Source code for rivgraph.rivers.river_directionality

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created on Tue Nov  6 14:31:01 2018

@author: Jon

import os
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
import rivgraph.io_utils as io
import rivgraph.ln_utils as lnu
import rivgraph.geo_utils as gu
import rivgraph.directionality as dy

[docs]def set_directionality(links, nodes, Imask, exit_sides, gt, meshlines, meshpolys, Idt, pixlen, manual_set_csv): """ Set direction of each link. This function sets the direction of each link within the network. It calls a number of helping functions and uses a somewhat-complicated logic to achieve this. The algorithms and logic is described in this open-access paper: Every time this is run, all directionality information is reset and recomputed. This includes checking for manually set links via the provided csv. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Imask : np.array Binary mask of the network. exit_sides : str Two-character string of cardinal directions denoting the upstream and downsteram sides of the image that the network intersects (e.g. 'SW'). gt : tuple gdal-type GeoTransform of the original binary mask. meshlines : list List of shapely.geometry.LineStrings that define the valleyline mesh. meshpolys : list List of shapely.geometry.Polygons that define the valleyline mesh. Idt : np.array() Distance transform of Imask. pixlen : float Length resolution of each pixel. manual_set_csv : str, optional Path to a user-provided csv file of known link directions. The default is None. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties with all directions set. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties with all directions set. """ imshape = Imask.shape # Add fields to links dict for tracking and setting directionality links, nodes = dy.add_directionality_trackers(links, nodes, 'river') # If a manual fix csv has been provided, set those links first links, nodes = dy.dir_set_manually(links, nodes, manual_set_csv) # Append morphological information used to set directionality to links dict links, nodes = directional_info(links, nodes, Imask, pixlen, exit_sides, gt, meshlines, meshpolys, Idt) # Begin setting link directionality # First, set inlet/outlet directions as they are always 100% accurate links, nodes = dy.set_inletoutlet(links, nodes) # Set the directions of the links that are more certain via centerline # distance method # alg = 22 alg = dy.algmap('cl_dist_set') cl_distthresh = np.percentile(links['cldists'], 85) for lid, cld, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['cldists'], links['guess'], links['guess_alg'], links['certain']): if cert == 1: continue if cld >= cl_distthresh: linkidx = links['id'].index(lid) if dy.algmap('cl_dist_guess') in lga: usnode = lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('cl_dist_guess'))] links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg) # Set the directions of the links that are more certain via centerline # angle method # alg = 23 alg = dy.algmap('cl_ang_set') cl_angthresh = np.percentile(links['clangs'][np.isnan(links['clangs'])==0], 25) for lid, cla, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['clangs'], links['guess'], links['guess_alg'], links['certain']): if cert == 1: continue if np.isnan(cla) == True: continue if cla <= cl_angthresh: linkidx = links['id'].index(lid) if dy.algmap('cl_ang_guess') in lga: usnode = lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('cl_ang_guess'))] links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg) # Set the directions of the links that are more certain via centerline # distance AND centerline angle methods # alg = 24 alg = dy.algmap('cl_dist_and_ang') cl_distthresh = np.percentile(links['cldists'], 70) ang_thresh = np.percentile(links['clangs'][np.isnan(links['clangs']) == 0], 35) for lid, cld, cla, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['cldists'], links['clangs'], links['guess'], links['guess_alg'], links['certain']): if cert == 1: continue if cld >= cl_distthresh and cla < ang_thresh: linkidx = links['id'].index(lid) if dy.algmap('cl_dist_guess') in lga and dy.algmap('cl_ang_guess') in lga: if lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('cl_dist_guess'))] == lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('cl_ang_guess'))]: usnode = lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('cl_dist_guess'))] links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg) # Set directions by most-certain angles angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 0.4, 10) for a in angthreshs: links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape, angthresh=a, lenthresh=3) # Set using direction of nearest main channel links, nodes = dy.set_by_nearest_main_channel(links, nodes, imshape, nodethresh=1) angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 1.5, 20) for a in angthreshs: links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape, angthresh=a) # At this point, if any links remain unset, they are just set randomly if np.sum(links['certain']) != len(links['id']): print('{} links were randomly set.'.format(len(links['id']) - np.sum(links['certain']))) links['certain'] = np.ones((len(links['id']), 1)) # Check for and try to fix cycles in the graph links, nodes, cantfix_cyclelinks, cantfix_cyclenodes = fix_river_cycles(links, nodes, imshape) # Check for sources or sinks within the graph cont_violators = dy.check_continuity(links, nodes) # Summary of problems: manual_fix = 0 if len(cantfix_cyclelinks) > 0: print('Could not fix cycle links: {}.'.format(cantfix_cyclelinks)) manual_fix = 1 else: print('All cycles were resolved.') if len(cont_violators) > 0: print('Continuity violated at nodes {}.'.format(cont_violators)) manual_fix = 1 # # Create a csv to store manual edits to directionality if does not exist # if manual_fix == 1: # if os.path.isfile(manual_set_csv) is False: # io.create_manual_dir_csv(manual_set_csv) # print('A .csv file for manual fixes to link directions at {}.'.format(manual_set_csv)) # else: # print('Use the csv file at {} to manually fix link directions.'.format(manual_set_csv)) return links, nodes
[docs]def directional_info(links, nodes, Imask, pixlen, exit_sides, gt, meshlines, meshpolys, Idt): """ Compute information for link direction setting. Computes all the information required for link directions to be set for a river channel network. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. Imask : np.array Binary mask of the network. pixlen : float Length resolution of each pixel. exit_sides : str Two-character string of cardinal directions denoting the upstream and downsteram sides of the image that the network intersects (e.g. 'SW'). gt : tuple gdal-type GeoTransform of the original binary mask. meshlines : list List of shapely.geometry.LineStrings that define the valleyline mesh. meshpolys : list List of shapely.geometry.Polygons that define the valleyline mesh. Idt : np.array() Distance transform of Imask. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties including directional info. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties including directional info. """ # Append pixel-based widths to links if 'wid_pix' not in links.keys(): links = lnu.link_widths_and_lengths(links, Idt) # Compute all the information links = dir_centerline(links, nodes, meshpolys, meshlines, Imask, gt, pixlen) links = dir_link_widths(links) links, nodes = dy.dir_bridges(links, nodes) links, nodes = dy.dir_main_channel(links, nodes) return links, nodes
[docs]def fix_river_cycles(links, nodes, imshape): """ Attempt to resolve cycles in the network. Attempts to resolve all cycles within the river network. This function is essentially a wrapper for :func:`fix_river_cycle`, which is where the heavy lifting is actually done. This function finds cycles, calls :func:`fix_river_cycle` on each one, then aggregates the results. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. imshape : tuple Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols). Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties with all possible cycles fixed. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties with all possible cycles fixed. cantfix_links : list of lists Contains link ids of unresolvable cycles. Length is equal to number of unresolvable cycles. cantfix_nodes : TYPE Contains node ids of unresolvable cycles. Length is equal to number of unresolvable cycles. """ # Create networkx graph object G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lc in links['conn']: G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1]) # Check for cycles cantfix_nodes = [] cantfix_links = [] if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G) is not True: # Get list of cycles to fix c_nodes, c_links = dy.get_cycles(links, nodes) # Remove any cycles that are subsets of larger cycles isin = np.empty((len(c_links), 1)) isin[:] = np.nan for icn, cn in enumerate(c_nodes): for icn2, cn2 in enumerate(c_nodes): if cn2 == cn: continue elif len(set(cn) - set(cn2)) == 0: isin[icn] = icn2 break cfix_nodes = [cn for icn, cn in enumerate(c_nodes) if np.isnan(isin[icn][0])] cfix_links = [cl for icl, cl in enumerate(c_links) if np.isnan(isin[icl][0])] print('Attempting to fix {} cycles.'.format(len(cfix_nodes))) # Try to fix all the cycles for cnodes, clinks in zip(cfix_nodes, cfix_links): links, nodes, fixed = fix_river_cycle(links, nodes, clinks, cnodes, imshape) if fixed == 0: cantfix_nodes.append(cnodes) cantfix_links.append(clinks) return links, nodes, cantfix_links, cantfix_nodes
[docs]def fix_river_cycle(links, nodes, cyclelinks, cyclenodes, imshape): """ Attempt to fix a single cycle. Attempts to resolve a single cycle within a river network. The general logic is that all link directions of the cycle are un-set except for those set by highly-reliable algorithms, and a modified direction-setting recipe is implemented to re-set these algorithms. This was developed according to the most commonly-encountered cases for real braided rivers, but could certainly be improved. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. cyclelinks : list List of link ids that comprise a cycle. cyclenodes : list List of node ids taht comprise a cycle. imshape : tuple Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols). Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties with the cycle fixed if possible. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties with the cycle fixed if possible. fixed : int 1 if the cycle was resolved, else 0. """ # dont_reset_algs = [20, 21, 22, 23, 0, 5] dont_reset_algs = [dy.algmap(key) for key in ['manual_set', 'cl_dist_guess', 'cl_ang_guess', 'cl_dist_set', 'cl_ang_set', 'inletoutlet', 'bridges']] fixed = 1 # One if fix was successful, else zero reset = 0 # One if original orientation need to be reset # If an artifical node triad is present, flip its direction and see if the # cycle is resolved. # See if any links are part of an artificial triad clset = set(cyclelinks) all_pars = [] for i, pl in enumerate(links['parallels']): if len(clset.intersection(set(pl))) > 0: all_pars.append(pl) # Get continuity violators before flipping pre_sourcesink = dy.check_continuity(links, nodes) if len(all_pars) == 1: # There is one parallel link set, flip its direction and re-set other cycle links and see if cycle is resolved certzero = list(set(all_pars[0] + cyclelinks)) orig_links = dy.cycle_get_original_orientation(links, certzero) # Save the original orientations in case the cycle can't be fixed for cz in certzero: links['certain'][links['id'].index(cz)] = 0 # Flip the links of the triad for l in all_pars[0]: links = lnu.flip_link(links, l) if len(all_pars) > 1: # If there are multiple parallel pairs, more code needs to be written for these cases print('Multiple parallel pairs in the same cycle. Not implemented yet.') return links, nodes, 0 elif len(all_pars) == 0: # No aritifical node triads; just re-set all the cycle links and see if cycle is resolved certzero = cyclelinks orig_links = dy.cycle_get_original_orientation(links, certzero) for cz in certzero: lidx = links['id'].index(cz) if links['certain_alg'][lidx] not in dont_reset_algs: links['certain'][lidx] = 0 # Resolve the unknown cycle links links, nodes = re_set_linkdirs(links, nodes, imshape) # See if the fix violated continuity - if not, reset to original post_sourcesink = dy.check_continuity(links, nodes) if len(set(post_sourcesink) - set(pre_sourcesink)) > 0: reset = 1 # See if the fix resolved the cycle - if not, reset to original cyc_n, cyc_l = dy.get_cycles(links, nodes, checknode=cyclenodes[0]) if cyc_n is not None and cyclenodes[0] in cyc_n[0]: reset = 1 # Return the links to their original orientations if cycle could not # be resolved if reset == 1: links = dy.cycle_return_to_original_orientation(links, orig_links) # Try a second method to fix the cycle: unset all the links of the # cycle AND the links connected to those links set_to_zero = set() for cn in cyclenodes: conn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(cn)] set_to_zero.update(conn) set_to_zero = list(set_to_zero) # Save original orientation in case cycle cannot be fixed orig_links = dy.cycle_get_original_orientation(links, set_to_zero) for s in set_to_zero: lidx = links['id'].index(s) if links['certain_alg'][lidx] not in dont_reset_algs: links['certain'][lidx] = 0 links, nodes = re_set_linkdirs(links, nodes, imshape) # See if the fix violated continuity - if not, reset to original post_sourcesink = dy.check_continuity(links, nodes) if len(set(post_sourcesink) - set(pre_sourcesink)) > 0: reset = 1 # See if the fix resolved the cycle - if not, reset to original cyc_n, cyc_l = dy.get_cycles(links, nodes, checknode=cyclenodes[0]) if cyc_n is not None and cyclenodes[0] in cyc_n[0]: reset = 1 if reset == 1: links = dy.cycle_return_to_original_orientation(links, orig_links) fixed = 0 return links, nodes, fixed
[docs]def re_set_linkdirs(links, nodes, imshape): """ Reset link directions. Resets the link directions for a braided river channel network. This function is called to reset directions of links that belong to a cycle. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. imshape : tuple Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols). Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties with the directions re-set. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties with the directions re-set. """ links, nodes = dy.set_continuity(links, nodes) # Set the directions of the links that are more certain via centerline angle method # alg = 23.1 alg = dy.algmap('cl_ang_rs') cl_angthresh = np.percentile(links['clangs'][np.isnan(links['clangs']) == 0], 40) for lid, cla, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['clangs'], links['guess'], links['guess_alg'], links['certain']): if cert == 1: continue if np.isnan(cla) == True: continue if cla <= cl_angthresh: linkidx = links['id'].index(lid) if dy.algmap('cl_ang_guess') in lga: usnode = lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('cl_ang_guess'))] links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg) angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 1.3, 20) for a in angthreshs: links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape, angthresh=a, lenthresh=0, alg=dy.algmap('known_fdr_rs')) if np.sum(links['certain']) != len(links['id']): links_notset = links['id'][np.where(links['certain'] == 0)[0][0]] print('Links {} were not set by re_set_linkdirs.'.format(links_notset)) return links, nodes
[docs]def dir_centerline(links, nodes, meshpolys, meshlines, Imask, gt, pixlen): """ Guess flow directions of links in a braided river channel. Guesses the flow direction of links in a braided river channel network by exploiting a "valleyline" centerline. Two metrics are computed to help guess the correct direction. The first is the number of centerline transects (meshlines) that the link crosses. The second is the local angle of the centerline compared to the link's angle. These metrics are appended to the links dictionary as links['cldist'] and links['clangs']. Parameters ---------- links : dict Network links and associated properties. nodes : dict Network nodes and associated properties. meshpolys : list List of shapely.geometry.Polygons that define the valleyline mesh. meshlines : list List of shapely.geometry.LineStrings that define the valleyline mesh. Imask : np.array Binary mask of the network. gt : tuple gdal-type GeoTransform of the original binary mask. pixlen : float Length resolution of each pixel. Returns ------- links : dict Network links and associated properties with 'cldists' and 'clangs' attributes appended. """ # alg = 20 alg = dy.algmap('cl_dist_guess') # Create geodataframes for intersecting meshpolys with nodes mp_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[Polygon(mp) for mp in meshpolys]) rc = np.unravel_index(nodes['idx'], Imask.shape) nodecoords = gu.xy_to_coords(rc[1], rc[0], gt) node_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(nodecoords[0], nodecoords[1])], index=nodes['id']) # Determine which meshpoly each node lies within intersect = gpd.sjoin(node_gdf, mp_gdf, op='intersects', rsuffix='right') # Compute guess and certainty, where certainty is how many transects apart # the link endpoints are (longer=more certain) cldists = np.zeros((len(links['id']), 1)) for i, lconn in enumerate(links['conn']): try: first = intersect.loc[lconn[0]].index_right second = intersect.loc[lconn[1]].index_right cldists[i] = second-first except KeyError: pass for i, c in enumerate(cldists): if c != 0: if c > 0: links['guess'][i].append(links['conn'][i][0]) links['guess_alg'][i].append(alg) elif c < 0: links['guess'][i].append(links['conn'][i][-1]) links['guess_alg'][i].append(alg) # Save the distances for certainty links['cldists'] = np.abs(cldists) # Compute guesses based on how the link aligns with the local centerline # direction # alg = 21 alg = dy.algmap('cl_ang_guess') clangs = np.ones((len(links['id']), 1)) * np.nan for i, (lconn, lidx) in enumerate(zip(links['conn'], links['idx'])): # Get coordinates of link endpoints rc = np.unravel_index([lidx[0], lidx[-1]], Imask.shape) try: # Try is because some points may not lie within the mesh polygons # Get coordinates of centerline midpoints first = intersect.loc[lconn[0]].index_right second = intersect.loc[lconn[1]].index_right if first > second: first, second = second, first first_mp = np.mean(np.array(meshlines[first]), axis=0) # midpoint second_mp = np.mean(np.array(meshlines[second+1]), axis=0) # midpoint except KeyError: continue # Centerline vector cl_vec = second_mp - first_mp cl_vec = cl_vec/np.sqrt(np.sum(cl_vec**2)) # Link vectors - as-is and flipped (reversed) link_vec = dy.get_link_vector(links, nodes, links['id'][i], Imask.shape, pixlen=pixlen) link_vec_rev = -link_vec # Compute interior radians between centerline vector and link vector # (then again with link vector flipped) lva = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([cl_vec, link_vec]),, link_vec)) lvar = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([cl_vec, link_vec_rev]),, link_vec_rev)) # Save the maximum angle clangs[i] = np.min(np.abs([lva, lvar])) # Make a guess; smaller interior angle (i.e. link direction that aligns # best with local centerline direction) guesses the link orientation if np.abs(lvar) < np.abs(lva): links['guess'][i].append(links['conn'][i][1]) links['guess_alg'][i].append(alg) else: links['guess'][i].append(links['conn'][i][0]) links['guess_alg'][i].append(alg) links['clangs'] = clangs return links
""" Functions below here are deprecated or unused, but might be useful later """ """ No testing performed """
[docs]def set_unknown_cluster_by_widthpct(links, nodes): """ Set unknown links based on width differences at endpoints. (flow goes wide->narrow) """ alg = 26 # Get indices of uncertain links uc_idx = np.where(links['certain'] == 0)[0].tolist() # Create graph to find clusters of uncertains G = nx.Graph() for idx in uc_idx: lc = links['conn'][idx] G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1]) # Compute connected components (nodes) cc = nx.connected_components(G) ccs = [c for c in cc if len(c) > 1] # Convert cc nodes to cc edges cc_edges = [] for ccnodes in ccs: ccedge = [] for idx in uc_idx: lc = links['conn'][idx] if lc[0] in ccnodes and lc[1] in ccnodes: ccedge.append(links['id'][idx]) cc_edges.append(ccedge) # Loop through all the unknown clusters, setting the most-certain-by-width for lclust in cc_edges: widpcts = [links['wid_pctdiff'][links['id'].index(l)][0] for l in lclust] link_toset = lclust[widpcts.index(max(widpcts))] linkidx = links['id'].index(link_toset) usnode = links['guess'][linkidx][links['guess_alg'][linkidx].index(26)] links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg=alg) return links, nodes