Source code for rivgraph.classes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
RivGraph (
Classes for running rivgraph commands on your channel network or centerline.

import os
import sys
from loguru import logger
    from osgeo import gdal
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import gdal
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from import CRS
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from scipy import signal
import rivgraph.io_utils as io
import rivgraph.geo_utils as gu
import rivgraph.mask_to_graph as m2g
import rivgraph.ln_utils as lnu
import rivgraph.mask_utils as mu
import rivgraph.deltas.delta_utils as du
import rivgraph.deltas.delta_directionality as dd
import rivgraph.deltas.delta_metrics as dm
import rivgraph.rivers.river_directionality as rd
import rivgraph.rivers.river_utils as ru
import rivgraph.rivers.centerline_utils as cu

[docs]class rivnetwork: """ Base rivnetwork class. The rivnetwork class organizes data and methods for channel networks. This is a parent class to the delta and river classes which inherit rivnetwork methods and attributes. This class thus represents the common elements of river and delta channel networks. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, path_to_mask, results_folder=None, exit_sides=None, verbose=False): """ Initializes a channelnetwork class. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the channel network; also defines the folder name for storing results. path_to_mask : str Points to the channel network mask file path results_folder : str, optional Specifies a directory where results should be stored exit_sides : str, optional Only required for river channel netowrks. A two-character string (from N, E, S, or W) that denotes which sides of the image the river intersects (upstream first) -- e.g. 'NS', 'EW', 'NW', etc. verbose : bool, optional If True, print run information and warnings to the console, default is False. single_thread : bool, optional If the input mask is mostly single-thread, set this to True to avoid problems in mesh generation later. If True, uses a different mesh generation algorithm that is tailored to single-thread, meandering channels. Attributes ---------- name : str the name of the channel network, usually the river or delta's name verbose : bool, optional (False by default) True or False to specify if processing updates should be printed. d : osgeo.gdal.Dataset object created by gdal.Open() that provides access to geotiff metadata mask_path : str filepath to the input binary channel network mask imshape : tuple dimensions of the image (rows, cols) gt : tuple gdal-type Geotransform of the input mask geotiff wkt : str well known text representation of coordinate reference system of input mask geotiff epsg: int epsg code of the coordinate reference system of input mask geotiff unit: str units of the coordinate reference system; typically 'degree' or 'meter' pixarea: int or float area of each pixel, in units of 'unit' pixlen: int or float length of each pixel, assumes sides are equal-length paths: dict dictionary of strings for managing where files should be read/written exit_sides: str two-character string denoting which sides of the image the channel network intersects (N,E,S, and/or W). Upstream side should be given first. Imask: numpy.ndarray binary mask found at mask_path loaded into a numpy array via `gdal.Open().ReadAsArray()`, dtype=np.bool links: dict Stores the links of the network and associated properties nodes: dict Stores the nodes of the network and associated properties Idist: numpy.ndarray image of the distance transform of the binary mask, dtype=np.float """ # Store some class attributes = name self.verbose = verbose # Prepare paths for saving if results_folder is not None: self.paths = io.prepare_paths(results_folder, name, path_to_mask) else: self.paths = io.prepare_paths( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(path_to_mask)), name, path_to_mask) self.paths['input_mask'] = os.path.normpath(path_to_mask) # init logger - prints out to stdout if verbose is True # ALWAYS writes output to log file (doesn't print if verbose is False) self.init_logger() # Handle georeferencing # GA_Update required for setting dummy projection/geotransform self.gdobj = gdal.Open(self.paths['input_mask'], gdal.GA_Update) self.imshape = (self.gdobj.RasterYSize, self.gdobj.RasterXSize) # Create dummy georeferencing if none is supplied if self.gdobj.GetProjection() == '':'Input mask is unprojected; assigning a dummy projection.') # Creates a dummy projection in EPSG:4326 with UL coordinates (0,0) # and pixel resolution = 1. self.wkt = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]' # 4326 self.gdobj.SetProjection(self.wkt) self.gdobj.SetGeoTransform((0, 1, 0, self.imshape[1], 0, -1)) else: self.wkt = self.gdobj.GetProjection() = self.gdobj.GetGeoTransform() # Store crs as pyproj CRS object for interacting with geopandas = CRS(self.gdobj.GetProjection()) self.unit = gu.get_unit( self.pixarea = abs([1] *[5]) self.pixlen = abs([1]) # Save exit sides if exit_sides is not None: self.exit_sides = exit_sides.lower() # Load mask into memory self.Imask = self.gdobj.ReadAsArray()
[docs] def init_logger(self): """Function to initialize the logger.""" if self.verbose is True: logger.configure( handlers=[ dict(sink=self.paths['log'], format="[{time:YYYY-MM-DD at HH:mm:ss}] | {message}"), dict(sink=sys.stdout, format="{message}") ], activation=[("", True)], ) else: logger.configure( handlers=[ dict(sink=self.paths['log'], format="[{time:YYYY-MM-DD at HH:mm:ss}] | {message}"), ], activation=[("", True)], )"-"*10 + " New Run " + "-"*10)
[docs] def compute_network(self): """ Computes the links and nodes of the channel network mask. First skeletonizes the mask if not already done, then resolves the skeleton's graph. """ if hasattr(self, 'Iskel') is False: self.skeletonize()'Resolving links and nodes...', end='') self.links, self.nodes = m2g.skel_to_graph(self.Iskel)'links and nodes have been resolved.')
[docs] def compute_distance_transform(self): """ Computes the distance transform of the channel network mask. """ # Load the distance transform if it already exists if 'Idist' in self.paths.keys() and \ os.path.isfile(self.paths['Idist']) is True: self.Idist = gdal.Open(self.paths['Idist']).ReadAsArray() else:'Computing distance transform...', end='') self.Idist = distance_transform_edt(self.Imask)'distance transform done.')
[docs] def compute_junction_angles(self, weight=None): """ Computes the angle at nodes where only three links are connected. Directions must be assigned before angles can be computed. Also defines each 3-link node as 'confluence' or 'bifurcation' and appends this designation to the nodes dictionary. Parameters ---------- weight : str [None], 'exp' (exponential), or 'lin' (linear) to determine the decay of the weights the contributions of pixels as we move away from the junction node. """ if 'certain' not in self.links.keys():'Junction angles cannot be computed before link directions are set.') else: self.nodes = lnu.junction_angles(self.links, self.nodes, self.imshape, self.pixlen, weight=weight)
[docs] def get_islands(self, props=['area', 'maxwidth', 'major_axis_length', 'minor_axis_length', 'surrounding_links'], connectivity=2): """ Finds all the islands in the binary mask and computes their morphological properties. Can be used to help "clean" masks of small islands. Must run compute_network() first. Parameters ---------- props : list, optional Properties to compute for each island. Properties can be any of those provided by rivgraph.im_utils.regionprops. The default is ['area', 'maxwidth', 'major_axis_length', 'minor_axis_length']. connectivity : int, optional If 1, 4-connectivity will be used to determine connected blobs. If 2, 8-connectivity will be used. The default is 2. Returns ------- islands : geopandas GeoDataFrame Contains the polygons of each island with the requested property attributes as columns. An additional 'remove' attribute is initialized to make thresholding easier. """ do_surr = False if 'surrounding_links' in props: props.remove('surrounding_links') if hasattr(self, 'links') is True: do_surr = True else:'Cannot compute surrounding island links without first computing the network. Skipping.')'Getting island properties...') islands, Iislands = mu.get_island_properties(self.Imask, self.pixlen, self.pixarea,,, props, connectivity=connectivity)'got island properties.') if do_surr is True: if hasattr(self.links, 'wid_adj') is False: self.compute_link_width_and_length()'Computing surrounding links for each island...') islands = mu.surrounding_link_properties(self.links, self.nodes, self.Imask, islands, Iislands, self.pixlen, self.pixarea)'surrounding links computed.') # Add a column to be used for thresholding islands['remove'] = [False for i in range(len(islands))] return islands, Iislands
[docs] def plot(self, *kwargs, axis=None): """ Generates matplotlib plots of the network. Parameters ---------- *kwargs : str If [None], both of the following plots will be generated: 'network': links and nodes are plotted, labeled with their ids 'directions': links are plotted with their directionality indicated """ ## TODO: add error handling for wrong plotting commands plt_directions, plt_network = False, False if len(kwargs) == 0: plt_directions = True plt_network = True if 'network' in kwargs: plt_network = True if 'directions' in kwargs: plt_directions = True if hasattr(self, 'links') is False:'No path is available to load the network.') return if plt_directions is True: if 'certain' not in self.links.keys(): print('Must assign link directions before plotting link directions.') return else: d = lnu.plot_dirlinks(self.links, self.imshape) return d if plt_network is True: f = lnu.plot_network(self.links, self.nodes, self.Imask,, axis=axis) return f
[docs] def save_network(self, path=None): """ Writes the link and nodes dictionaries to a .pkl file. Parameters ---------- path : str path--including extension--to network .pkl file. If [None], file written to path found in paths['network_pickle'] """ if path==None and hasattr(self, 'paths') is False: print('No path is available to load the network.') elif path is None: path = self.paths['network_pickle'] try: io.pickle_links_and_nodes(self.links, self.nodes, path)'Links and nodes saved to pickle file: {}.'.format(self.paths['network_pickle'])) except AttributeError:'Network has not been computed yet. Use the compute_network() method first.')
[docs] def load_network(self, path=None): """ Loads the link and nodes dictionaries from a .pkl file. Parameters ---------- path : str path--including extension--to network .pkl file. If [None], file is loaded from path found in paths['network_pickle'] """ if path==None and hasattr(self, 'paths') is False:'No path is available to load the network.') return if path is None: path = self.paths['network_pickle'] if os.path.isfile(path) is False:'No file was found at provided path: {}.'.format(path)) else: self.links, self.nodes = io.unpickle_links_and_nodes(path)
[docs] def adjacency_matrix(self, weight=None, normalized=False): """ Returns the adjacency matrix for a graph defined by links and nodes dictionaries. Parameters ---------- weight : str, optional [None] or the attribute in the links dictionary to use for weighting links. Typically 'wid_adj' or 'len'. normalized : bool, optional If True, each row in the adjacency matrix will sum to one. [False] by default. Returns ------- A : numpy.ndarray an NxN matrix representing the connectivity of the graph, where N is the number of nodes in the network. See adjacency matrix for more details. """ # Create (weighted) adjacency matrix networkx object G = dm.graphiphy(self.links, self.nodes, weight=weight) if normalized is True: A = dm.normalize_adj_matrix(G) else: A = nx.to_numpy_array(G) return A
[docs] def to_geovectors(self, export='network', ftype='json'): """ Writes the links and nodes of the network to geovectors. Parameters ---------- export : str Determines which features to export. Choose from: - all (exports all available vector data) - network (links and nodes) - links - nodes - centerline (river classes only) - mesh (centerline mesh, river classes only) - centerline_smooth (river classes only) ftype : str Sets the output file format. Choose from: - json (GeoJSON) - shp (ESRI Shapefile) """ # Get extension for requested output type if ftype == 'json': ext = 'json' elif ftype == 'shp': ext = 'shp' else: raise TypeError('Only json and shp output types are supported.') # Prepare list of desired exports if export == 'all': to_export = ['links', 'nodes', 'mesh', 'centerline', 'centerline_smooth'] elif export == 'network': to_export = ['links', 'nodes'] else: to_export = [export] # Ensure that each requested vector dataset has been computed, then export it for te in to_export: if te == 'links': if hasattr(self, 'links') is True: self.paths['links'] = os.path.join(self.paths['basepath'], + '_links.' + ext) io.links_to_geofile(self.links, self.imshape,,, self.paths['links']) else:'Links have not been computed and thus cannot be exported.') if te == 'nodes': if hasattr(self, 'nodes') is True: self.paths['nodes'] = os.path.join(self.paths['basepath'], + '_nodes.' + ext) io.nodes_to_geofile(self.nodes, self.imshape,,, self.paths['nodes']) else:'Nodes have not been computed and thus cannot be exported.') if te == 'mesh': if hasattr(self, 'meshlines') is True and type(self) is river: self.paths['meshlines'] = os.path.join(self.paths['basepath'], + '_meshlines.' + ext) self.paths['meshpolys'] = os.path.join(self.paths['basepath'], + '_meshpolys.' + ext) io.shapely_list_to_geovectors(self.meshlines,, self.paths['meshlines']) io.shapely_list_to_geovectors(self.meshpolys,, self.paths['meshpolys']) else:'Mesh has not been computed and thus cannot be exported.') if te == 'centerline': if hasattr(self, 'centerline') is True and type(self) is river: self.paths['centerline'] = os.path.join(self.paths['basepath'], + '_centerline.' + ext) io.centerline_to_geovector(self.centerline,, self.paths['centerline']) else:'Centerlines has not been computed and thus cannot be exported.') if te == 'centerline_smooth': if hasattr(self, 'centerline_smooth') is True and type(self) is river: self.paths['centerline_smooth'] = os.path.join(self.paths['basepath'], + '_centerline_smooth.' + ext) io.centerline_to_geovector(self.centerline_smooth,, self.paths['centerline_smooth']) else:'Smoothed centerline has not been computed and thus cannot be exported.')
[docs] def to_geotiff(self, export): """ Writes geotiffs to disk. Parameters ---------- export : str Select a raster to write to geotiff. Choose from: 'directions' - network burned into a raster with link directions from 0 (upstream) to 1 (downstream)) 'skeleton' - skeletonized mask 'distance' - distance-transformed mask """ valid_exports = ['directions', 'distance', 'skeleton'] if export not in valid_exports:'Cannot write {}. Choose from {}.'.format(export, valid_exports)) return if export == 'directions': outpath = self.paths['linkdirs'] io.write_linkdirs_geotiff(self.links, self.gdobj, outpath) else: if export == 'distance': raster = self.Idist outpath = self.paths['Idist'] dtype = gdal.GDT_Float32 color_table = None options = None nbands = 1 elif export == 'skeleton': raster = self.Iskel outpath = self.paths['Iskel'] dtype = gdal.GDT_Byte color_table = io.colortable('skel') options=['COMPRESS=LZW'] nbands = 1 io.write_geotiff(raster,, self.wkt, outpath, dtype=dtype, options=options, color_table=color_table, nbands=nbands)'Geotiff written to {}.'.format(outpath))
[docs]class delta(rivnetwork): """ A class to manage and organize data and methods for analyzing a delta channel network. This class inherits all the attributes and methods of the rivnetwork class, but also includes delta-specific attributes and methods. Attributes ---------- Iskel : np.ndarray image of the skeletonized binary mask topo_metrics : dict Contains a number of connectivity and network metrics. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, path_to_mask, results_folder=None, verbose=False): """ Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the delta channel network; also defines the folder name for storing results. path_to_mask : str Points to the channel network mask file path results_folder : str, optional Specifies a directory where results should be stored verbose : str, optional RivGraph will output processing progress if 'True'. Default is 'False'. """ rivnetwork.__init__(self, name, path_to_mask, results_folder, verbose=verbose) self.single_thread = False
[docs] def skeletonize(self): """ Skeletonizes the delta binary mask. """ if hasattr(self, 'Imask') is False: raise AttributeError('Mask array was not provided or was unreadable.') # Load the skeleton if it already exists if 'Iskel' in self.paths.keys() and os.path.isfile(self.paths['Iskel']) is True: self.Iskel = gdal.Open(self.paths['Iskel']).ReadAsArray() else:'Skeletonizing mask...') self.Iskel = m2g.skeletonize_mask(self.Imask)'done skeletonization.')
[docs] def prune_network(self, path_shoreline=None, path_inletnodes=None, prune_less=False): """ Prunes the delta by removing spurs and links beyond the provided shoreline. Paths may be provided to shoreline and inlet nodes shapefiles, otherwise their location is specified by paths dictionary. Parameters ---------- path_shoreline : str, optional Path to shoreline shapefile/geosjon. The default is None but will check for the file at `paths['shoreline']`. path_inletnodes : str, optional Path to inlet nodes shapefile/geojson. The default is None but will check for the file at `paths['inlet_nodes']`. prune_less : bool, optional Boolean to optionally prune the network less. The first spur removal can create problems, especially for very small/simple networks. Default behavior is encouraged, but in the event a bug is encountered, toggling this parameter to True may fix the issue. Default is False (more pruning). Returns ------- : None, but saves pruned links and nodes dictionaries to class object. """ try: if path_shoreline is None: path_shoreline = self.paths['shoreline'] except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Could not find shoreline shapefile which should be at {}.'.format(self.paths['shoreline'])) try: if path_inletnodes is None: path_inletnodes = self.paths['inlet_nodes'] except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Could not inlet_nodes shapefile which should be at {}.'.format(self.paths['inlet_nodes'])) self.links, self.nodes = du.prune_delta(self.links, self.nodes, path_shoreline, path_inletnodes, self.gdobj, prune_less)
[docs] def assign_flow_directions(self): """ Computes flow directions for each link in the delta channel network. """ if hasattr(self, 'links') is False: raise AttributeError('Network has not yet been computed.') if 'inlets' not in self.nodes.keys(): raise AttributeError('Cannot assign flow direcitons until prune_network has been run.') if 'len' not in self.links.keys(): self.compute_link_width_and_length() if hasattr(self, 'Idist') is False: self.compute_distance_transform() self.links, self.nodes = dd.set_link_directions(self.links, self.nodes, self.imshape, manual_set_csv=self.paths['fixlinks_csv'])
[docs] def compute_topologic_metrics(self): """ Computes a suite of connectivity and network metrics for a delta channel network. """ if hasattr(self, 'links') is False: raise AttributeError('Network has not yet been computed.') if 'certain' not in self.links.keys(): raise AttributeError('Link directionality has not been computed.') self.topo_metrics = dm.compute_delta_metrics(self.links, self.nodes)
[docs]class river(rivnetwork): """ A class to manage and organize data and methods for analyzing a braided river channel network. This class inherits all the attributes and methods of the rivnetwork class, but also includes delta-specific attributes and methods. Attributes ---------- Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the skeletonized binary mask topo_metrics : dict Contains a number of connectivity and network metrics. centerline : tuple of two numpy.ndarrays Centerline of the holes-filled river channel network mask. First element in tuple are x-coordinates; second are y-coordinates. centerline_smooth : shapely.geometry.LineString A smooth version of centerline max_valley_width_pixels : The maximum valley width in pixels, defined by widths along the centerline width_chans : float Average channel width width_extent: float Average width of the holes-filled channel mask meshlines : list of shapely.geometry.LineString The lines of the mesh that are perpendicular to the local river direction meshpolys : list of shapely.geometry.Polygon Polygons comprising the along-channel mesh Methods ------- skeletonize() Skeletonizes the river binary mask; uses a different method than for deltas. prune_network() Prunes the river channel network by removing spurs. compute_centerline() Computes the centerline of the holes-filled river channel network mask. compute_mesh(grid_spacing=None, smoothing=0.1, bufferdist=None) Computes a mesh that follows the channel centerline; grid_spacing sets the length of each grid cell; bufferdist sets the width of each grid cell. assign_flow_direcions() Computes flow directions for each link in the delta channel network. set_flow_dirs_manually() Reads a user-created .csv file found at `paths['fixlinks_csv']` to set flow directions of specified links. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, path_to_mask, results_folder=None, exit_sides=None, verbose=False, single_thread=False): if exit_sides is None: raise Warning('Must provide exit_sides for river class.') rivnetwork.__init__(self, name, path_to_mask, results_folder, exit_sides, verbose=verbose) self.single_thread = single_thread
[docs] def skeletonize(self): """ Skeletonizes the river binary mask. """ if hasattr(self, 'Imask') is False: raise AttributeError('Mask array was not provided or was unreadable.') # Load the skeleton if it already exists if 'Iskel' in self.paths.keys() and os.path.isfile(self.paths['Iskel']) is True: self.Iskel = gdal.Open(self.paths['Iskel']).ReadAsArray() else:'Skeletonizing mask...') self.Iskel = m2g.skeletonize_river_mask(self.Imask, self.exit_sides)'skeletonization is done.')
[docs] def prune_network(self): """ Prunes the computed river network. """ if hasattr(self, 'links') is False: raise AttributeError('Could not prune river. Check that network has been computed.') if hasattr(self, 'Iskel') is False: self.skeletonize() self.links, self.nodes = ru.prune_river(self.links, self.nodes, self.exit_sides, self.Iskel, self.gdobj)
[docs] def compute_centerline(self): """ Computes the centerline of the holes-filled river binary image. """'Computing centerline...') centerline_pix, valley_centerline_widths = ru.mask_to_centerline(self.Imask, self.exit_sides) self.max_valley_width_pixels = np.max(valley_centerline_widths) self.centerline = gu.xy_to_coords(centerline_pix[:,0], centerline_pix[:,1],'centerline computation is done.')
[docs] def compute_mesh(self, grid_spacing=None, smoothing=0.1, buf_halfwidth=None, single_thread=False): """ Generates an along-centerline mesh that indicates a valley-direction of sorts. The mesh is useful for computing spatial statistics as a function of downstream distance. The resulting mesh captures the low-frequency characteristic of the river corridor. This tool is tricky to fully automate, and the user may need to play with the smoothing and bufferdist parameters if errors are thrown or the result is not satisfying. Parameters ---------- grid_spacing : float Defines the distance between perpendicular-to-centerline transects. Units are defined by input mask CRS. smoothing : float Defines the smoothing window of the left- and right-valleylines as a fraction of the total centerline length. Range is [0, 1]. buf_halfwidth : float Defines the offset distance of the left- and right-valleylines from from the centerline. buf_halfwidth * 2 is the length of each transect. Units correspond to those of the CRS of the input mask. single_thread : bool If True, uses a different mesh computing algorithm that is better- suited for following single-thread channels (as opposed to a multithread channel for which a valley-wide mesh must be computed). """ # Need a centerline if hasattr(self, 'centerline') is False: self.compute_centerline() # Need average channel width for parameterizing mesh generation if hasattr(self, 'avg_chan_width') is False: if hasattr(self, 'links') is False: self.compute_network() if hasattr(self.links, 'wid_adj') is False: self.compute_link_width_and_length() # self.avg_chan_width = np.mean(self.links['wid_a1dj']) self.avg_chan_width = np.sum(self.Imask) * self.pixarea / np.sum(self.links['len_adj']) # If not specified, grid spacing is set to one channel width if grid_spacing is None: grid_spacing = self.avg_chan_width # If buffer halfwidth is not specified, it is set to 10% larger than the maximum valley width if buf_halfwidth is None: # Compute the maximum valley width in pixels if hasattr(self, 'max_valley_width_pixels') is False:'Computing maximum valley width...') self.max_valley_width_pixels = ru.max_valley_width(self.Imask)'valley width computation is done.') # Multiply by pixlen to keep units consistent buf_halfwidth = self.max_valley_width_pixels * self.pixlen * 1.1 if self.single_thread is True: single_thread = True'Generating mesh...') if single_thread is False: self.meshlines, self.meshpolys, self.centerline_smooth = ru.valleyline_mesh(self.centerline, self.avg_chan_width, buf_halfwidth, grid_spacing, smoothing=smoothing) else: self.meshlines, self.meshpolys, self.centerline_smooth = ru.centerline_mesh(self.centerline, self.avg_chan_width, buf_halfwidth*2, grid_spacing, smoothing_param=smoothing)'mesh generation is done.')
[docs] def assign_flow_directions(self): """ Automatically sets flow directions for each link in a braided river channel network. """ if hasattr(self, 'nodes') is False or 'inlets' not in self.nodes.keys(): raise AttributeError('Cannot assign flow directions until prune_network() has been run.') if hasattr(self, 'centerline') is False: self.compute_centerline() if hasattr(self, 'meshpolys') is False: self.compute_mesh() if hasattr(self, 'Idist') is False: self.compute_distance_transform()'Setting link directionality...') self.links, self.nodes = rd.set_directionality(self.links, self.nodes, self.Imask, self.exit_sides,, self.meshlines, self.meshpolys, self.Idist, self.pixlen, self.paths['fixlinks_csv'])'link directionality has been set.')
class centerline(): def __init__(self, x, y, attribs=None, crs=None): """ attribs is a dictionary with attributes; can be single values like average channel width or one value per coordinate like local width. """ # Store original coordinates self.xo = x self.yo = y # Store crs info if provided = crs # Store attributes if attribs: for a in attribs.keys(): try: alen = len(attribs[a]) except Exception: alen = 1 if alen == 1 or alen == len(x): setattr(self, a, attribs[a]) else:'Attribute {} does not have the proper length and is not being stored.'.format(a)) def __get_x_and_y(self): if hasattr(self, 'xrs'): x = self.xrs y = self.yrs vers = 'resampled' elif hasattr(self, 'xs'): x = self.xs y = self.ys vers = 'smooth' else: x = self.xo y = self.yo vers = 'original' return x, y, vers def smooth(self, window=None, n=1, k=3, x=None, y=None): """ Smooths the x and y coordinates of the centerline using a k-th order Savitzky-Golay filter. window refers to the number of points to use in the moving window; must be odd n is the number of times to perform the smoothing. """ if x is None: x, y, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() if window is None: if hasattr(self, 'window_cl'): window = self.window_cl else:'Must provide a smoothing window.') return # Ensure window is integer and odd window = int(window) if window % 2 == 0: window = window + 1 self.xs = signal.savgol_filter(x, window_length=window, polyorder=k, mode='interp') self.ys = signal.savgol_filter(y, window_length=window, polyorder=k, mode='interp') # Could make this recursive but if a non-default x,y are passed in, it would not function as expected if n > 1: for i in range(1,n-1): self.xs = signal.savgol_filter(self.xs, window_length=window, polyorder=3, mode='interp') self.ys = signal.savgol_filter(self.ys, window_length=window, polyorder=3, mode='interp') def resample(self, N, x=None, y=None): """ If no arguments are provided for x and y, will resample the smoothed coordinates if available, else will resample the original coordinates. N is the number of points that the resulting centerline should contain. """ if x is None: x, y, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() xy, spline = cu.evenly_space_line(x, y, npts=N) self.xrs = xy[0] self.yrs = xy[1] def s(self, x=None, y=None): if x is None: x, y, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() sss, _ = cu.s_ds(x, y) return sss def ds(self, x=None, y=None): if x is None: x, y, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() _, dss = cu.s_ds(x, y) return dss def C(self, x=None, y=None): """ Important: curvatures are negativized to match the zs approach """ if x is None: x, y, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() Cs, _, _ = cu.curvars(x, y, unwrap=True) Cs = np.insert(Cs, 0, 0) return -Cs def Csmooth(self, window=None, x=None, y=None): if window is None: if hasattr(self, 'window_C'): window = self.window_C else:'Must provide a smoothing window.') return Cs = self.C() Cs = signal.savgol_filter(Cs, window_length=window, polyorder=3, mode='interp') # Cs = signal.medfilt(Cs,kernel_size=5) return Cs def infs(self, N, x=None, y=None): """ Finds inflection points. N is the number of expected inflection points. It can be estimated from N ~= centerline length / 10W, but visual inspection is usually best. """ if x is None: x, y, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() # Use centerline oversmoothing to find inflection points self.infs_os, _ = cu.inflection_pts_oversmooth(x, y, n_infs=N) def infsC(self, x=None, y=None): if not hasattr(self, 'C'): self.curvature() # Use curvature to find inflection points self.infs_C = cu.inflection_points(self.C) def intersection_points(self, x2, y2, x1=None, y1=None): if x1 is None: x1, y1, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() ls1 = LineString(zip(x1, y1)) ls2 = LineString(zip(x2, y2)) ls_intersections = ls1.intersection(ls2) self.ints_all = np.unique(np.sort([np.argmin(np.sqrt((x1-pt.coords.xy[0][0])**2 + (y1-pt.coords.xy[1][0])**2)) for pt in ls_intersections])) # locations of zero migration # Map the intersection points so that there is one point for every # pair of inflection points in inf_os # If there is only one intersection point, use it. # If none, use the first inflection point? # If multiple, use the one closest to the first inflection point if hasattr(self, 'infs_os'): s = self.s() # Compute the average bend length from the inflection points ints = [] s = self.s() # abl = (s[self.infs_os[-1]] - s[self.infs_os[0]])/(len(self.infs_os)-1) for i in range(len(self.infs_os)): i0 = self.infs_os[i] # Find nearest intersection point for first inflection if i == 0: intidx = np.argmin(np.abs(s[i0] - s[self.ints_all])) ints.append(self.ints_all[intidx]) # Else find the nearest interesection point that is downstream of the bend's first inflection point else: possible_ints = self.ints_all[self.ints_all > ints[i-1]] dists = np.abs(s[possible_ints] - s[i0]) ints.append(possible_ints[np.argmin(dists)]) if i == len(self.infs_os)-1: break self.ints = np.array(ints) else:'Could not map intersections to inflection point pairs because infs_os not computed. Run infs() first.') def mig_rate_transect_matching(self, x2, y2, dt_years, path_matchers, x1=None, y1=None, mig_spacing=None, window=None, path_mig_vectors=None): """ Compute migration rate using "transect matching". Requires a user to provide a geovector file (e.g. shapefile, geopackage, etc.) of that contains transects that intersect both centerlines at their common points. Also computes a smoothed version of the migration rates, and a smoothed version with cutoff-affected points set to NaN. """ # If no migration rate smoothing parameter is provided, use the same # one used for smoothing curvatures, else window size is 5. if window is None: if hasattr(self, 'window_C'): window = self.window_C else: window = 5 # must be greater than the polyorder, which is 3 by default if x1 is None: x1, y1, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() # If no spacing is provided, use 1/8 channel width if mig_spacing is None: mig_spacing = self.W/8 self.mr_tm, pts_cl1, pts_cl2 = cu.cl_migration_transect_matching(path_matchers, x1, y1, x2, y2, dt_years, mig_spacing) # Export migration vectors if path provided if path_mig_vectors is not None: if is None:'Cannot export migration vectors until crs is set.') else: # Migration vectors export mvs = [] for p1, p2 in zip(pts_cl1, pts_cl2): mvs.append(LineString((p1, p2))) gdf_mvs = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=mvs, gdf_mvs.to_file(path_mig_vectors, driver=io.get_driver(path_mig_vectors)) # Smooth the migration rates self.mr_tm_sm = signal.savgol_filter(self.mr_tm, window_length=window, polyorder=3, mode='interp') # Set cutoff-affected and erodibility-affected bends to NaN self.mr_tm_nan = self.mr_tm.copy() self.mr_tm_sm_nan = self.mr_tm_sm.copy() if hasattr(self, 'cut_ids'): for c in self.cut_ids: self.mr_tm_nan[self.infs_os[c]:self.infs_os[c+1]] = np.NaN self.mr_tm_sm_nan[self.infs_os[c]:self.infs_os[c+1]] = np.NaN if hasattr(self, 'erode_ids'): for e in self.erode_ids: self.mr_tm_nan[self.infs_os[e]:self.infs_os[e+1]] = np.NaN self.mr_tm_sm_nan[self.infs_os[e]:self.infs_os[e+1]] = np.NaN def mig_rate_zs(self, x2, y2, dt_years, x1=None, y1=None, window=None): """ Compute migration rate using Sylvester et al's method of dynamic time warping. Also computes a smoothed version of the migration rates, and a smoothed version with cutoff-affected points set to NaN. """ if x1 is None: x1, y1, _ = self.__get_x_and_y() # If no migration rate smoothing parameter is provided, use the same # one used for smoothing curvatures, else window size is 5. if window is None: if hasattr(self, 'window_C'): window = self.window_C else: window = 5 # must be greater than the polyorder, which is 3 by default import os import sys script_dir = r"C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\Research\Koyukukon\Normalize migration rates\Code\curvaturepy-master" sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(script_dir)) import cline_analysis as ca self.mr_zs, self.mrs_zs, self.p_zs, self.q_zs = ca.get_migr_rate(x1, x2, y1, y2, dt_years, 0) # Smooth the migration rates self.mr_zs_sm = signal.savgol_filter(self.mr_zs, window_length=window, polyorder=3, mode='interp') # Set cutoff-affected and erodibility-affected bends to NaN self.mr_zs_nan = self.mr_zs.copy() self.mr_zs_sm_nan = self.mr_zs_sm.copy() if hasattr(self, 'cut_ids'): for c in self.cut_ids: self.mr_zs_nan[self.infs_os[c]:self.infs_os[c+1]] = np.NaN self.mr_zs_sm_nan[self.infs_os[c]:self.infs_os[c+1]] = np.NaN if hasattr(self, 'erode_ids'): for e in self.erode_ids: self.mr_zs_nan[self.infs_os[e]:self.infs_os[e+1]] = np.NaN self.mr_zs_sm_nan[self.infs_os[e]:self.infs_os[e+1]] = np.NaN def plot(self, x=None, y=None): if x is None: x, y, version = self.__get_x_and_y() else: version = '' fig, ax = plt.subplots() legend = [] ax.plot(x, y, 'k') legend.append(version + ' centerline') if hasattr(self, 'infs_os'): ax.plot(x[self.infs_os], y[self.infs_os], 'rs') legend.append('inflection points') if hasattr(self, 'ints_all'): ax.plot(x[self.ints_all], y[self.ints_all], 'go') legend.append('intersection points') if hasattr(self, 'ints'): ax.plot(x[self.ints], y[self.ints], 'b^') legend.append('intersection points (mapped)') plt.legend(legend) plt.axis('equal') def zs_plot(self, window=None): """ Copied verbatim from Slight modifications for meshing in the centerline class. """ if hasattr(self, 'infs_os') is False:'Must compute inflection points first.') return if hasattr(self, 'ints') is False:'Must compute intersections first.') return if hasattr(self, 'mr_zs_nan') is False:'Must compute migration rates first.') return # elif hasattr(self, 'mr_zs_sm_nan'): # migr_rate = self.mr_zs_sm_nan else: migr_rate = self.mr_zs_nan if hasattr(self, 'cut_ids') is False: cutoff_inds = [] else: cutoff_inds = self.cut_ids if hasattr(self, 'erode_ids') is False: erodibility_inds = [] else: erodibility_inds = self.erode_ids if window is None: if hasattr(self, 'window_C'): window = self.window_C else:'Must provide a smoothing window.') return LZC = self.infs_os LZM = self.ints s = self.s() curv = self.Csmooth() W = self.W fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(18,4)) # plt.tight_layout() y1 = 0.7 y2 = 0.0 y3 = -0.87 y4 = -1.25 for i in range(0,len(LZC)-1,2): xcoords = [s[LZC[i]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZC[i]]] ycoords = [y1,y1,y2,y3,y4,y4,y3,y2] ax1.fill(xcoords,ycoords,color=[0.85,0.85,0.85],zorder=0) ax1.fill_between(s, 0, curv*W) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.fill_between(s, 0, migr_rate, facecolor='green') ax1.plot([0,max(s)],[0,0],'k--') ax2.plot([0,max(s)],[0,0],'k--') ax1.set_ylim(y4,y1) ax2.set_ylim(-15,40) ax1.set_xlim(s[LZC[0]],s[-1]) for i in erodibility_inds: xcoords = [s[LZC[i]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZC[i]]] ycoords = [y1,y1,y2,y3,y4,y4,y3,y2] ax1.fill(xcoords,ycoords,color=[1.0,0.85,0.85],zorder=0) for i in cutoff_inds: xcoords = [s[LZC[i]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZC[i]]] ycoords = [y1,y1,y2,y3,y4,y4,y3,y2] ax1.fill(xcoords,ycoords,color=[0.85,1.0,0.85],zorder=0) for i in range(len(LZC)-1): if np.sum(np.isnan(migr_rate[LZM[i]:LZM[i+1]]))>0: xcoords = [s[LZC[i]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZC[i]]] ycoords = [y1,y1,y2,y3,y4,y4,y3,y2] ax1.fill(xcoords,ycoords,color='w') for i in range(len(LZC)-1): if np.sum(np.isnan(migr_rate[LZM[i]:LZM[i+1]]))>0: xcoords = [s[LZC[i]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZC[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i+1]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZM[i]],s[LZC[i]]] ycoords = [35,35,20.7145,0,-15,-15,0,20.7145] ax2.fill(xcoords,ycoords,color='w') for i in range(0,len(LZC)-1,2): ax1.text(s[LZC[i]],0.5,str(i),fontsize=12)