Georeferencing Utilities (geo_utils.py)
Utilities for reading, writing, managing, processing, manipulating, etc.
geographic data including tiffs, vrts, shapefiles, etc.
6/2/2020 - Consider merging this into io_utils and im_utils. Not much actual
functionality here, and some of these functions are simply unused.
from osgeo import gdal
except ImportError:
import gdal
import numpy as np
from pyproj import Transformer
import warnings
import rivgraph.io_utils as io
import rivgraph.im_utils as im
[docs]def get_unit(crs):
Returns the units for a projection defined by an EPSG code.
See https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/PROJ.4#Units for a list of unit string
crs : pyproj CRS object
Defines the coordinate reference system.
unit : str
The unit of the provided epsg code.
# The to_proj4() function generates a warning.
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=UserWarning)
p4 = crs.to_proj4()
warnings.simplefilter(action='default', category=UserWarning)
projkey = p4[p4.index('+proj=') + len('+proj='):].split(' ')[0]
if projkey == 'longlat':
unit = 'degree'
unitstr = p4[p4.index('+units=') + len('+units='):].split(' ')[0]
p4units = {'m' : 'meter',
'cm' : 'centimeter',
'dm' : 'decimenter',
'ft' : 'foot',
'in' : 'inch',
'km' : 'kilometer',
'mi' : 'international statute mile',
'mm' : 'millimeter',
'yd' : 'international yard'}
if unitstr in p4units.keys():
unit = p4units[unitstr]
unit = unitstr
raise Warning('Unit type {} not understood.'.format(unitstr))
return unit
[docs]def geotiff_vals_from_coords(coords, gd_obj):
Returns pixel values at specific coordinates from a geotiff object.
coords : np.array()
An Nx2 numpy array, where each row is a (lon, lat) pair.
gd_obj : osgeo.gdal.Dataset
Geotiff object created with gdal.Open().
vals : list
The value of the pixels of the geotiff for each coordinate.
# Lat/lon to row/col
rowcol = coords_to_xy(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], gd_obj.GetGeoTransform())
# Pull value from vrt at row/col
vals = []
for rc in rowcol:
vals.append(gd_obj.ReadAsArray(int(rc[0]), int(rc[1]), int(1), int(1))[0,0])
return vals
[docs]def coords_to_xy(xs, ys, gt):
Transforms a set of xs, ys in projected coordinates to rows, columns within
a geotiff.
xs : list or np.array()
Specifies the E-W coordinates (longitude).
ys : list or np.array()
Specifies the N-S coordinates (latitude).
gt : tuple
6-element tuple gdal GeoTransform.
(uL_x, x_res, rotation, ul_y, rotation, y_res).
Automatically created by gdal's GetGeoTransform() method.
rowcols : np.array()
Nx2 array of (row, col) indices corresponding to the inpute coordinates. N = len(xs).
xs = np.array(xs)
ys = np.array(ys)
xs = ((xs - gt[0]) / gt[1]).astype(int)
ys = ((ys - gt[3]) / gt[5]).astype(int)
return np.column_stack((xs, ys))
[docs]def idx_to_coords(idx, gd_obj):
Transforms a set of indices from a geotiff image to their corresponding
idx : np.array()
Specifies the indices to transform. See np.ravel_index for more info.
gd_obj : osego.gdal.Dataset
gdal object of the geotiff from which indices were computed.
cx, cy : tuple
x and y coordinates of the provided indices.
yx = np.unravel_index(idx, (gd_obj.RasterYSize, gd_obj.RasterXSize))
cx, cy = xy_to_coords(yx[1], yx[0], gd_obj.GetGeoTransform())
return cx, cy
[docs]def xy_to_coords(xs, ys, gt):
Transforms a set of x and y coordinates to their corresponding coordinates
within a geotiff image.
xs : np.array
Specifies the x-coordinates to transform.
ys : np.array
Specifies the y-coordinates to transform.
gt : tuple
6-element tuple gdal GeoTransform.
(uL_x, x_res, rotation, ul_y, rotation, y_res).
Automatically created by gdal's GetGeoTransform() method.
cx, cy : tuple
Column and row indices of the provided coordinates.
cx = gt[0] + (xs + 0.5) * gt[1]
cy = gt[3] + (ys + 0.5) * gt[5]
return cx, cy
[docs]def crop_geotif(tif, cropto='first_nonzero', npad=0, outpath=None):
Crops a geotiff to the minimum bounding box as defined by the first
nonzero pixels along each direction. The cropped image is written to
tif : str
Path to geotiff to crop.
cropto : str
[first_nonzero] is currently the only choice.
npad : int
Number of pixels to add to each direction of the cropped image.
outpath : str
Defines the path where the cropped image will be written to disk. If
[None], the file will be written to the same directory as the input
output_file : str
Path to the saved, cropped geotiff.
# Prepare output file path
if outpath is None:
output_file = tif.split('.')[-2] + '_cropped.tif'
output_file = outpath
tif_obj = gdal.Open(tif)
tiffull = tif_obj.ReadAsArray()
if cropto == 'first_nonzero':
idcs = np.where(tiffull > 0)
t = np.min(idcs[0])
b = np.max(idcs[0]) + 1
l = np.min(idcs[1])
r = np.max(idcs[1]) + 1
# Crop the tiff
tifcropped = tiffull[t:b, l:r]
# Pad the tiff (if necessary)
if npad != 0:
tifcropped = np.pad(tifcropped, npad, mode='constant',
# Create a new geotransform by adjusting the origin (upper-left-most point)
gt = tif_obj.GetGeoTransform()
ulx = gt[0] + (l - npad) * gt[1]
uly = gt[3] + (t - npad) * gt[5]
crop_gt = (ulx, gt[1], gt[2], uly, gt[4], gt[5])
# Prepare datatype and options for saving...
datatype = tif_obj.GetRasterBand(1).DataType
options = ['BLOCKXSIZE=128',
# Only compress if we're working with a non-float
if datatype in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: # Int types: see the list at the end of this file
io.write_geotiff(tifcropped, crop_gt, tif_obj.GetProjection(), output_file,
dtype=datatype, options=options)
return output_file
[docs]def downsample_binary_geotiff(input_file, ds_factor, output_name, thresh=None):
Given binary geotiff, create a downsampled one.
Use :obj:`rivgraph.im_utils.downsample_binary_image()` and a bunch of
gdal bits to downsample a binary geotiff file to the specified relative
resolution. This new geotiff will have properly associated geoinformation
(to downsample a 2D array use the aforementioned function in im_utils).
input_file : str
Path to input file (original geotiff) as a string
ds_factor : float
Downsampling factor. This is the relative resolution for the output
file. For example, to downsample to half of the resolution of the
original image, ds_factor should be set to 0.5. As this function is
for downsample, values >= 1 are invalid.
output_name : str
Path / output file name, should have extension .tif
thresh : float, optional
Optional input to :obj:`rivgraph.im_utils.downsample_binary_image()`.
output_name : str
Path to the saved, downsampled geotiff.
# check ds_factor
if ds_factor >= 1.0:
raise ValueError('ds_factor must be < 1.')
# read original file
og = gdal.Open(input_file)
gm = og.GetGeoTransform()
# check array size for even downsampling
img = og.ReadAsArray()
img = img.astype(np.int32)
img_x, img_y = np.shape(img)
modfactor = 1/ds_factor
if (img_x % modfactor > 0) or (img_y % modfactor > 0):
img_x += img_x % modfactor
img_y += img_y % modfactor
old_x, old_y = np.shape(img)
# amount to pad by
npad = np.max([(img_x - old_x), (img_y - old_y)]).astype(int)
# do padding
newimg = np.pad(img, npad, mode='constant')
newgm = (gm[0] - npad*gm[1], gm[1], gm[2],
gm[3] - npad*gm[5], gm[4], gm[5])
# rescaling
rs_x = int(img_x * ds_factor) # number of x px
rs_y = int(img_y * ds_factor) # number of y px
if thresh is None:
img_rs = im.downsample_binary_image(newimg, (rs_x, rs_y))
img_rs = im.downsample_binary_image(newimg, (rs_x, rs_y), thresh)
# handle geotransformations and write the new geotif
# adjust georeference information (mainly px size)
dest_gm = (newgm[0], (newgm[1]*img_x)/rs_x, newgm[2],
newgm[3], newgm[4], (newgm[5]*img_y)/rs_y)
# save new geotiff
io.write_geotiff(img_rs, dest_gm, og.GetProjection(),
output_name, dtype=gdal.GDT_Byte)
return output_name