgraph import io_utils as io

[docs]def add_directionality_trackers(links, nodes, ntype): """ Adds fields to the links and nodes dictionaries that are required for setting and diagnosing directionality. Nodes are not altered in this function, but passed for consistency and generalizability. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. ntype : str Network type. Choose either 'delta' or 'river'. Returns ------- links : dict Network links with added directionality properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. """ # Add a 'certain' entry to the links dict to keep track of links whose directions have been set links['certain'] = np.zeros(len(links['id'])) # tracks whether a link's directinoality is certain or not links['certain_order'] = np.zeros(len(links['id'])) # tracks the order in which links certainty is set links['certain_alg'] = np.zeros(len(links['id'])) # tracks the algorithm used to set certainty # Add a "guess" entry to keep track of the different algorithms' guesses for flow directionality links['guess'] = [[] for a in range(len(links['id']))] # contains guess at upstream ndoe links['guess_alg'] = [[] for a in range(len(links['id']))] # contains algorithm that made guess # Add network-type-specific properties if ntype == 'river': links['maxang'] = np.ones(len(links['id'])) * np.nan # saves the angle used in set_by_flow_directions, diagnostic only return links, nodes
[docs]def algmap(key): """ Returns a numeric key corresponding to each algorithm used by RivGraph to set link directionality. These numbers are found in links['guess_alg'] and links['certain_alg'] and are useful for diagnosing issues in setting directionality. Parameters ---------- key : str See the mapper below for the possible keywords. Returns ------- algno : float or int Numeric representation of direction-setting algorithm. """ mapper = {'sourcesinkfix' : -2, 'manual_set' : -1, 'inletoutlet' : 0, 'continuity' : 1, 'parallels' : 2, 'artificials' : 2.1, 'main_chans' : 4, 'bridges' : 5, 'known_fdr' : 6, 'known_fdr_rs' : 6.1, 'syn_dem' : 10, 'syn_dem_med' : 10.1, 'sym_dem_leftover' : 10.2, 'sp_links' : 11, 'sp_nodes' : 12, 'longest_steepest' : 13, 'three_agree' : 15, 'syn_dem_and_sp' : 16, 'cl_dist_guess' : 20, 'cl_ang_guess' : 21, 'cl_dist_set' : 22, 'cl_ang_set' : 23, 'cl_ang_rs' : 23.1, 'cl_dist_and_ang' : 24, 'short_no_bktrck' : 25, 'wid_pctdiff' : 26} algno = mapper[key] return algno
[docs]def set_by_nearest_main_channel(links, nodes, imshape, nodethresh=0): """ Sets all possible links' directions using the nearest main channel. The main channels are found as the widest, shortest paths from each inlet to each outlet. For each unknown link, the distance is computed from its endpoints to the nearest nodes of the nearest main channel. If the nearest nodes of the main channel include more than 2 + nodethresh nodes, the direction of the main channel is used to set the unknown link. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. imshape : tuple Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols). nodethresh : int, optional Threshold for the number of nodes along the nearest main channel that must be encompassed by the unknown link's endnodes to confidently set the unknown link's direction. The default is 0. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. """ # alg = 3 # identifier for diagnostics alg = algmap('parallels') # Find widest inlet node inlet_idx = widest_inlet_index(links, nodes) # More weight given to longer and narrower channels Aweight = (np.max(links['wid_adj']) - links['wid_adj']) weights = Aweight * links['len'] # Create networkX graph, adding weighted edges G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc, wt in zip(links['conn'], weights): G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1], weight=wt) # Get all paths from inlet(s) to outlets all_pathnodes = [] for inl in nodes['inlets']: for o in nodes['outlets']: all_pathnodes.append(nx.dijkstra_path(G, nodes['inlets'][inlet_idx], o, weight='weight')) # Reduce all pathnodes to smallest set, saving associated path for each node pathnode_set = set() for ap in all_pathnodes: pathnode_set.update(ap) pathnode_set = list(pathnode_set) belongs_to = [[] for i in range(len(pathnode_set))] for i, p in enumerate(pathnode_set): for j, ap in enumerate(all_pathnodes): if p in ap: belongs_to[i].append(j) # Get node coordinates of all path nodes pathnode_set_idcs = [nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(n)] for n in pathnode_set] rc_pathnodes = np.unravel_index(pathnode_set_idcs, imshape) # Find the nearest path to all uncertain links uncertains = np.where(links['certain'] == 0)[0] for u in uncertains: # Since we're not updating uncertains as links are being set, need to # recheck that the link hasn't been set by continuity/aritifical node # due to setting a previous uncertain link if links['certain'][u] == 1: continue # Find nearest path to each centerline endpoint nconn = links['conn'][u] nidxs = [nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(n)] for n in nconn] lrc = np.unravel_index(nidxs, imshape) nearest_paths = [] for r, c in zip(lrc[0], lrc[1]): nearest_pathnode = np.argmin(np.sqrt((r-rc_pathnodes[0])**2 + (c-rc_pathnodes[1])**2)) nearest_paths.append(belongs_to[nearest_pathnode]) # Choose any path that is nearest to both nodes closest_to_link = set(nearest_paths[0]).intersection(set(nearest_paths[1])) if len(closest_to_link) == 0: # The links's endpoints are closer to two different paths continue use_path = closest_to_link.pop() # Now that path to compare against is known, determine the flow direction path = all_pathnodes[use_path] path_rc = np.unravel_index([nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(n)] for n in path], imshape) # Closest index of each end node of link: nearest_nodes = [] for r, c in zip(lrc[0], lrc[1]): nearest_nodes.append(np.argmin(np.sqrt((r-path_rc[0])**2 + (c-path_rc[1])**2))) # If threshold is surpassed, set link if abs(nearest_nodes[0] - nearest_nodes[1]) <= nodethresh: continue elif nearest_nodes[0] > nearest_nodes[1]: links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, u, nconn[1], alg=alg) elif nearest_nodes[1] > nearest_nodes[0]: links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, u, nconn[0], alg=alg) return links, nodes
[docs]def widest_inlet_index(links, nodes): """ Finds the index of the inlet occurring at the widest link. Index is with respect to the nodes['id'] list. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- inlet_idx : int Index of the inlet node of the widest link. """ # Find apex node, assuming it's connected to the widest channel(s) inletW = [] for nid in nodes['inlets']: nidx = nodes['id'].index(nid) lids = nodes['conn'][nidx] inletW.append(np.sum([links['wid_adj'][links['id'].index(li)] for li in lids])) W = max(inletW) inlet_idx = inletW.index(W) return inlet_idx
[docs]def dir_main_channel(links, nodes): """ Guesses directionality of links based on shortest paths from widest inlet link to all the outlet links. Links are also weighted by width, such that deviations from the "main channel" width cost more to traverse. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. """ # alg = 4 # identifier for diagnostics alg = algmap('main_chans') inlet_idx = widest_inlet_index(links, nodes) # More weight given to longer and narrower channels Aweight = (np.max(links['wid_adj']) - links['wid_adj']) weights = Aweight * links['len'] # Create networkX graph, adding weighted edges G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc, wt in zip(links['conn'], weights): G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1], weight=wt) for o in nodes['outlets']: pathnodes = nx.dijkstra_path(G, nodes['inlets'][inlet_idx], o, weight='weight') pathlinks = nodepath_to_links(pathnodes, links, nodes) # Set the directionality of each of the links for usnode, pl in zip(pathnodes, pathlinks): linkidx = links['id'].index(pl) # Don't set if already set if alg in links['guess_alg'][linkidx]: continue else: # Store guess links['guess'][linkidx].append(usnode) links['guess_alg'][linkidx].append(alg) return links, nodes
[docs]def dir_shortest_paths_nodes(links, nodes): """ Guesses link directionality based on the shortest path from its end nodes to the nearest outlet (or pre-outlet). For each unknown link, if the path flows through the link attached to the node (as opposed to immediately away from the link), its directionality is set; otherwise nothing is done. Note that this will not set all links' directionalities. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. """ # alg = 12 # identifier for diagnostics alg = algmap('sp_nodes') # Create networkX graph, adding weighted edges G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc, wt in zip(links['conn'], links['len']): G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1], weight=wt) # Get all "pre-outlet", i.e. nodes one link upstream of outlets. Use these so that decision of where to chop off outlet links doesn't play a role in shortest path. preoutlets = [] for o in nodes['outlets']: linkconn = links['conn'][links['id'].index(nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(o)][0])] othernode = linkconn[:] othernode.remove(o) preoutlets.append(othernode[0]) # All shortest paths msdpl = nx.multi_source_dijkstra_path(G, preoutlets) # Loop through all nodes; the directionality of the first link # flowed through to reach the nearest outlet (or preoutlet) node is set for nid, nidx, nconn in zip(nodes['id'], nodes['idx'], nodes['conn']): if nid in nodes['outlets'] or nid in nodes['inlets'] or nid in preoutlets: continue # Get the shortest path from nid to the nearest outlet or preoutlet shortpath = msdpl[nid][::-1] # Set first link of the shortest path # Find the link first for ip, posslink in enumerate(nconn): if set(links['conn'][links['id'].index(posslink)]) == set(shortpath[:2]): linkid = nconn[ip] linkidx = links['id'].index(linkid) if alg in links['guess_alg'][linkidx]: # If the guess agrees with previously guessed for this algorithm, move on if links['guess'][linkidx][links['guess_alg'].index(alg)] == nid: continue else: links['guess'][linkidx].remove(nid) else: # Update certainty links['guess'][linkidx].append(nid) links['guess_alg'][linkidx].append(alg) return links, nodes
[docs]def dir_bridges(links, nodes): """ Guesses directionality of bridge links. Bridge links are those which flow must pass through to reach the outlet; in other words, if a bridge link is removed from the network, there will no longer be just one connected network. Directionality is inferred by consideration of which subnetwork (after removing the bridge link) contains inlet and outlet nodes. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. """ # alg = 5 # identifier for diagnostic alg = algmap('bridges') # Create networkX graph object G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc, l in zip(links['conn'], links['len']): G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1], weight=l) # Find bridge links; we don't want to count inlet and outlet links preoutlets = [] for o in nodes['outlets']: linkconn = links['conn'][links['id'].index(nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(o)][0])] othernode = linkconn[:] othernode.remove(o) preoutlets.append(othernode[0]) bridges = list(nx.bridges(G)) bridgenodes = [] endnodes = set(nodes['outlets']) | set(nodes['inlets']) for b in bridges: bset = set(b) - endnodes if len(bset) == 2: bridgenodes.append(b) bridgelinks = [] for bn in bridgenodes: conn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(bn[0])] for c in conn: if bn[1] in links['conn'][links['id'].index(c)]: bridgelinks.append(c) break # Guess the bridge link for bl, bn in zip(bridgelinks, bridgenodes): # Remove edge from graph G.remove_edge(bn[0], bn[1]) # See which bridgenode connects to upstream node(s) - # Must account for possibility of multiple inlets, so must check both nodes bn0_up, bn0_down, bn1_up, bn1_down = False, False, False, False for o in nodes['outlets']: if nx.has_path(G, bn[0], o) is True: bn0_down = True if nx.has_path(G, bn[1], o) is True: bn1_down = True for i in nodes['inlets']: if nx.has_path(G, bn[0], i) is True: bn0_up = True if nx.has_path(G, bn[1], i) is True: bn1_up = True # There are rare cases where the bridge link cannot be set (if both sides of the bridge have an inlet and outlet) # In these cases, do nothing. if bn0_down is True and bn1_up is True and bn0_up is True and bn1_down is True: # Add the edge back to graph G.add_edge(bn[0], bn[1]) # Skip continue if bn0_down is False or bn1_up is False: usnode = bn[0] elif bn0_up is False or bn1_down is False: usnode = bn[1] blidx = links['id'].index(bl) links['guess_alg'][blidx].append(alg) links['guess'][blidx].append(usnode) # Add the edge back to graph G.add_edge(bn[0], bn[1]) return links, nodes
[docs]def cycle_get_original_orientation(links, lids): """ Saves the orientation of a set of links. Used before attempting to fix cycles. Properties besides 'conn' must also be reversed, so their original orientations are also stored. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. lids : list Link ids whose orientations should be saved. Returns ------- orig : dict A subset of the links dictionary containing the orientations of each link in lids. """ lidx = [links['id'].index(l) for l in lids] orig = dict() orig['id'] = lids orig['conn'] = [links['conn'][l][:] for l in lidx] orig['idx'] = [links['idx'][l][:] for l in lidx] orig['wid_pix'] = [links['wid_pix'][l][:] for l in lidx] orig['certain_alg'] = [links['certain_alg'][l] for l in lidx] orig['certain_order'] = [links['certain_order'][l] for l in lidx] return orig
[docs]def cycle_return_to_original_orientation(links, orig): """ Returns a set of links to its original orientation. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. orig : dict Network links and associated properties to return to original orientations. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties in their original orientations. """ for i, oid in enumerate(orig['id']): lidx = links['id'].index(oid) links['conn'][lidx] = orig['conn'][i][:] links['idx'][lidx] = orig['idx'][i][:] links['wid_pix'][lidx] = orig['wid_pix'][i][:] links['certain_alg'][lidx] = orig['certain_alg'][i] links['certain_order'][lidx] = orig['certain_order'][i] return links
[docs]def merge_list_of_lists(inlist): """ Merges a list of lists into a single list, but removes duplicates. Uses networkx and itertools for a fun solution. Parameters ---------- inlist : list of lists List of lists to merge without dulplicates. Returns ------- merged : list List of length equal to number of unique entries across all lists of inlist. """ # Combine overlapping cycles (where cycles share the same nodes, join them) from itertools import combinations_with_replacement, chain import networkx as nx edges = chain.from_iterable(combinations_with_replacement(set(n),2) for n in inlist) G = nx.Graph(edges) merged = [list(n) for n in nx.connected_components(G)] return merged
[docs]def fix_sources_and_sinks(links, nodes): """ Fixes sources and sinks within the network by flipping link directionality near the problem node(s). The links to flip are chosen by ensuring they do not create a cycle; if multiple links can be flipped, the shortest one is chosen. If no solution is found, links are returned to their original orientation. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties with sources/sinks fixed if possible. nodes : dict Network links and associated properties with sources/sinks fixed if possible. """ badnodes = check_continuity(links, nodes) for bn in badnodes: linkidx = None n_bn = len(check_continuity(links, nodes)) # Get all the connected links lconn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(bn)] # Reverse their order and see if we've violated continuity or created a cycle bn_linkflip = [] # number of bad nodes after flipping link cycle_linkflip = [] for l in lconn: lidx = links['id'].index(l) links = lnu.flip_link(links, l) # See if we've violated continuity after flipping the link badnodes_temp = check_continuity(links, nodes) bn_linkflip.append(len(badnodes_temp)) # See if we've created a cycle after flipping the link endnodes = links['conn'][lidx][:] c_nodes, _ = get_cycles(links, nodes, endnodes[0]) c_nodes2, _ = get_cycles(links, nodes, endnodes[1]) if c_nodes or c_nodes2: cycle_linkflip.append(1) else: cycle_linkflip.append(0) # Re-flip links to original position links = lnu.flip_link(links, l) # Now check if any of the flipped links solves the bad nodes AND doesn't # create a cycle--use that orientation if so poss_bn = [l for l, bnlf in zip(lconn, bn_linkflip) if bnlf + 1 == n_bn] poss_cy = [l for l, clf in zip(lconn, cycle_linkflip) if clf == 0] poss_links = list(set(poss_bn).intersection(set(poss_cy))) if len(poss_links) == 0: # No possible links to flip, move on continue elif len(poss_links) == 1: # Only one possible link we can flip, so do it linkidx = links['id'].index(poss_links[0]) else: # More than one link meets the criteria; choose the shortest linklens = [links['len'][links['id'].index(l)] for l in poss_links] linkidx = links['id'].index(poss_links[linklens.index(min(linklens))]) if linkidx: set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, links['conn'][linkidx][1], alg=algmap('sourcesinkfix')) return links, nodes
[docs]def check_continuity(links, nodes): """ Finds all sinks or sources within the network, excluding inlets and outlets. Returns any nodes where continuity is violated. Only checks nodes for whom all attached links are certain. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- problem_nodes : list Node ids corresponding to nodes['id'] where continuity is violated. """ problem_nodes = [] for nid, nidx, nconn in zip(nodes['id'], nodes['idx'], nodes['conn']): if nid in nodes['outlets'] or nid in nodes['inlets']: continue certains = [links['certain'][links['id'].index(lid)] for lid in nconn] if np.sum(certains) != len(nconn): continue firstidx = [] lastidx = [] for linkid in nconn: linkidx = links['id'].index(linkid) firstidx.append(links['idx'][linkidx][0]) lastidx.append(links['idx'][linkidx][-1]) if firstidx[1:] == firstidx[:-1]: problem_nodes.append(nid) elif lastidx[1:] == lastidx[:-1]: problem_nodes.append(nid) return problem_nodes
[docs]def find_a_cycle(links, nodes): """ Finds a single cycle in the network. Multiple cycles may exist; this function returns only the first one encountered. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- cycle_nodes : list Node ids comprising the cycle. Arranged in order of cycle. cycle_links : list Link ids comprising the cycle. Arranged in order of cycle. """ G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc in links['conn']: G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1]) cycle_nodes = nx.find_cycle(G) us = [c[0] for c in cycle_nodes] vs = [c[1] for c in cycle_nodes] cycle_links = [] for u, v in zip(us, vs): ulinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(u)] vlinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(v)] cycle_links.append([ul for ul in ulinks if ul in vlinks][0]) cycle_nodes = [c[0] for c in cycle_nodes] return cycle_nodes, cycle_links
[docs]def get_cycles(links, nodes, checknode='all'): """ Finds either all cycles in the network or cycles containing the checknode'th node. Cycles are returned as both nodes and links. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. checknode : int OR str, optional ID of node to check for its inclusion in any cycles. If the default value 'all' is selected, all cycles will be returned. Returns ------- cycle_nodes : list of lists List containing lists of all cycles found in the network; cycles are returned in cyclic order and in terms of node ids. cycles_links : TYPE List containing lists of all cycles found in the network; cycles are returned in cyclic order and in terms of link ids. """ G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc in links['conn']: G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1]) if checknode == 'all': cycle_nodes = nx.simple_cycles(G) # Unpack the iterator cycle_nodes = list(cycle_nodes) else: try: single_cycle = nx.find_cycle(G, source=checknode) single_cycle = list(single_cycle) cycle_nodes = [] for cn in single_cycle: cycle_nodes.append(cn[0]) cycle_nodes = [cycle_nodes] except Exception: cycle_nodes = None # Get links of cycles cycles_links = [] if cycle_nodes is not None: for c in cycle_nodes: pathlinks = [] for us, vs in zip(c, c[1:] + [c[0]]): ulinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(us)] vlinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(vs)] pathlinks.append([ul for ul in ulinks if ul in vlinks][0]) cycles_links.append(pathlinks) else: cycles_links = cycle_nodes return cycle_nodes, cycles_links
[docs]def fix_cycles(links, nodes): """ Attempts to remove all cycles in the directed graph. A number of approaches are tried, and if any of them result in a source/sink node or a cycle, another approach is attempted until the cycle is resolved or we run out of approaches. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties with all possible cycles resolved. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties with all possible cycles resolved n_cycles_remaining : int Number of cycles that were unresolvable. """ # Create networkx graph object G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc in links['conn']: G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1]) # Check for cycles if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G) is not True: # Get list of cycles to fix c_nodes, c_links = get_cycles(links, nodes) # Remove any cycles that are subsets of larger cycles isin = np.empty((len(c_links), 1)) isin[:] = np.nan for icn, cn in enumerate(c_nodes): for icn2, cn2 in enumerate(c_nodes): if cn2 == cn: continue elif len(set(cn) - set(cn2)) == 0: isin[icn] = icn2 break cfix_nodes = [cn for icn, cn in enumerate(c_nodes) if np.isnan(isin[icn][0])] cfix_links = [cl for icl, cl in enumerate(c_links) if np.isnan(isin[icl][0])] # Fix all the cycles for cycle_n, cycle_l in zip(cfix_nodes, cfix_links): # We will try every combination of flow directions and check each # combination for continuity violation and cycles, subsetting possibilities # to only those configurations that don't violate either. # First, subset our network to make computations faster; put subset # into networkX graph acl = [] for nid in cycle_n: acl.extend(nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(nid)]) all_cycle_links = set(acl) acn = [] for lid in all_cycle_links: acn.extend(links['conn'][links['id'].index(lid)]) all_cycle_nodes = set(acn) G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(all_cycle_nodes) for lid in all_cycle_links: lidx = links['id'].index(lid) lc = links['conn'][lidx] G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1]) # Determine our "inlet" and "outlet" links/nodes - these we will not flip dangle_nodes = all_cycle_nodes - set(cycle_n) dangle_links = [l for l in all_cycle_links if len(set(links['conn'][links['id'].index(l)]) - dangle_nodes) == 1] ins_l = [] outs_l = [] ins_n = [] outs_n = [] dns = [] for dl in dangle_links: lidx = links['id'].index(dl) lconn = links['conn'][lidx] dn = list(set(lconn).intersection(dangle_nodes))[0] dns.append(dn) if dn == lconn[0]: ins_l.append(dl) ins_n.append(dn) else: outs_l.append(dl) outs_n.append(dn) # Try all configurations of links and count the number of cycles/continuity violations (don't change dangle links) # First, find all combinations fliplinks = list(all_cycle_links - set(dangle_links)) all_combos = [] for L in range(1, len(fliplinks)+1): for subset in itertools.combinations(fliplinks, L): all_combos.append(subset) # If a cycle is too big, there will be too many combinations to # feasibly check all possibilities on a single processor. For now, # we just skip these and report them so they can be manually # corrected. if len(all_combos) > 1024:'The cycle links {} is too large to attempt to fix automatically.'.format(cycle_l)) continue # Iterate through each combination and determine violations: there are four conditions that must be met: # 1) no cycles, # 2) no sources/sinks # 3) all inlets must be able to drain to an outlet, and all outlets must be reachable from at least one inlet (inlets and outlets refer to those of the subset, not the entire graph) # 4) links cannot flow in opposition to manually set directions cont_violators = [] len_cycle = [] has_path = [] manually_set = [] for flink in all_combos: # Flip all the links in flink links2flip = [] for fl in flink: links2flip.append(links['conn'][links['id'].index(fl)][:]) G = flip_links_in_G(G, links2flip) # Check if a cycle exists try: cycles_temp = nx.find_cycle(G) len_cycle.append(len(cycles_temp)) except: len_cycle.append(0) # Check if continuity is violated sink_nodes = set([node for node, outdegree in list(G.out_degree) if outdegree == 0]) - dangle_nodes source_nodes = set([node for node, indegree in list(G.in_degree) if indegree == 0]) - dangle_nodes cont_violators.append(len(sink_nodes) + len(source_nodes)) # Check if each inflow can reach an outflow and each outflow is reached by an inflow hp_ins = [] for ii in ins_n: for oo in outs_n: if nx.has_path(G, ii, oo) is True: hp_ins.append(1) break # Flip links to test outlets G = flip_links_in_G(G, links2flip='all') hp_outs = [] for oo in outs_n: for ii in ins_n: if nx.has_path(G, oo, ii) is True: hp_outs.append(1) break # Flip em back G = flip_links_in_G(G, links2flip='all') # Assign a "1" where inlet/outlet criteria are met if len(ins_n) == sum(hp_ins) and len(outs_n) == sum(hp_outs): has_path.append(1) else: has_path.append(0) # Check that we're not flipping any links that have been set manually set_by_alg = [] for fl in flink: set_by_alg.append(links['certain_alg'][links['id'].index(fl)]) if algmap('manual_set') in set_by_alg: manually_set.append(1) else: manually_set.append(0) # Flip links back to original links2flipback = [] for fl in flink: c = links['conn'][links['id'].index(fl)][:] links2flipback.append([c[1], c[0]]) G = flip_links_in_G(G, links2flipback) # Find configurations that don't violate continuity and have no cycles poss_configs = [i for i, (nv, nc, hp, ms) in enumerate(zip(cont_violators, len_cycle, has_path, manually_set)) if nv == 0 and nc == 0 and hp == 1 and ms == 0] if len(poss_configs) == 0:'Unfixable cycle found at links: {}.'.format(cycle_l)) continue # Choose the configuration that flips the fewest links pc_lens = [len(all_combos[pc]) for pc in poss_configs] links_to_flip = all_combos[poss_configs[pc_lens.index(min(pc_lens))]] # Flip the links to fix the cycle for l in links_to_flip: links = lnu.flip_link(links, l) # Check if any cycles remain c_nodes, _ = get_cycles(links, nodes) if c_nodes is None: n_cycles_remaining = 0 else: n_cycles_remaining = len(c_nodes) return links, nodes, n_cycles_remaining
[docs]def dir_set_manually(links, nodes, manual_set_csv): """ Sets link directions based on a user-provided csv-file. The csv file has exactly two columns; one called 'link_id', and one called 'usnode'. This file can be created automatically by the function io_utils.create_manual_dir_csv(). Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. manual_set_csv : str Path to csv defining which links have which upstream nodes. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties with specified links set manually. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties with specified links set manually. """ # alg = -1 alg = algmap('manual_set') # Read the csv file for fixing link directions. if os.path.isfile(manual_set_csv) is False:'No file found for manually setting link directions.') io.create_manual_dir_csv(manual_set_csv)'A .csv file for manual fixes to link directions at {}.'.format(manual_set_csv)) return links, nodes else:'Using {} to manually set flow directions.'.format(manual_set_csv)) df = pd.read_csv(manual_set_csv) # Check if any links have been manually corrected and correct them if len(df) != 0: usnodes = df['usnode'].values links_to_set = df['link_id'].values for lid, usn in zip(links_to_set, usnodes): links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, links['id'].index(lid), usn, alg=alg) return links, nodes
[docs]def set_inletoutlet(links, nodes): """ Sets directions of links that are connected to inlets and outlets. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. """ # alg = 0 alg = algmap('inletoutlet') # Set directionality of inlet links for i in nodes['inlets']: # Get links attached to inlets conn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(i)] for c in conn: linkidx = links['id'].index(c) # Set link directionality links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, i, alg=alg, checkcontinuity=True) # Set directionality of outlet links for o in nodes['outlets']: # Get links attached to outlets conn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(o)] for c in conn: linkidx = links['id'].index(c) # Set link directionality usnode = links['conn'][linkidx][:] usnode.remove(o) links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode[0], alg=alg, checkcontinuity=True) return links, nodes
[docs]def set_continuity(links, nodes, checknodes='all'): """ Sets link directions by enforce continuity at each node such that there are no sources or sinks within the network. Iterates until no more links directions can be set. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. checknodes : list OR str, optional Each link connected to each node id in this list will be checked for continuity. All nodes will be checked if using the default value 'all'. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. """ # alg = 1 alg = algmap('continuity') if checknodes == 'all': checknodes = nodes['id'][:] for nid in checknodes: nindex = nodes['id'].index(nid) nidx = nodes['idx'][nindex] conn = nodes['conn'][nindex] # Initialize bookkeeping for all the links connected to this node linkdir = np.zeros((len(conn), 1), dtype=int) # 0 if uncertain, 1 if into, 2 if out of if linkdir.shape[0] < 2: continue # Populate linkdir for il, lid in enumerate(conn): lidx = links['id'].index(lid) # Determine if link is flowing into node or out of node # Skip if we're uncertain about the link's direction if links['certain'][lidx] == 0: continue elif links['idx'][lidx][0] == nidx: # out of linkdir[il] = 2 elif links['idx'][lidx][-1] == nidx: # into linkdir[il] = 1 if np.sum(linkdir == 0) == 1: # If there is only a single unknown link unknown_link_id = conn[np.where(linkdir == 0)[0][0]] unknown_link_idx = links['id'].index(unknown_link_id) m = mode(linkdir[linkdir > 0]) lconn = links['conn'][unknown_link_idx][:] if m.count[0] == linkdir.shape[0]-1: # if the non-zero elements are all the same (either all 1s or 2s) if m.mode[0] == 1: # The unknown link must be out of the node links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, unknown_link_idx, nid, alg=alg) elif m.mode[0] == 2: # The unknown link must be into the node usnode = [n for n in lconn if n != nid][0] links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, unknown_link_idx, usnode, alg=alg) return links, nodes
[docs]def set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape, angthresh=2, lenthresh=0, nknown_thresh=1, alg=algmap('known_fdr')): """ Sets unknown link directions by determining which flow direction through the link minimizes the overall change in flow direction at the connecting nodes. For a set of links connected to a node, at least one of the links' directions must be known for this algorithm to be effective. Links are set from longest to shortest, as longer links generally have less uncertainty associated with their directions. A number of thresholds are provided as options to control the power of the algorithm. This function should generally be applied iteratively, beginning with the most restrictive thresholds and gradually relaxing them. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. imshape : tuple Shape of the binary mask as (nrows, ncols). angthresh : float, optional Angle in radians to determine if an unknown link is parallel enough to its connected known links to set its direction. The default is 2. lenthresh : int, optional Length in pixels of the minimum link length required to use this algorithm to set its directionality. The default is 0. nknown_thresh : int, optional Number of known connected links required to use this algorithm to set the unknown link's directionality. The default is 1. alg : float, optional Algorithm ID to assign to the set link. The default is 6. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. """ def get_candidates(links, nodes, lenthresh, nknown_thresh): """ Returns unknown links that have at least one known connected link for setting by its direction. """ unknown_links = np.array(links['id'])[np.where(links['certain'] == 0)[0]] if len(unknown_links) == 0: return [] dolinks = [] n_known = [] for lid in unknown_links: lidx = links['id'].index(lid) conn = links['conn'][lidx] # Check both endos of the link; if for either the link in question # is the only unknown link; it is a candidate nknown = 0 for nid in conn: conn_links = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(nid)] nknown = nknown + sum([1 for c in conn_links if links['certain'][links['id'].index(c)] == 1]) if nknown > 0: dolinks.append(lid) n_known.append(nknown) # Ensure there are any candidate links if len(dolinks) == 0: return [] # Get link lengths lengths = [links['len'][links['id'].index(dl)] for dl in dolinks] # Get link lengths in pixels lengths_pix = [len(links['wid_pix'][links['id'].index(dl)]) for dl in dolinks] # Sort all dolinks by number of known connected links (max to min) forsort = np.transpose(np.array([dolinks, n_known, lengths, lengths_pix])) # Apply nknown threshold forsort = forsort[forsort[:, 1] >= nknown_thresh] # Apply (pixel) length threshold forsort = forsort[forsort[:, 3] >= lenthresh] # Do the sorting forsort = np.flipud(forsort[forsort[:, 1].argsort()]) # Now sort dolinks from longer to shorter ns = np.flip(np.sort(list(set(forsort[:, 1])))) dolinks_sorted = [] for n in ns: tosort = forsort[np.where(forsort[:, 1] == n)[0], :] tosort = np.flipud(tosort[tosort[:, 2].argsort()]) dolinks_sorted.extend(tosort[:, 0].tolist()) # Convert to int dolinks_sorted = [int(dls) for dls in dolinks_sorted] return dolinks_sorted dolinks = get_candidates(links, nodes, lenthresh, nknown_thresh) while len(dolinks) > 0: # Get the first unknown link to set dolink = dolinks.pop(0) lidx = links['id'].index(dolink) # In case the link was set by continuity if links['certain'][lidx] == 1: continue nconn = links['conn'][lidx] ang_guess = [] us_node_guess = [] for n in nconn: # Ensure unknown link flows from node if links['idx'][lidx][0] != nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(n)]: lnu.flip_link(links, dolink) ul_vec = get_link_vector(links, nodes, dolink, imshape) lconn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(n)] # Find the connected links that are known known_links = [l for l in lconn if links['certain'][links['id'].index(l)]==1] # Determine which set links are into/out of the node in_links = [] out_links = [] for sl in known_links: lidxt = links['id'].index(sl) if links['conn'][lidxt][0] == n: out_links.append(sl) else: in_links.append(sl) # Compute the vectors for into-and out-of link. If there are # multiple vectors, their average is used. in_dvec = [] out_dvec = [] if len(in_links) > 0: in_dvec = np.zeros((len(in_links), 2)) for i, il in enumerate(in_links): in_dvec[i, :] = -get_link_vector(links, nodes, il, imshape) in_dvec = np.mean(in_dvec, axis=0) if len(out_links) > 0: out_dvec = np.zeros((len(out_links), 2)) for i, ol in enumerate(out_links): out_dvec[i, :] = get_link_vector(links, nodes, ol, imshape) out_dvec = np.mean(out_dvec, axis=0) # Try both orientations of unknown link and compute the angles between # it and the known nodes in_angs, out_angs = [], [] for m in [1, -1]: # 1 is into node, -1 is out of node ul_vec = m * ul_vec if len(in_dvec) > 0: in_angs.append(np.abs(np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([in_dvec,ul_vec]),,ul_vec)))) if len(out_dvec) > 0: out_angs.append(np.abs(np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([out_dvec,ul_vec]),,ul_vec)))) # "Most parallel" known link is that with the smallest interior angle # Smallest interior angle is determined as min of both orientations of unknown link in_flip, out_flip = False, False if len(in_angs) > 0: in_par_angle = min(in_angs) if in_angs[0] > in_angs[1]: in_flip = True else: in_par_angle = 100 if len(out_angs) > 0: out_par_angle = min(out_angs) if out_angs[0] > out_angs[1]: out_flip = True else: out_par_angle = 100 # Determine us node based on most-parallel known link # Need to know if the minimum angle came from the flipped orientation of the unknown link to set direction if out_par_angle < in_par_angle: ang_guess.append(out_par_angle) if out_flip is True: usng = set(nconn) - set([n]) us_node_guess.append(usng.pop()) else: us_node_guess.append(n) else: # Unknown link flows into node ang_guess.append(in_par_angle) if in_flip is True: us_node_guess.append(n) else: usng = set(nconn) - set([n]) us_node_guess.append(usng.pop()) # Set link based on best guess from all known connected links min_ang = min(ang_guess) # Ensure threshold is met if min_ang < angthresh: usnode = us_node_guess[ang_guess.index(min_ang)] links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, lidx, usnode, alg = alg, checkcontinuity=True) return links, nodes
""" Functions below here are deprecated or unused, but might be useful later """ """ No testing performed """ def set_no_backtrack(links, nodes): for lid, nconn, cert in zip(links['id'], links['conn'], links['certain']): if cert != 1: continue if nconn[0] in nodes['inlets'] or nconn[1] in nodes['outlets']: continue uslinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(nconn[0])][:] uslinks.remove(lid) dslinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(nconn[1])][:] dslinks.remove(lid) us_certains = [l for l in uslinks if links['certain'][links['id'].index(l)] == 1] ds_certains = [l for l in dslinks if links['certain'][links['id'].index(l)] == 1] if len(us_certains) == len(uslinks) and len(ds_certains) != len(dslinks): startnode = nconn[-1] removelink = lid links, nodes = set_shortest_no_backtrack(links, nodes, startnode, removelink, 'ds') elif len(ds_certains) == len(dslinks) and len(us_certains) != len(uslinks): startnode = nconn[0] removelink = lid links, nodes = set_shortest_no_backtrack(links, nodes, startnode, removelink, 'us') return links, nodes def set_shortest_no_backtrack(links, nodes, startnode, removelink, usds): alg = 25 # Create networkX graph, adding weighted edges weights = links['len'] G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc, wt in zip(links['conn'], weights): G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1], weight=wt) # Remove the immediately upstream (or downstream) known link so flow cannot # travel the wrong direction rem_edge = links['conn'][links['id'].index(removelink)] G.remove_edge(rem_edge[0], rem_edge[1]) # Find the endnode to travel to if usds == 'ds': endpoints = nodes['outlets'] else: endpoints = nodes['inlets'] if len(endpoints) == 1: endnode = endpoints[0] else: len_to_ep = [] for ep in endpoints: len_to_ep.append(nx.dijkstra_path_length(G, startnode, ep)) endnode = endpoints[len_to_ep.index(min(len_to_ep))] # Get shortest path nodes pathnodes = nx.dijkstra_path(G, startnode, endnode, weight='weight') # Convert to link-to-link path pathlinks = [] for u,v in zip(pathnodes[0:-1], pathnodes[1:]): ulinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(u)] vlinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(v)] pathlinks.append([ul for ul in ulinks if ul in vlinks][0]) # Set the directionality of each of the links if usds == 'ds': pathnodes = pathnodes[0:-1] else: pathnodes = pathnodes[1:] for usnode, pl in zip(pathnodes, pathlinks): linkidx = links['id'].index(pl) if links['certain'][linkidx] == 1: break else: links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg = alg) return links, nodes
[docs]def set_artificial_nodes(links, nodes, checknodes='all'): """ This function is deprecated as of v0.3 and is no longer called. Set the directionality of links where aritificial nodes were added. For such loops, flow will travel the same way through both sides of the loop (to avoid cycles). Therefore, if one side is known, we can set the other side. Method 1 sets a broken link if its counterpart is known. Method 2 sets a side of the loop if the other side is known. Method 3 sets both sides if the input to one of the end nodes is known. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. checknodes : int or str, optional Node ids to check for presence of settable artificial links. If 'all', all nodes in the network are checked. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties updated to set directionality according to this algorithm. """ alg = 2.1 for n in checknodes: if n in nodes['inlets'] or n in nodes['outlets']: continue # Determine if we're at a head node of an artificial loop nidx = nodes['id'].index(n) linkconn = nodes['conn'][nidx][:] for lc in linkconn: nodecheck = links['conn'][links['id'].index(lc)][:] nodecheck.remove(n) # If a neighboring node is an aritifical one, we're at a head node if nodecheck[0] in nodes['arts']: a_node = nodecheck[0] # If there is no artificial node, move to next try: a_node except NameError: continue # Ensure the non-artificial links are known and all flow either into # or out of nead node artlinks = links['arts'][nodes['arts'].index(a_node)] nonartlinks = [l for l in linkconn if l not in artlinks] # Ensure nonartificial links are known certs = [links['certain'][links['id'].index(nal)] for nal in nonartlinks] if sum(certs) != len(certs): continue # Check that non-artificial links are same directionality wrt head node firstidcs = set([links['idx'][links['id'].index(nal)][0] for nal in nonartlinks]) lastidcs = set([links['idx'][links['id'].index(nal)][-1] for nal in nonartlinks]) if len(firstidcs) == 1 and list(firstidcs)[0] == nodes['idx'][nidx]:# Links are leaving head node inout = 'out' elif len(lastidcs) == 1 and list(lastidcs)[0] == nodes['idx'][nidx]: inout = 'in' else: continue # Determine the short links of the artificial link triad shortlinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(a_node)][:] endnodes = [] for sl in shortlinks: forappend = links['conn'][links['id'].index(sl)][:] forappend.remove(a_node) endnodes.append(forappend[0]) # Find corresponding long link of the triad posslinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(endnodes[0])] for p in posslinks: linkidx = links['id'].index(p) if set(links['conn'][linkidx]) == set(endnodes): longlink = p # Set the longlink ll_idx = links['id'].index(longlink) ll_conn = links['conn'][ll_idx][:] if inout == 'out': ll_conn.remove(n) usnode = ll_conn[0] elif inout == 'in': usnode = n if links['certain'][ll_idx] == 0: links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, ll_idx, usnode, alg=alg, checkcontinuity=False) # Set short link that shares a node with longlink and link_into # The final shortlink of the triad will be set by continuity shortlink = [l for l in shortlinks if n in links['conn'][links['id'].index(l)]][0] slidx = links['id'].index(shortlink) sl_conn = links['conn'][slidx][:] if inout == 'out': sl_conn.remove(n) usnode = sl_conn[0] elif inout == 'in': usnode = n if links['certain'][slidx] == 0: links, nodes = set_link(links, nodes, slidx, usnode, alg=alg) # Now check continuity at all the artificial nodes links, nodes = set_continuity(links, nodes, checknodes=endnodes) return links, nodes