Source code for rivgraph.deltas.delta_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A collection of functions for pruning a delta channel network.

from loguru import logger
import geopandas as gpd
from import CRS
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import rivgraph.geo_utils as gu
import rivgraph.ln_utils as lnu

[docs]def prune_delta(links, nodes, shoreline_shp, inlets_shp, gdobj, prune_less): """ Prune a delta network. Clips a delta channel network given an inlet and shoreline shapefile and removes spurious links. Parameters ---------- links : dict stores the network's links and their properties nodes : dict stores the network's nodes and their properties shoreline_shp : str path to the shoreline shapefile (polyline) inlets_shp : str path to the shapefile of inlet locations (point shapefile) gdobj : osgeo.gdal.Dataset gdal object corresponding to the georeferenced input binary channel mask prune_less : bool Boolean to prune the network less... the first spur removal can create problems, especially for very small/simple networks. Returns ------- links : dict updated links dictionary nodes : dict updated nodes dictionary """ # Get inlet nodes nodes = find_inlet_nodes(nodes, inlets_shp, gdobj) if prune_less is False: # Remove spurs from network (this includes valid inlets and outlets) links, nodes = lnu.remove_all_spurs(links, nodes, dontremove=list(nodes['inlets'])) # Clip the network with a shoreline polyline, adding outlet nodes links, nodes = clip_by_shoreline(links, nodes, shoreline_shp, gdobj) # Remove spurs from network (this includes valid inlets and outlets) links, nodes = lnu.remove_all_spurs(links, nodes, dontremove=list(nodes['inlets']) + list(nodes['outlets'])) # Remove sets of links that are disconnected from inlets/outlets except for # a single bridge link (effectively re-pruning the network) links, nodes = lnu.remove_disconnected_bridge_links(links, nodes) # # Add artificial nodes where necessary # links, nodes = lnu.add_artificial_nodes(links, nodes, gdobj) # Remove one-node links links, nodes = lnu.remove_single_pixel_links(links, nodes) # Find parallel links links, nodes = lnu.find_parallel_links(links, nodes) return links, nodes
[docs]def find_inlet_nodes(nodes, inlets_shp, gdobj): """ Load inlets from a shapefile. Loads the user-defined inlet nodes point shapefile and uses it to identify the inlet nodes within the network. Parameters ---------- links : dict stores the network's links and their properties inlets_shp : str path to the shapefile of inlet locations (point shapefile) gdobj : osgeo.gdal.Dataset gdal object corresponding to the georeferenced input binary channel mask Returns ------- nodes : dict nodes dictionary with 'inlets' key containing list of inlet node ids """ # Check that CRSs match; reproject inlet points if not inlets_gpd = gpd.read_file(inlets_shp) mask_crs = CRS(gdobj.GetProjection()) if != mask_crs: inlets_gpd = inlets_gpd.to_crs(mask_crs)'Provided inlet points file does not have the same CRS as provided mask. Reprojecting.') # Convert all nodes to xy coordinates for distance search nodes_xy = gu.idx_to_coords(nodes['idx'], gdobj) # Map provided inlet nodes to actual network nodes inlets = [] for inlet_geom in inlets_gpd.geometry.values: # Distances between inlet node and all nodes in network xy = inlet_geom.xy dists = np.sqrt((xy[0][0]-nodes_xy[0])**2 + (xy[1][0]-nodes_xy[1])**2) inlets.append(nodes['id'][np.argmin(dists)]) # Append inlets to nodes dict nodes['inlets'] = inlets return nodes
[docs]def clip_by_shoreline(links, nodes, shoreline_shp, gdobj): """ Clips links by a provided shoreline shapefile. The largest network is presumed to be the delta network and is thus retained. The network should have been de-spurred before running this function. Parameters ---------- links : dict stores the network's links and their properties nodes : dict stores the network's nodes and their properties shoreline_shp : str path to the shapefile of shoreline polyline gdobj : osgeo.gdal.Dataset gdal object corresponding to the georeferenced input binary channel mask Returns ------- links : dict links dictionary representing network clipped by the shoreline nodes : dict nodes dictionary representing network clipped by the shoreline. 'outlets' has been added to the dictionary to store a list of outlet node ids """ # Get links as geopandas dataframe links_gdf = lnu.links_to_gpd(links, gdobj) # Load the coastline as a geopandas object shore_gdf = gpd.read_file(shoreline_shp) # Enusre we have consistent CRS before intersecting if != shore_gdf = shore_gdf.to_crs('Provided shoreline file does not have the same CRS as provided mask. Reprojecting.') # Remove the links beyond the shoreline # Intersect links with shoreline shore_int = gpd.sjoin(links_gdf, shore_gdf, op='intersects', lsuffix='left') # Get ids of intersecting links leftkey = [lid for lid in shore_int.columns if 'id' in lid.lower() and 'left' in lid.lower()][0] cut_link_ids = shore_int[leftkey].values # Loop through each cut link and truncate it near the intersection point; # add endpoint nodes; adjust connectivities newlink_ids = [] for clid in cut_link_ids: # Remove the pixel that represents the intersection between the outlet # links and the shoreline. Gotta find it first. lidx = links['id'].index(clid) idcs = links['idx'][lidx][:] coords = gu.idx_to_coords(idcs, gdobj) # Intersection coordinates int_points = links_gdf['geometry'][list(links_gdf['id'].values).index(clid)].intersection(shore_gdf['geometry'][0]) if int_points.type == 'Point': dists = np.sqrt((coords[0] - int_points.xy[0][0])**2 + (coords[1] - int_points.xy[1][0])**2) min_idx = np.argmin(dists) max_idx = min_idx elif int_points.type == 'MultiPoint': # Handle multiple intersections by finding the first and last one so we can remove that section of the link cutidcs = [] for pt in int_points: # Find index of closest pixel dists = np.sqrt((coords[0] - pt.xy[0][0])**2 + (coords[1] - pt.xy[1][0])**2) cutidcs.append(np.argmin(dists)) min_idx = min(cutidcs) max_idx = max(cutidcs) # Delete the intersected link and add two new links corresponding to the # two parts of the (now broken) intersected link # First add the two new links conn = links['conn'][lidx] for c in conn: nidx = nodes['id'].index(c) nflatidx = nodes['idx'][nidx] if nflatidx == idcs[0]: # Link corresponds to beginning of idcs -> break (minus one to ensure the break is true) if min_idx == 0: newlink_idcs = [] else: newlink_idcs = idcs[0:min_idx - 1] elif nflatidx == idcs[-1]: # Link corresponds to break (plus one to ensure the break is true) -> end of idcs if max_idx == 0: newlink_idcs = idcs[2:] elif max_idx == len(idcs) - 1: newlink_idcs = [] else: newlink_idcs = idcs[max_idx + 1:] else: RuntimeError('Check link-breaking.') # Only add new link if it contains indices if len(newlink_idcs) > 0: links, nodes = lnu.add_link(links, nodes, newlink_idcs) newlink_ids.append(links['id'][-1]) # Now delete the old link links, nodes = lnu.delete_link(links, nodes, clid) # Now that the links have been clipped, remove the links that are not # part of the delta network # Use networkx graph to determine which links to keep G = nx.MultiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes['id']) for lk, lc in zip(links['id'], links['conn']): G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1], key=lk) # Find the network containing the inlet(s) main_net = nx.node_connected_component(G, nodes['inlets'][0]) # Ensure all inlets are contained in this network for nid in nodes['inlets']: if len(main_net - nx.node_connected_component(G, nid)) > 0:'Not all inlets found in main connected component.') # Remove all nodes not in the main network remove_nodes = [n for n in G.nodes if n not in main_net] for rn in remove_nodes: G.remove_node(rn) # Get ids of the remaining links link_ids = [e[2] for e in G.edges] # Get ids to remove from network remove_links = [l for l in links['id'] if l not in link_ids] # Remove the links for rl in remove_links: links, nodes = lnu.delete_link(links, nodes, rl) # Identify the outlet nodes and add to nodes dictionary outlets = [nid for nid, ncon in zip(nodes['id'], nodes['conn']) if len(ncon)==1 and ncon[0] in newlink_ids] nodes['outlets'] = outlets return links, nodes