# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Input/Output Utilities (io_utils.py)
Functions for input/output.
Created on Sun Sep 16 15:15:18 2018
@author: Jon
import os
import pickle
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import osr
except ImportError:
import gdal
import ogr
import osr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import rivgraph.geo_utils as gu
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
[docs]def prepare_paths(path_results, name, path_mask):
Creates a dictionary of paths for most of the RivGraph-exportable files.
path_results : str
The directory of the path where results are exported. Will be created
if it does not exist.
name : str
Name of the analysis that is prepended to exported results.
path_mask : str
Path to the mask geotiff, including extension.
paths : dict
Contains all the export paths. Not all will be necessarily used, but
all possible exports' paths are contained.
basepath = os.path.normpath(path_results)
# Create results folder if it doesn't exist
if os.path.isdir(basepath) is False:
# Create dictionary of directories
paths = dict()
paths['basepath'] = basepath
# geotiff binary mask; must be input by user
paths['maskpath'] = path_mask
# geotiff of skeletonized mask
paths['Iskel'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_skel.tif")
# geotiff of distance transform of mask
paths['Idist'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_dist.tif")
# links and nodes dictionaries, pickled
paths['network_pickle'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_network.pkl")
# csv file to manually fix link directionality, must be created by user
paths['fixlinks_csv'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_fixlinks.csv")
# tif file that shows link directionality
paths['linkdirs'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_link_directions.tif")
# metrics dictionary
paths['metrics'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_metrics.pkl")
# log file path
paths['log'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_log.log")
# The files at the following paths are not created by RivGraph,
# but by the user.
# shoreline shapefile, must be created by user
paths['shoreline'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_shoreline.shp")
# inlet nodes shapefile, must be created by user
paths['inlet_nodes'] = os.path.join(basepath, name + "_inlet_nodes.shp")
return paths
[docs]def pickle_links_and_nodes(links, nodes, path_out):
Saves the links and nodes dictionaries to a pickle file for easy loading.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
path_out : str
Where to save the pickle.
with open(path_out, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump([links, nodes], f)
[docs]def unpickle_links_and_nodes(path_pickle):
Unpickles a previously pickled network. Note that ordered_set is reloaded
within this function so that pickle can interpret OrderedSet object fields.
path_pickle : str
Path to the pickled network.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
import sys
from rivgraph import ordered_set
sys.modules['ordered_set'] = ordered_set
with open(path_pickle, 'rb') as f:
links, nodes = pickle.load(f)
return links, nodes
[docs]def get_driver(path_file):
Finds the proper geopandas driver for saving a geodataframe. Keys off the
extension in the filename, and supports either shapefiles or geojsons.
path_file : str
Where the file will be saved.
driver : str
Driver string specifying file format when using geopandas' to_file().
# Write geodataframe to file
ext = path_file.split('.')[-1]
if ext == 'json':
driver = 'GeoJSON'
elif ext == 'shp':
driver = 'ESRI Shapefile'
return driver
[docs]def nodes_to_geofile(nodes, dims, gt, crs, path_export):
Saves the nodes of the network to a georeferencedshapefile or geojson.
Computed node properties are appended as attributes when available.
The filetype is specified by the export path.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
dims : tuple
(nrows, ncols) of the original mask from which nodes were derived.
gt : tuple
GDAL geotransform of the original mask from which nodes were derived.
crs : pyrpoj.CRS
CRS object specifying the coordinate reference system of the original
mask from which nodes were derived.
path_export : str
Path, including extension, where to save the nodes export.
nodexy = np.unravel_index(nodes['idx'], dims)
x, y = gu.xy_to_coords(nodexy[1], nodexy[0], gt)
all_nodes = [Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(x, y)]
# Create GeoDataFrame for storing geometries and attributes
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=all_nodes)
gdf.crs = crs
# Store attributes as strings (numpy types give fiona trouble)
dontstore = ['idx']
storekeys = [k for k in nodes.keys() if len(nodes[k]) == len(nodes['id']) and k not in dontstore]
store_as_num = ['id', 'idx', 'logflux', 'flux', 'outletflux']
for k in storekeys:
if k in store_as_num:
gdf[k] = [c for c in nodes[k]]
gdf[k] = [str(c).replace('[', '').replace(']', '') for c in nodes[k]]
# Write geodataframe to file
gdf.to_file(path_export, driver=get_driver(path_export))
[docs]def links_to_geofile(links, dims, gt, crs, path_export):
Saves the links of the network to a georeferencedshapefile or geojson.
Computed link properties are saved as attributes when available. Note that
the 'wid_pix' property, which stores the width at each pixel along the
link, may be truncated depending on its length and the filetype.
The filetype is specified by the export path.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
dims : tuple
(nrows, ncols) of the original mask from which links were derived.
gt : tuple
GDAL geotransform of the original mask from which links were derived.
crs : pyrpoj.CRS
CRS object specifying the coordinate reference system of the original
mask from which links were derived.
path_export : str
Path, including extension, specifying where to save the links export.
# Create line objects to write to shapefile
all_links = []
for link in links['idx']:
xy = np.unravel_index(link, dims)
x, y = gu.xy_to_coords(xy[1], xy[0], gt)
all_links.append(LineString(zip(x, y)))
# Create GeoDataFrame for storing geometries and attributes
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=all_links)
gdf.crs = crs
# Store attributes as strings (numpy types give fiona trouble)
dontstore = ['idx', 'n_networks']
storekeys = [k for k in links.keys() if k not in dontstore]
storekeys = [k for k in storekeys if len(links[k]) == len(links['id'])]
store_as_num = ['id', 'flux', 'logflux']
for k in storekeys:
if k in store_as_num:
gdf[k] = [c for c in links[k]]
elif k == 'wid_pix':
gdf[k] = [str(c.tolist()).replace('[', '').replace(']', '') for c in links[k]]
gdf[k] = [str(c).replace('[', '').replace(']', '') for c in links[k]]
# Write geodataframe to file
gdf.to_file(path_export, driver=get_driver(path_export))
[docs]def centerline_to_geovector(cl, crs, path_export):
Exports centerline coordinates as a georeferenced linestring. Can be used
with any set of coordinates.
cl : np.array
((xs), (ys)) array of coordinates to write. The coordinates should already be
in terms of the provided crs.
crs : pyproj.CRS
CRS object specifying the coordinate reference system of the provided
path_export : str
Path, including extension, specifying where to save the coordinates export.
# Put points into shapely LineString
if type(cl) is not LineString:
cl = LineString(zip(cl[0], cl[1]))
# Geopandas dataframe
cl_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[cl])
cl_df.set_crs(crs, inplace=True)
# Save
cl_df.to_file(path_export, driver=get_driver(path_export))
[docs]def write_geotiff(raster, gt, wkt, path_export, dtype=gdal.GDT_UInt16,
options=['COMPRESS=LZW'], nbands=1, nodata=None,
Writes a georeferenced raster to disk.
raster : np.array
Image to be written. Shape is (nrows, ncols, nbands), although if only
one band is present the shape can be just (nrows, ncols).
gt : tuple
GDAL geotransform for the raster. Often this can simply be copied from
another geotiff via gdal.Open(path_to_geotiff).GetGeoTransform(). Can
also be constructed following the gdal convention of
(leftmost coordinate, pixel width, xskew, uppermost coordinate, pixel height, yskew).
For non-rotated images, the skews will be zero.
wkt : str
Well-known text describing the coordinate reference system of the raster.
Can be copied from another geotiff with gdal.Open(path_to_geotiff).GetProjection().
path_export : str
Path with extension of the geotiff to export.
dtype : gdal.GDT_XXX, optional
Gdal data type. Options for XXX include Byte, UInt16, UInt32, Int32,
Float32, Float64 and complex types CInt16, Cint32, CFloat32 and CFloat64.
If storing decimal data, use a Float type, binary data use Byte type.
The default is gdal.GDT_UInt16 (non-float).
options : list of strings, optional
Options that can be fed to gdal dataset creator. See YYY for what
can be specified by options.
The default is ['COMPRESS=LZW'].
nbands : int, optional
Number of bands of the raster. The default is 1.
nodata : numeric, optional
Pixels with this value will be written as nodata. If None, no nodata
value will be considered. The default is None.
color_table : gdal.ColorTable, optional
Color table to append to the geotiff. Can use colortable() function
to create, or create a custom type with gdal.ColorTable().
Note that color_tables can only be specified for Byte and UInt16 datatypes.
The default is None.
height = np.shape(raster)[0]
width = np.shape(raster)[1]
# Add empty dimension for single-band images
if len(raster.shape) == 2:
raster = np.expand_dims(raster, -1)
# Prepare destination file
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
if options != None:
dest = driver.Create(path_export, width, height, nbands, dtype,
dest = driver.Create(path_export, width, height, nbands, dtype)
# Write output raster
for b in range(nbands):
dest.GetRasterBand(b+1).WriteArray(raster[:, :, b])
if nodata is not None:
if color_table != None:
# Set transform and projection
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
# Close and save output raster dataset
dest = None
[docs]def colortable(ctype):
Generates a gdal-ingestible color table for a set of pre-defined options.
Can add your own colortable options. See https://gdal.org/doxygen/structGDALColorEntry.html
and https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/158195/python-gdal-create-geotiff-from-array-with-colormapping
for guidance.
ctype : str
Specifies the type of colortable to return. Choose from
{'binary', 'skel', 'mask', 'tile', or 'GSW'}.
color_table : gdal.ColorTable()
Color table that can be supplied to gdal when creating a raster.
color_table = gdal.ColorTable()
if ctype == 'binary':
# Some examples / last value is alpha (transparency).
color_table.SetColorEntry(0, (0, 0, 0, 0))
color_table.SetColorEntry(1, (255, 255, 255, 100))
elif ctype == 'skel':
color_table.SetColorEntry(0, (0, 0, 0, 0))
color_table.SetColorEntry(1, (255, 0, 255, 100))
elif ctype == 'mask':
color_table.SetColorEntry(0, (0, 0, 0, 0))
color_table.SetColorEntry(1, (0, 128, 0, 100))
elif ctype == 'tile':
color_table.SetColorEntry(0, (0, 0, 0, 0))
color_table.SetColorEntry(1, (0, 0, 255, 100))
elif ctype == 'GSW':
color_table.SetColorEntry(0, (0, 0, 0, 0))
color_table.SetColorEntry(1, (0, 0, 0, 0))
color_table.SetColorEntry(2, (176, 224, 230, 100))
return color_table
[docs]def shapely_list_to_geovectors(shplist, crs, path_export):
Exports a list of shapely geometries to a GIS-ingestible format.
shplist : list
A list of shapely.geometry objects defining components of the mesh.
crs : pyproj.CRS
CRS object specifying the coordinate reference system of the geometries
to export.
path_export : str
Path, including extension, where the geovector data should be written.
Extensions can be either '.shp' or '.geojson'.
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=shplist)
gdf.crs = crs
gdf.to_file(path_export, driver=get_driver(path_export))
[docs]def write_linkdirs_geotiff(links, gdobj, path_export):
Creates a geotiff where links are colored according to their directionality.
Pixels in each link are interpolated between 0 and 1 such that the upstream
pixel is 0 and the downstream-most pixel is 1. In a GIS, color can then
be set to visualize flow directionality.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
gdobj : osgeo.gdal.Dataset
GDAL object correspondng to the original mask from which links were
path_export : str
Path, including .tif extension, where the directions geotiff is
# Initialize plotting raster
I = gdobj.ReadAsArray()
I = np.ones((gdobj.RasterYSize, gdobj.RasterXSize), dtype=np.float32)*-1
# Loop through links and store each pixel's interpolated value
for lidcs in links['idx']:
n = len(lidcs)
vals = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
rcidcs = np.unravel_index(lidcs, I.shape)
I[rcidcs] = vals
# Save the geotiff
write_geotiff(I, gdobj.GetGeoTransform(), gdobj.GetProjection(), path_export, dtype=gdal.GDT_Float32, nodata=-1)
[docs]def create_manual_dir_csv(path_csv):
Creates a .csv file for fixing links manually.
path_csv : str
Path, including .csv extension, where the .csv is written.
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['link_id', 'usnode'])
df.to_csv(path_csv, index=False)
[docs]def coords_from_geovector(path_geovector):
Retreives coordinates from a shapefile containing a LineString or Points.
path_geovector : str
Path, including .shp extension, of the file containing coordinates.
coords : list of tuples
Coordinates (x, y) of the vertices in the provided geovector.
xy_gdf = gpd.read_file(path_geovector)
coords = []
for i in xy_gdf.index:
coords_obj = xy_gdf['geometry'][i].centroid.xy
coords.append((coords_obj[0][0], coords_obj[1][0]))
return coords
[docs]def coords_to_geovector(coords, epsg, path_export):
Exports coordinates to a Point shapefile.
coords : list-like of list-likes
List or tuple of (x, y) coordinates to export.
epsg : int
EPSG code of the coordinate reference system of the coordinates.
path_export : str
Path with .shp extension where the shapefile should be saved.
# TODO: This should be replaced by a geodataframe creation, but no use cases
# yet...
all_coords = []
for c in coords:
pt = ogr.Geometry(type=ogr.wkbPoint)
pt.AddPoint_2D(c[1], c[0])
# Write the shapefile
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
datasource = driver.CreateDataSource(path_export)
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
layer = datasource.CreateLayer("Coords", srs, ogr.wkbPoint)
defn = layer.GetLayerDefn()
idField = ogr.FieldDefn('id', ogr.OFTInteger)
for i, p in enumerate(all_coords):
# Create a new feature (attribute and geometry)
feat = ogr.Feature(defn)
feat.SetField('id', int(i))
# Make a geometry
geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(p.ExportToWkb())
feat = geom = None # destroy these
# Save and close everything
datasource = layer = feat = geom = None