Source code for rivgraph.walk

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Skeleton Walking Utils (
Functions for walking along skeletons and finding branchpoints.

Created on Mon Sep 10 09:39:19 2018
import numpy as np
from skimage import measure
from scipy import stats
import rivgraph.im_utils as iu
import rivgraph.ln_utils as lnu

[docs]def handle_bp(linkid, bpnode, nodes, links, links2do, Iskel): """ Handle branchpoints. When walking along a skeleton and encountering a branchpoint, we want to initialize all un-done links emanating from the branchpoint. Each new link contains the branchpoint as the first index, and this function also takes the first step of the link. Parameters ---------- linkid : int Link id of the link walking from. bpnode : Node id of the branchpoint to be resolved. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. links : dict Network links and associated properties. links2do : OrderedSet This set keeps track of all the links that still need to be resolved in the full skeleton. It is generated and populated in mask_to_graph. Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the local skeletonized mask. Returns ------- links : TYPE Network links and associated properties with the branchpoint links added. nodes : TYPE Network nodes and associated properties with the branchpoint-related nodes added. links2do : OrderedSet Same as input, but with new link emanators added and linkid removed. """ links2do.remove(linkid) # If the branchpoint has already been visited, we don't need to # re-initialize emanating links if bpnode in nodes['idx']: doneflag = 1 else: doneflag = 0 linkidx = links['id'].index(linkid) # Add the branchpoint to nodes dict nodes = lnu.node_updater(nodes, bpnode, linkid) # Update link connectivity links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, conn=nodes['idx'].index(bpnode)) if doneflag == 1: return links, nodes, links2do # We must initialize new branchpoints. If branchpoints are connected, # their links must be assigned to preserve 4-connectivity to avoid # problems when walking. # Resolve the branchpoint cluster (or single branchpoint) bp = bp_cluster([bpnode], Iskel) # Find the pixels emanating from the cluster emanators = np.array(list(find_emanators(bpnode, Iskel) - set(bp) - set(links['idx'][linkidx]))) # For each branchpoint, separate emanators into 4-connected neighbors and # diagonally-connected neighbors fourconn = [] emremove = [] for b in bp: abdif = abs(b-emanators) for i, a in enumerate(abdif): if a == 1 or a == Iskel.shape[1]: fourconn.append([b, emanators[i]]) emremove.append(emanators[i]) # Remove the 4-connected emanators we've just assigned from emanators list emanators = np.array([e for e in emanators if e not in emremove]) # Make diagonal links diagconn = [] for b in bp: abdif = abs(b-emanators) for i, a in enumerate(abdif): if a == Iskel.shape[1] + 1 or a == Iskel.shape[1] - 1: diagconn.append([b, emanators[i]]) # Make links connecting adjacent branchpoints bp_pairs = [] for b in bp: bn = walkable_neighbors([b], Iskel) for bb in bp: if bb in bn: bp_pairs.append(set([b, bb])) # Get the unique links - ordering is lost bp_pairs = [list(i) for i in set(tuple(i) for i in bp_pairs)] # Update links and nodes # Create links between adjacent branchpoints for b in bp_pairs: linkid = max(links['id']) + 1 nodes = lnu.node_updater(nodes, b[0], linkid) nodes = lnu.node_updater(nodes, b[1], linkid) links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, b, conn=nodes['idx'].index(b[0])) links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, conn=nodes['idx'].index(b[1])) # Finally, initialize new links to be walked # Before issuing new links, ensure that the link has not # already been walked # Initialize the fourconn first so they will be walked first for p in fourconn: # Check if link to issue has already been resolved nodeidx = nodes['idx'].index(p[0]) donelinks = nodes['conn'][nodeidx] isdone = 0 for dl in donelinks: if set(links['idx'][links['id'].index(dl)][-2:]) == set(p): isdone = 1 if isdone == 0: linkid = max(links['id']) + 1 links2do.add(linkid) nodes = lnu.node_updater(nodes, p[0], linkid) links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, p, nodes['idx'].index(p[0])) # Then initialize the diagonals for p in diagconn: # Check if link to issue has already been resolved nodeidx = nodes['idx'].index(p[0]) donelinks = nodes['conn'][nodeidx] isdone = 0 for dl in donelinks: if set(links['idx'][links['id'].index(dl)][-2:]) == set(p): isdone = 1 if isdone == 0: linkid = max(links['id']) + 1 links2do.add(linkid) nodes = lnu.node_updater(nodes, p[0], linkid) links = lnu.link_updater(links, linkid, p, nodes['idx'].index(p[0])) return links, nodes, links2do
[docs]def bp_cluster(bp, Iskel): """ Find clusters of branchpoints. Finds clusters of branchpoints; i.e. branchpoints that are immediately adjacent to each other in an 8-connected sense. This function is self- referential in order to find all neighboring branchpoints. Parameters ---------- bp : list Contains the branchpoint cluster as indices (np.ravel_multi_index) within Iskel. In the initial call, this list contains only a single branchpoint. Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the skeletonized mask. Returns ------- bp : list Contains the branchpoint cluster as indices (np.ravel_multi_index) within Iskel. """ bp_neighs = walkable_neighbors(bp, Iskel) while bp_neighs: b = bp_neighs.pop() if is_bp(b, Iskel) == 1: if b not in bp: bp.extend([b]) bp_cluster(bp, Iskel) return bp
[docs]def idcs_no_turnaround(idcs, Iskel): """ Find possible indices to walk to given two input indices. Returns list of possible indices to walk toward given two input indices (idcs). Possible indices are defined as those which require no turning around; e.g. if moving down, only indices further below idcs[1] will be returned. Based on directionality, only three possible indices should be returned for all cases. Parameters ---------- idcs : list Resolved indices within Iskel of the link, in order, for which the next step needs to be taken. Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the skeletonized mask. Returns ------- poss_walk_idcs : list Indices within Iskel of possible next steps that ensure the walk will not move "backwards." """ ncols = Iskel.shape[1] idxdif = idcs[0]-idcs[1] if idxdif == -ncols - 1: walkdirs = [1, ncols, ncols+1] elif idxdif == -ncols: walkdirs = [ncols-1, ncols, ncols+1] elif idxdif == -ncols + 1: walkdirs = [-1, ncols-1, ncols] elif idxdif == -1: walkdirs = [-ncols+1, 1, ncols+1] elif idxdif == 1: walkdirs = [-ncols-1, -1, -ncols-1] elif idxdif == ncols-1: walkdirs = [-ncols, -ncols+1, 1] elif idxdif == ncols: walkdirs = [-ncols-1, -ncols, -ncols+1] elif idxdif == ncols+1: walkdirs = [-1, -ncols-1, -ncols] poss_walk_idcs = [idcs[-1] + wd for wd in walkdirs] return poss_walk_idcs
[docs]def cant_walk(links, linkidx, nodes, Iskel): """ Find pixels that cannot be walked to. Given an input link defined by linkidx, return all the pixels that cannot be walked to. These include: 1. originating node (and any nodes adjacent to this one) 2. emanating links (i.e. first pixel away from each node) 3. links that have been resolved walking AWAY from the node (toward node not included) Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. linkidx : int Index of the link id within links['id'] of the link to analyze. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the skeletonized mask. Returns ------- walked : set Indices of pixels within Iskel that have already been walked to. """ # 1. Originating node and its adjacent nodes bps = bp_cluster([links['idx'][linkidx][0]], Iskel) walked = set(bps) # 2. Emanating links for bp in bps: walked = walked | set(walkable_neighbors([bp], Iskel)) # 3. Links walking away from node nodeidx = links['idx'][linkidx][0] connlinks = nodes['conn'][nodes['idx'].index(nodeidx)] for cl in connlinks: templinkidx = links['id'].index(cl) # If statement ensures we only consider links walked from the node # (as opposed to links entering the node) if links['idx'][templinkidx][0] == links['idx'][linkidx][0]: walked = walked | set(links['idx'][templinkidx][:-1]) else: # Not sure the [1:] is necessary here... walked = walked | set(links['idx'][templinkidx][1:]) return walked
[docs]def find_emanators(bpnode, Iskel): """ Find possible next steps along the skeleton. Returns all possible next steps along the skeleton from a given pixel. Emanators are the second nodes in each link, or the first nodes away from the link endpoint. Parameters ---------- bpnode : Index within Iskel to look for emanators. Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the skeletonized mask. Returns ------- all_emanators: set Indices within Iskel representing emanating nodes from bpnode. """ # First, find all connected branchpoints branchpoints = bp_cluster([bpnode], Iskel) # Second, find the links emanating from these branchpoints emanators = set() for bp in branchpoints: emanators = emanators | set(walkable_neighbors([bp], Iskel)) all_emanators = emanators - set(branchpoints) return all_emanators
[docs]def walkable_neighbors(link, Iskel): """ Find all walkable neighbors from the end pixel of an input link. Returns all the walkable neighbors from the end pixel of an input link. Walkable neighbors are simply pixels that are "on" within Iskel. The pixels in the link are excluded as possibilities. Parameters ---------- link : list Contains all the pixel indices within Iskel of the link to find walkable neighbors. Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the skeletonized mask. Returns ------- neighs : set Indices within Iskel of neighboring pixels to walk to. """ idx = link[-1] # Find its neighbors (next possible steps) neighs = set(get_neighbors(idx, Iskel)) try: neighs = neighs - set(link[-2:]) except Exception: pass return neighs
[docs]def get_neighbors(idx, Iskel): """ Get a flattened array of neighboring pixel indices. Returns a flattened array of the neighboring pixel indices within Iskel that are True. Only looks at 8-connected neighbors (i.e. a 3x3 kernel with centered on idx). Parameters ---------- idx : Index within Iskel to get neighbors. Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the skeletonized mask, but can be any image array. Returns ------- neighbor_idcs_gloal : list Indices within Iskel of True pixels bordering idx. """ size = (3, 3) cent_idx = 4 # OR int((size[0]*size[1] - 1) / 2) # Pull square with idx at center I, row_offset, col_offset = iu.get_array(idx, Iskel, size) I_flat = np.ravel(I) # Find its neighbors (next possible steps) neighbor_idcs, _ = iu.neighbors_flat(cent_idx, I_flat, size[1]) neighbor_idcs_gloal = iu.reglobalize_flat_idx(neighbor_idcs, size, row_offset, col_offset, Iskel.shape) return neighbor_idcs_gloal
[docs]def is_bp(idx, Iskel): """ Determine if an index is a branchpoint. Determines if the index given by idx is a branchpoint. Branchpoints are not simply pixels in the skeleton with more than two neighbors; they are pruned through a somewhat complicated procedure that minimizes the number of required branchpoints to preserve the skeleton topology. Parameters ---------- idx : Index within Iskel to determine if it is a branchpoint. Iskel : np.ndarray Image of the skeletonized mask, but can be any image array. Returns ------- isbp : int 1 if idx is a branchpoint, else 0. """ # TODO: change to return True/False rather than 1/0. # Trivial case, only one or two neighbors is not bp neighs = get_neighbors(idx, Iskel) if len(neighs) < 3: return 0 # Pull out the neighborhood big_enough = 0 size = (7, 7) # Loop to ensure the domain is large enough to capture all connected # nconn>2 pixels while big_enough == 0: centidx = (int((size[0]-1)/2), int((size[1]-1)/2)) I, roffset, coffset = iu.get_array(idx, Iskel, size) # Find 4-connected pixels with connectivity > 2 Ic = iu.im_connectivity(I) Ict = np.zeros_like(I) Ict[Ic > 2] = 1 Ilab = measure.label(Ict, background=0, connectivity=1) cpy, cpx = np.where(Ilab == Ilab[centidx]) big_enough = 1 if 1 in cpx or size[0]-2 in cpx: size = (size[0] + 4, size[1]) big_enough = 0 if 1 in cpy or size[1]-2 in cpy: size = (size[0], size[1] + 4) big_enough = 0 # Reduce image to subset of connected conn > 2 pixels with a 1 pixel # buffer by zeroing out values outside the domain I[:np.min(cpy)-1, :] = 0 I[np.max(cpy)+2:, :] = 0 I[:, :np.min(cpx) - 1] = 0 I[:, np.max(cpx) + 2:] = 0 # Take only the largest blob in case there are border stragglers I = iu.largest_blobs(I, 1, 'keep') # Zero out everything outside our region of interest Ic[np.bitwise_and(Ilab != Ilab[centidx], Ic > 2)] = 1 # set edge pixel connectivity to 1 (even if not true) Ic[I != 1] = 0 # Trivial case where idx is the only possible branchpoint if np.sum(Ic > 2) == 1: return 1 # Compute number of axes and four-connectivity Ina = naxes_connectivity(I) Inf = iu.nfour_connectivity(I) # Ravel everything Icr = np.ravel(Ic) Inar = np.ravel(Ina) Infr = np.ravel(Inf) bps = isbp_parsimonious(Ic, Icr, Inar, Infr) # Return branchpoints to global, flat coordinates bps = iu.reglobalize_flat_idx(bps, Ic.shape, roffset, coffset, Iskel.shape) # Check input idx for being a branchpoint if idx in bps: isbp = 1 else: isbp = 0 return isbp
[docs]def isbp_parsimonious(Ic, Icr, Inar, Infr): """ Computes parsimonious set of branchpoints. Parameters ---------- Ic : np.ndarray Image of possible branchpoints; values correspond to number of neighbors. Icr : np.ndarray Raveled (np.ravel) version of Ic. Inar : np.ndarray Raveled version of image returned by naxes_connectivity. Infr : np.ndarray Raveled version of image returned by nfour_connectivity. Returns ------- bps : list All branchpoint indices within Ic. """ # Find all possible branchpoints by considerng those with conn>2 bp_poss = np.where(Ic > 2) bp_poss_i = np.ravel_multi_index(bp_poss, Ic.shape) bp_poss_i = list(set(bp_poss_i) - iu.edge_coords(Ic.shape)) # Find all possible branchpoint combinations by walking from each # possible initial branchpoint bpsave = [] for bpi in bp_poss_i: bptemp = isbp_walk_for_bps(np.array(Ic, dtype=bool), [bpi]) bpsave.append(bptemp) # Number of branchpoints for each possible initial branchpoint bpcounts = [len(b) for b in bpsave] bpsolo = [bpsave[i].pop() for i, c in enumerate(bpcounts) if c == 1] # If only one branchpoint is required, use it. However, there could be # multiple branchpoints that can serve as the single; use the one with # highest naxes-connectivity; if there are still multiple choices, take the # highest 4-connectivity. If there are still no unique choices, choose the # highest 4-connected among the highest naxes-connected. if len(bpsolo) > 0: naxconn = Inar[bpsolo] maxnax = [bps for bps, nl in zip(bpsolo, naxconn) if nl == max(naxconn)] if len(maxnax) == 1: return [maxnax] else: fourconn = Infr[bpsolo] maxfour = [bpsolo[i] for i, fc in enumerate(fourconn) if fc == max(fourconn)] if len(maxfour) == 1: return [maxfour] # Now see if there's a max 4-conn within the max naxes-conn fourconn = Infr[maxnax] maxfour = [maxnax[i] for i, fc in enumerate(fourconn) if fc == max(fourconn)] return [min(maxfour)] # Set bp_must according to conn, naxes, nfour keepvals = [[6, 4, 2], [5, 3, 1], [5, 3, 4], [3, 3, 2], [3, 3, 1], [4, 2, 4]] bp_must = [] for kv in keepvals: keeps = np.ndarray.tolist(np.where(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(Icr == kv[0], Inar == kv[1]), Infr == kv[2])==1)[0]) bp_must = bp_must + keeps # Special cases - 4,4,2 - choose one keepvals = [[4, 4, 2]] for kv in keepvals: keeps = np.ndarray.tolist(np.where(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(Icr == kv[0], Inar == kv[1]), Infr == kv[2])==1)[0]) if len(keeps) == 2: bp_must = bp_must + [keeps[0]] # Only consider combinations that have branchpoints where they must be placed if len(bp_must) > 0: bps = isbp_walk_for_bps(np.array(Ic, dtype=bool), bp_must) return bps # If there are no branchpoints that must exist based on patterns, # use the set with the smallest number of branchpoints. If there are multiple # sets, we move on... mincount = min(bpcounts) minidcs = [i for i, bpi in enumerate(bpcounts) if bpi == mincount] if len(minidcs) == 1: return bpsave[minidcs[0]] # Finally, choose branchpoints based on the most common branchpoints created # when walking from all possible branchpoints mode = stats.mode([p for b in bpsave for p in b]) bp_init = np.ndarray.tolist(mode.mode) bps = isbp_walk_for_bps(np.array(Ic, dtype=np.bool), bp_init) return bps
[docs]def isbp_walk_for_bps(I, bpi): """ Find branchpoints by walking from a pixel. Finds branchpoints by ensuring that all pixels in the sub-skeleton can be walked to from the set of already-found branchpoints, without visiting the same pixel more than once. Parameters ---------- I : np.ndarray Binary image of a skeleton. In RivGraph, the skeleton is a reduced and padded version of Iskel. bpi : list Indices within I of the branchpoint to begin walk. Returns ------- bpi : list Branchpoint indices in I. """ bpi = set(bpi) # Use raveled image Ir = np.ravel(I) # Get edge pixels edgeidcs = iu.edge_coords(I.shape, dtype='flat') # Get emanators from first bp do_first = set() # These are the 4-connected emanators emanators = set() for bp in bpi: emanators = emanators | set(iu.neighbors_flat(bp, Ir, I.shape[1])[0]) do_first.update(iu.four_conn([bp], I)[0]) # Create set containing pixels that have already been visited walked = bpi | emanators while emanators: if do_first: idx = do_first.pop() emanators.remove(idx) else: idx = emanators.pop() walking = 1 while walking: walked.add(idx) neighs = set(iu.neighbors_flat(idx, Ir, I.shape[1])[0]) neighs = neighs - walked if len(neighs) == 0: walking = 0 elif len(neighs) == 1: idx = neighs.pop() if idx in edgeidcs: walking = 0 else: bpi.add(idx) fourconn = iu.four_conn([idx], I)[0] fourconn = [f for f in fourconn if f in neighs] do_first.update(fourconn) emanators = emanators | neighs walked.add(idx) walked.update(neighs) return bpi
[docs]def naxes_connectivity(I): """ Compute number of axes of connectivity. Computes the number of axes of connectivity for each pixel in an input skeleton. The maximum is four; horizontal, vertical, and two diagonals. The number of axes of pixel connectivity is used to determine where to place branchpoints. Parameters ---------- I : np.ndarray Binary image of a skeleton. In RivGraph, the skeleton is a reduced and padded version of Iskel. Returns ------- Inax : np.ndarray Same shape as I; values correspond to the number of axes represented by each pixel's connectivity. """ # Get the pixels we want to check (exclude edge pixels) Ir = np.ravel(I) edgeidcs = iu.edge_coords(I.shape, dtype='flat') allpix = set(np.where(Ir == 1)[0]) dopix = allpix - edgeidcs savepix = list(dopix) naxes = [] while dopix: pix = dopix.pop() count = 0 if Ir[pix + 1] == 1 or Ir[pix - 1] == 1: count = count + 1 if Ir[pix + I.shape[1]] == 1 or Ir[pix - I.shape[1]] == 1: count = count + 1 if Ir[pix + 1 + I.shape[1]] == 1 or Ir[pix - 1 - I.shape[1]] == 1: count = count + 1 if Ir[pix - 1 + I.shape[1]] == 1 or Ir[pix + 1 - I.shape[1]] == 1: count = count + 1 naxes.append(count) Inax = np.zeros_like(Ir, dtype=np.uint8) Inax[savepix] = naxes Inax = np.reshape(Inax, I.shape) return Inax
""" Graveyard """ # def adjacent_bps(bp, Iskel, bps): # # Find branchpoint neighbors that are also branchpoints # bpneighs = walkable_neighbors([bp], Iskel) # bpneighs = [bpn for bpn in bpneighs if bpn not in bps] # bps_recheck = [] # for bpcheck in bpneighs: # if is_bp(bpcheck, Iskel): # bps.append(bpcheck) # for bpcheck in bps_recheck: # bps = bps + adjacent_bps(bpcheck, Iskel, bps) # return bps # def pattern_vals(basepattern): # """ # Given an input pattern (3x3 or 2x2 numpy array), this function # (1) returns a convolution kernel of the same shape and # (2) the values of all rotations and mirrorings of the patterns convolved # with the kernel. # """ # # if basepattern[0].shape == (3,3): # kern = np.array([[256, 32, 4],[128, 16, 2], [64, 8, 1]], dtype=np.uint16) # elif basepattern[0].shape == (2,2): # kern = np.array([[8, 2], [4, 1]], dtype=np.uint16) # else: # raise RuntimeError('Input pattern is not 2x2 or 3x3.') # # # Find the values of the convolution that match the pattern # convals = set() # for bp in basepattern: # for i in range(0,4): # convals.update([int(np.sum(kern[bp==1]))]) # bp = np.rot90(bp, 1) # bp = np.flipud(bp) # for i in range(0,4): # convals.update([int(np.sum(kern[bp==1]))]) # bp = np.rot90(bp, 1) # bp = np.fliplr(bp) # for i in range(0,4): # convals.update([int(np.sum(kern[bp==1]))]) # bp = np.rot90(bp, 1) # # return kern, convals # def naxes_conn(idcs, I): # """ # Counts the number of connected axes for a given flat index in I. # idcs must be a list, even if a single value. # """ # # Inax = np.ravel(naxes_connectivity(I)) # # naxesconn = [] # for i in idcs: # naxesconn.append(int(Inax[i])) # # return naxesconn