# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon May 21 09:00:01 2018
@author: Jon
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import rivgraph.directionality as dy
import rivgraph.ln_utils as lnu
This script contains algorithms that were ported from Matlab scripts provided
by Alejandro Tejedor to compute topologic and dynamic metrics on deltas. The
provided Matlab script required the bioinformatics toolbox; here we use
networkx to achieve the same result. Ported by Jon Schwenk.
The conversion was tested by computing metrics for the Wax Lake Delta
(provided by AT) and the Yenesei Delta (provided by JS)--perfect agreement
was found for all metrics, for both deltas, using both the original Matlab
scripts and the Python functions provided here.
JS has made some efficiency improvments to the code; otherwise most variable
names and code structure was matched to the original Matlab scripts.
Use at your own risk.
[docs]def compute_delta_metrics(links, nodes):
"""Compute delta metrics."""
# Delta metrics require a single apex node
# This is not the ideal way to force a single inlet; adding the super-apex
# is generally a much better approach. It has yet to be tested thoroughly,
# though.
links_m, nodes_m = ensure_single_inlet(links, nodes)
# Ensure we have a directed, acyclic graph; also include widths as weights
G = graphiphy(links_m, nodes_m, weight='wid_adj')
if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G) is not True:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot proceed with metrics as graph is not acyclic.')
# Compute the intermediate variables required to compute delta metrics
deltavars = intermediate_vars(G)
# Compute metrics
metrics = dict()
ner, pexc, ner_randomized = delta_nER(deltavars, N=200)
metrics['nonlin_entropy_rate'] = ner
metrics['nER_prob_exceedence'] = pexc
metrics['nER_randomized'] = ner_randomized
metrics['top_mutual_info'], metrics['top_conditional_entropy'] = top_entropy_based_topo(deltavars)
metrics['top_link_sharing_idx'] = top_link_sharing_index(deltavars)
metrics['n_alt_paths'] = top_number_alternative_paths(deltavars)
metrics['resistance_distance'] = top_resistance_distance(deltavars)
metrics['top_pairwise_dependence'] = top_s2s_topo_pairwise_dep(deltavars)
metrics['flux_sharing_idx'] = dyn_flux_sharing_index(deltavars)
metrics['leakage_idx'] = dyn_leakage_index(deltavars)
metrics['dyn_pairwise_dependence'] = dyn_pairwise_dep(deltavars)
metrics['dyn_mutual_info'], metrics['dyn_conditional_entropy'] = dyn_entropy_based_dyn(deltavars)
return metrics
[docs]def ensure_single_inlet(links, nodes):
Ensure only a single apex node exists. This dumbly just prunes all inlet
nodes+links except the widest one. Recommended to use the super_apex()
approach instead if you want to preserve all inlets.
All the delta metrics here require a single apex node, and that that node
be connected to at least two downstream links. This function ensures these
conditions are met; where there are multiple inlets, the widest is chosen.
This function also ensures that the inlet node is attached to at least two
links--this is important for computing un-biased delta metrics.
The links and nodes dicts are copied so they remain unaltered; the altered
copies are returned.
# Copy links and nodes so we preserve the originals
links_edit = dict()
nodes_edit = dict()
# Find the widest inlet
in_wids = []
for i in nodes_edit['inlets']:
linkid = nodes_edit['conn'][nodes_edit['id'].index(i)][0]
linkidx = links_edit['id'].index(linkid)
widest_inlet_idx = in_wids.index(max(in_wids))
inlets_to_remove = nodes_edit['inlets'][:]
# Remove inlet nodes and links until continuity is no longer broken
badnodes = dy.check_continuity(links_edit, nodes_edit)
if len(badnodes) > 0:
raise RuntimeError('Provided (links, nodes) has source or sink at nodes: {}.'.format(badnodes))
# Keep the widest inlet - delete all others (and remove their subnetworks)
main_inlet = inlets_to_remove.pop(widest_inlet_idx)
for i in inlets_to_remove:
badnodes = dy.check_continuity(links_edit, nodes_edit)
while len(badnodes) > 0:
badnode = badnodes.pop()
# Remove the links connected to the bad node:
# the hanging node will also be removed
connlinks = nodes_edit['conn'][nodes_edit['id'].index(badnode)]
for cl in connlinks:
links_edit, nodes_edit = lnu.delete_link(links_edit,
nodes_edit, cl)
badnodes = dy.check_continuity(links_edit, nodes_edit)
# Ensure there are at least two links emanating from the inlet node
conn = nodes_edit['conn'][nodes_edit['id'].index(main_inlet)]
while len(conn) == 1:
main_inlet_new = links_edit['conn'][links_edit['id'].index(conn[0])][:]
links_edit, nodes_edit = lnu.delete_link(links_edit, nodes_edit,
# Update new inlet node
main_inlet = main_inlet_new[0]
nodes_edit['inlets'] = nodes_edit['inlets'] + [main_inlet]
conn = nodes_edit['conn'][nodes_edit['id'].index(main_inlet)]
return links_edit, nodes_edit
[docs]def add_super_apex(links, nodes, imshape):
If multiple inlets are present, this creates a "super apex" that is
directly upstream of all the inlet nodes. The synthetic links created
have zero length and widths equal to the sum of the widths of the links
connected to their respective inlet node.
# Get inlet nodes
ins = nodes['inlets']
if len(ins) <= 1:
return links, nodes
# Find the location of the super-apex by averaging the inlets' locations
ins_idx = [nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(i)] for i in ins]
rs, cs = np.unravel_index(ins_idx, imshape)
apex_r, apex_c = np.mean(rs, dtype=int), np.mean(cs, dtype=int)
apex_idx = np.ravel_multi_index((apex_r, apex_c), imshape)
# Get the widths of the super-apex links -- these are just the summed
# widths of all the links connected to each inlet node
sa_widths = []
for i in ins:
lconn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(i)]
sa_widths.append(sum([links['wid_adj'][links['id'].index(lid)] for lid in lconn]))
# Add links from the super-apex to the inlet nodes
# Widths are computed above
# lengths are set to zero for these synthetic links
for i, wid in zip(ins, sa_widths):
in_idx = nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(i)]
idcs = [apex_idx, in_idx]
links, nodes = lnu.add_link(links, nodes, idcs)
# we also append to the other attributes to keep fields the same length
# Add the super apex node field to the nodes dictionary
# nodes = ln_utils.add_node(nodes, apex_idx, sa_lids)
nodes['super_apex'] = nodes['id'][-1]
return links, nodes
[docs]def delete_super_apex(links, nodes):
If you have a super apex, this function deletes it and connecting links.
# Get super apex node
if 'super_apex' not in nodes:
raise ValueError('no super apex detected.')
# identify super apex
super_apex = nodes['super_apex'][0]
# identify connecting links
super_links = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(super_apex)]
# delete links first
for i in super_links:
links, nodes = lnu.delete_link(links, nodes, i)
# then delete super apex
nodes = lnu.delete_node(nodes, super_apex, warn=True)
return links, nodes
[docs]def graphiphy(links, nodes, weight=None, inletweights=None):
"""Converts RivGraph links and nodes into a NetworkX graph object.
Converts the RivGraph links and nodes dictionaries into a NetworkX graph
links : dict
RivGraph links and their attributes
nodes : dict
RivGraph nodes and their attributes
weight : str, optional
Link attribute to use to weight the NetworkX graph. If not provided or
None, the graph will be unweighted (links of 1 and 0)
inletweights : list, optional
Optional manual weights for the inlets when using the super-apex
functionality. Overrides the weight set by the inlet link attribute
in favor of values from the provided list. List must be in the same
order and have the same length as nodes['inlets'].
G : networkx.DiGraph
Returns a NetworkX DiGraph object weighted by the link attribute
specified in the optional parameter `weight`
if weight is not None and weight not in links.keys():
raise RuntimeError('Provided weight key not in links dictionary.')
if weight is None:
weights = np.ones((len(links['conn']), 1))
weights = np.array(links[weight])
# Check weights
if np.sum(weights <= 0) > 0:
raise Warning('One or more of your weights is =< 0. This could cause problems later.')
if inletweights is not None:
if 'super_apex' not in nodes.keys():
raise RuntimeError('Can only specify weights if super-apex has been added.')
if len(inletweights) != len(nodes['inlets']):
raise RuntimeError('graphiphy requires {} weights but {} were provided.'.format(len(nodes['inlets']), len(inletweights)))
# Set weights of inlet links
for inw, inl in zip(inletweights, nodes['inlets']):
lconn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(inl)][:]
lconn = [lc for lc in lconn if lc in nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(nodes['super_apex'])]]
lidx = links['id'].index(lconn[0])
weights[lidx] = inw
G = nx.DiGraph()
for lc, wt, lid in zip(links['conn'], weights, links['id']):
G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1], weight=wt, linkid=lid)
return G
[docs]def normalize_adj_matrix(G):
Normalize adjacency matrix.
Normalizes a graph's adjacency matrix so the sum of weights of each row
equals one. G is a networkx Graph with weights assigned.
# First, get adjacency matrix
A = nx.to_numpy_array(G)
# Normalize each node
for r in range(A.shape[0]):
rowsum = np.sum(A[r, :])
if rowsum > 0:
A[r, :] = A[r, :] / np.sum(A[r, :])
return A
[docs]def find_inlet_outlet_nodes(A):
Find inlet and outlet nodes.
Given an input adjacency matrix (A), returns the inlet and outlet nodes.
The graph should contain a single apex
(i.e. run ensure_single_inlet first).
apex = np.where(np.sum(A, axis=1) == 0)[0]
if apex.size != 1:
raise RuntimeError('The graph contains more than one apex.')
outlets = np.where(np.sum(A, axis=0) == 0)[0]
return apex, outlets
[docs]def compute_steady_state_link_fluxes(G, links, nodes, weight_name='flux_ss'):
"""Compute steady state fluxes through the network graph.
Computes the steady state fluxes through links given a directed, weighted,
NetworkX graph. The network should have only a single inlet (use either
ensure_single_inlet() or add_super_apex() to do this). Additionally,
this method will fail if the network has parallel edges. You should first
run ln_utils artificial_nodes() function to break parallel edges, then
re-compute link widths and lengths. Method after Tejedor et al 2015 [1]_.
.. [1] Tejedor, Alejandro, et al. "Delta channel networks: 1. A
graphâtheoretic approach for studying connectivity and steady state
transport on deltaic surfaces."
Water Resources Research 51.6 (2015): 3998-4018.
G : networkx.DiGraph
NetworkX DiGraph object from graphiphy()
links : dict
RivGraph links dictionary
nodes : dict
RivGraph nodes dictionary
weight_name : str, optional
Name to give the new attribute in the links dictionary, is optional,
if not provided will be 'flux_ss' (flux steady-state)
links : dict
RivGraph links dictionary with new attribute
# Normalize the adjacency matrix
An = normalize_adj_matrix(G)
# Transposed adjacency required for computing F
An_t = np.transpose(An)
# Compute steady-state flux distribution
fluxes, _ = delta_subN_F(An_t)
# Fluxes are at-a-node and need to be translated to links
fluxes = np.expand_dims(fluxes, 1)
# Expand node-fluxes back to full adjacency matrix
fw = fluxes * An
# All nonzero elements in fw represent links where there is flux
rows, cols = np.where(fw > 0)
Gnodes = list(G.nodes)
linkfluxes = np.zeros((len(links['id']), 1)) # Preallocate storage
for (r, c) in zip(rows, cols):
u = Gnodes[r]
v = Gnodes[c]
link_id = G.edges[u, v]['linkid']
linkfluxes[links['id'].index(link_id)] = fw[r, c]
# Store the fluxes in the links dict
links[weight_name] = np.array(linkfluxes).flatten().tolist()
return links
[docs]def delta_subN_F(A, epsilon=10**-10):
Compute steady state flux distribution.
Computes the steady state flux distribution in the delta nodes when the
system is fed with a constant unity influx from the Apex. Also defines the
subnetworks apex-to-outlet.
The SubN is an NxM matrix, where N is number of nodes and M is the number
of outlets. For each mth outlet, its contributing subnetwork is given by
the nonzero entries in SubN. The values in SubN are the degree of
"belongingness" of each node to its subnetwork. If SubN(m,n) = 0, the m'th
node does not belong to the n'th subnetwork; but if SubN(m,n) = 1, the m'th
node belongs *only* to the n'th subnetwork. The values in SubN may be
interpreted as the percentage of tracers that pass through node m that
eventually make their way to the outlet of subnetwork n.
ApexID, OutletsID = find_inlet_outlet_nodes(A)
""" Computing the steady-state flux, F """
# To avoid boundary conditions and with the purpose of computing F, we
# create a cycled version of the graph by connecting the outlet nodes
# to the apex
AC = A.copy()
AC[ApexID, OutletsID] = 1
# F is proportional to the eigenvector corresponding to the zero eigenvalue
# of L=I-AC
L = np.identity(AC.shape[0]) - np.matmul(AC,
np.diag(np.sum(AC, axis=0))))
d, v = np.linalg.eig(L)
# Renormalize eigenvectors so that F at apex equals 1
I = np.where(np.abs(d) < epsilon)[0]
F = np.abs(v[:, I] / v[ApexID, I])
""" Computing subnetworks """
# R is null space of L(Gr)=Din(Gr-Ar(Gr)) - where Gr is the reverse graph,
# Din the in-degree matrix, and Ar the adjacency matrix of Gr
Ar = np.transpose(A)
Din = np.diag(np.sum(Ar, axis=1))
L = Din - Ar
d, v = np.linalg.eig(L)
# Renormalize eigenvectors to one
for i in range(v.shape[1]):
# set values below epsilon to 0
v[:, i][v[:, i] < epsilon] = 0
if np.max(v[:, i]) == 0:
v[:, i] = v[:, i] / np.max(v[:, i])
# Null space basis
SubN = v[:, np.where(np.abs(d) < epsilon)[0]]
I = np.where(SubN < epsilon)
SubN[I[0], I[1]] = 0
return np.squeeze(F), SubN
[docs]def nl_entropy_rate(A):
Compute nonlocal entropy rate.
Computes the nonlocal entropy rate (nER) corresponding to the delta
(inlcuding flux partition) represented by matrix A
# Compute steady-state flux and subnetwork structure
F, SubN = delta_subN_F(A)
F = F/np.sum(F)
# Entropy per node
Entropy = []
for i in range(len(F)):
I = np.where(SubN[i, :] > 0)[0]
ent = -np.sum(SubN[i, I]*np.log2(SubN[i, I]))
if len(I) > 1:
ent = ent / np.log2(len(I))
nER = np.sum(F*np.array(Entropy))
return nER
[docs]def delta_nER(deltavars, N=500):
Compute nonlocal entropy rate.
Compute the nonlocal entrop rate (nER) corresponding to the delta
(including flux partition) represented by adjacency matrix A, and compares
its value with the nER resulting from randomizing the flux partition.
pExc :
the probability that the value of nER for a randomization of the fluxes
on the topology dictated by A exceeds the actual value of nER. If the
value of pExc is lower than 0.10, we considered that the actual partition
of fluxes is an extreme value of nER
nER_Delta :
the nonlinear entropy rate for the provided adjacency matrix
nER_randA :
the nonlinear entropy rates for the N randomized deltas
A = deltavars['A_w_trans'].copy()
nER_Delta = nl_entropy_rate(A)
nER_randA = []
for i in range(N):
A_rand = A.copy()
I = np.where(A_rand > 0)
rand_weights = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (1, len(I[0])))
A_rand[I] = rand_weights
A_rand = np.matmul(A_rand, np.linalg.pinv(np.diag(np.sum(A_rand, axis=0))))
pExc = len(np.where(nER_randA > nER_Delta)[0]) / len(nER_randA)
return nER_Delta, pExc, nER_randA
[docs]def top_entropy_based_topo(deltavars, epsilon=10**-10):
Compute topologic mutual information and conditional entropies.
Computes the Topologic Mutual Information (TMI) and the Topologic
Conditional Entropy for each subnetwork.
outlets = deltavars['outlets']
# Fluxes at each node F and subnetworks subN
F = deltavars['F_uw_trans'].copy()
F = F/np.sum(F)
SubN = deltavars['SubN_uw_trans'].copy()
# Fluxes at links
L_F = np.matmul(deltavars['A_uw_trans'], np.diag(F))
TMI = np.empty((SubN.shape[1], 2))
TCE = np.empty((SubN.shape[1], 2))
for i in range(SubN.shape[1]):
# Nodes that belong to subnetwork i
nodes_in = np.where(SubN[:, i] > epsilon)[0]
# Nodes that don't belong to subnetwork i
nodes_out = np.where(SubN[:, i] < epsilon)[0]
outlet_SubN = list(set(outlets).intersection(set(nodes_in)))[0]
# Fluxes within subnetwork i - remove nodes_out
subN_F = L_F.copy()
subN_F[:, nodes_out] = 0
subN_F[nodes_out, :] = 0
# Compute fluxes leaving (Fn_out) and entering (Fn_in) each node in
# the subnetwork, and total flux in the subnetwork (FS)
Fn_out = np.sum(subN_F, axis=0)
Fn_in = np.sum(subN_F, axis=1)
FS = np.sum(subN_F)
# Normalize all fluxes by FS
subN_F = subN_F / FS
Fn_out = Fn_out / FS
Fn_in = Fn_in / FS
# Compute TMI and TCE
TMI_sum = 0
TCE_sum = 0
for ni in nodes_in:
downN = np.where(subN_F[:, ni] > 0)[0]
if len(downN) != 0:
for d in downN:
TMI_sum = TMI_sum + subN_F[d, ni] * \
np.log2(subN_F[d, ni] / (Fn_in[d] * Fn_out[ni]))
TCE_sum = TCE_sum - subN_F[d, ni] * \
np.log2(subN_F[d, ni] * \
subN_F[d, ni] / Fn_in[d] / Fn_out[ni])
TMI[i, 0] = outlet_SubN
TMI[i, 1] = TMI_sum
TCE[i, 0] = outlet_SubN
TCE[i, 1] = TCE_sum
return TMI, TCE
[docs]def top_link_sharing_index(deltavars, epsilon=10**-10):
Compute the link sharing index.
Computes the Link Sharing Index (LSI) which quantifies the overlapping
(in terms of links) of each subnetwork with other subnetworks in the
outlets = deltavars['outlets']
# Don't need weights
A = deltavars['A_uw'].copy()
# Set of links in the network (r, c)
r, c = np.where(A==True)
NL = r.shape[0]
LinkBelong = np.zeros((NL, 1))
# SubN indicates which nodes belong to each subnetwork
SubN = deltavars['SubN_uw'].copy()
NS = SubN.shape[1]
SubN_Links = [[] for sl in range(NS)]
# Evalueate LinkBelong and SubN_Links
for i in range(NL):
for k in range(NS):
if SubN[r[i], k] > 0 and SubN[c[i], k] > 0:
LinkBelong[i] = LinkBelong[i] + 1
# LSI is defined for each subnetwork as one minus the average
# inverse LinkBelong
LSI = np.empty((NS, 2))
for k in range(NS):
I = np.where(SubN[outlets, k] > epsilon)[0]
LSI[k, 0] = outlets[I]
LSI[k, 1] = 1 - np.nanmean(1 / LinkBelong[SubN_Links[k]])
return LSI
[docs]def top_number_alternative_paths(deltavars, epsilon=10**-15):
Compute number of alternative paths.
Computes the number of alternative paths (Nap) in the combinatorics sense
from the Apex to each of the shoreline outlets.
apexid = deltavars['apex']
outlets = deltavars['outlets']
# Don't need weights
A = deltavars['A_uw'].copy()
# To compute Nap we need to find the null space of L==I*-A', where I* is
# the Identity matrix with zeros for the diagonal entries that correspond
# to the outlets.
D = np.ones((A.shape[0], 1))
D[outlets] = 0
L = np.diag(np.squeeze(D)) - A.T
d, v = np.linalg.eig(L)
d = np.abs(d)
null_space_v = np.where(np.logical_and(d < epsilon, d > -epsilon))[0]
# Renormalize eigenvectors of the null space to have one at the outlet entry
vN = np.abs(v[:, null_space_v])
paths = np.empty((null_space_v.shape[0], 2))
for i in range(null_space_v.shape[0]):
I = np.where(vN[outlets, i] > epsilon)[0]
vN[:, i] = vN[:, i] / vN[outlets[I], i]
paths[i, 0] = outlets[I]
paths[i, 1] = vN[apexid, i]
return paths
[docs]def top_resistance_distance(deltavars, epsilon=10**-15):
Compute the topologic resistance distance.
NOTE! TopoDist was not supplied with this function--can use networkX to
compute shortest path but need to know what "shortest" means
This function will not work until TopoDist is resolved.
Computes the resistance distance (RD) from the Apex to each of the
shoreline outlets. The value of RD between two nodes is the effective
resistance between the two nodes when each link in the network is replaced
by a 1 ohm resistor.
apexid = deltavars['apex']
outlets = deltavars['outlets']
# Don't need weights
As = deltavars['A_uw'].copy()
# Compute the RD within each subnetwork
SubN = deltavars['SubN_w'].copy()
RD = np.empty((SubN.shape[1], 2))
for i in range(SubN.shape[1]):
# Nodes that don't belong to subnetwork
I = np.where(np.abs(SubN[:, i]) < epsilon)[0]
# Zero columns and rows of nodes that are not present in subnetwork i
As_i = As.copy()
As_i[I, :] = 0
As_i[:, I] = 0
# Laplacian L and its pseudoinverse
L = np.diag(np.sum(As_i, axis=0)) - As_i
invL = np.linalg.pinv(L)
# Compute RD
I = np.where(SubN[outlets, i] > epsilon)[0]
o = outlets[I]
a = apexid
RD[i, 0] = o
# Distance between the apex and the ith outlet
TopoDist = graphshortestpath(As_i, a[0], o[0])
# RD is normalized by TopoDist to be able to compare networks of different size
RD[i, 1] = (invL[a, a] + invL[o, o] - invL[a, o] - \
invL[o, a]) / TopoDist
return RD
[docs]def graphshortestpath(A, start, finish):
Find the shortest path.
Uses networkx functions to find the shortest path along a graph defined
by A; path is simply defined as the number of links. Actual length not
considered. Number of links in the shortest path is returned.
G = nx.from_numpy_array(A)
sp = nx.shortest_path_length(G, start, finish)
return sp
[docs]def top_s2s_topo_pairwise_dep(deltavars, epsilon=10**-10):
Compute subnetwork topologic pairwise dependence.
This function computes the Subnetwork to Subnetwork Topologic Pairwise
Dependence (TPD) which quantifies the overlapping for all pairs of
subnetworks in terms of links.
outlets = deltavars['outlets']
# Don't need weights
A = deltavars['A_uw'].copy()
# Set of links
r, c = np.where(A > 0)
NL = len(r)
# SubN indicates which nodes belong to each subnetwork
SubN = deltavars['SubN_uw'].copy()
NS = SubN.shape[1]
SubN_Links = [[] for i in range(NS)]
# Evaluate SubN_Links
for i in range(NL):
for k in range(NS):
if SubN[r[i], k] > 0 and SubN[c[i], k] > 0:
# Compute TDP
TDP = np.empty((len(outlets), len(outlets)))
for i in range(NS):
for k in range(NS):
TDP[k, i] = len(set(SubN_Links[i]).intersection(set(SubN_Links[k]))) / len(SubN_Links[k])
return TDP
[docs]def dyn_flux_sharing_index(deltavars, epsilon=10**-10):
Compute the flux sharing index.
Computes the Flux Sharing Index (LSI) which quantifies the overlapping
(in terms of flux) of each subnetwork with other subnetworks in the
outlets = deltavars['outlets']
# Set of links in the network (r, c)
r, c = np.where(deltavars['A_w'] > 0)
NL = r.shape[0]
# SubN indicates which nodes belong to each subnetwork
SubN = deltavars['SubN_w'].copy()
NS = SubN.shape[1]
SubN_Links = [[] for sl in range(NS)]
# Evalueate SubN_Links
for i in range(NL):
for k in range(NS):
if SubN[r[i], k] > 0 and SubN[c[i], k] > 0:
# FSI is defined for each subnetwork as one minus the average inverse SubN
FSI = np.empty((NS, 2))
for k in range(NS):
I = np.where(SubN[outlets, k] > epsilon)[0]
if len(I) != 0:
FSI[k, 0] = outlets[I]
# Downstream nodes of all the links in the subnetwork
NodesD = r[SubN_Links[k]]
FSI[k, 1] = 1 - np.nanmean(SubN[NodesD, k])
FSI[k, 0] = np.nan
FSI[k, 1] = np.nan
return FSI
[docs]def dyn_leakage_index(deltavars, epsilon=10**-10):
Compute the leakage index.
Computes the LI which accounts for the fraction of flux in subnetwork i
leaked to other subnetworks.
apexid = deltavars['apex']
outlets = deltavars['outlets']
A = deltavars['A_w'].copy()
# Check that the inlet node is at a bifurcation
a = apexid
I = np.where(A[:, a] > 0)[0]
if len(I) < 2:
print('Warning: the apex of the delta has only one node downstream. It is recommended that there be at least two downstream links from the apex to avoid biases.')
# Fluxes at each node F and subnetworks subN
F = deltavars['F_w'].copy()
SubN = deltavars['SubN_w'].copy()
# Link fluxes
L_F = np.matmul(deltavars['A_w_trans'], np.diag(F))
# Mathematically LI is computed for each subnetwork as the difference on
# the fluxes at the nodes minus the links normalized by the total flux
# in the links
LI = np.empty((SubN.shape[1], 2))
for i in range(SubN.shape[1]):
# Nodes that belong to subnetwork i
nodes_in = np.where(SubN[:, i] > epsilon)[0]
# Nodes that do not belong to subnetwork i
nodes_out = np.where(SubN[:, i] < epsilon)
outlet_subN = set(outlets).intersection(set(nodes_in))
if len(outlet_subN) != 0:
outlet_subN = outlet_subN.pop()
# Fluxes within subnetwork i -- remove nodes_out
subN_F = L_F.copy()
subN_F[:, nodes_out] = 0
subN_F[nodes_out, :] = 0
# Active links within subnetwork
links_subN = np.where(subN_F > 0)
# Sum of the fluxes in all the li nks in the subnetwork
sum_links = np.sum(subN_F[links_subN[0], links_subN[1]])
# Sum of the fluxes in all the nodes (except the outlet--since it
# cannot leak out by definition)
sum_nodes = np.sum(F[nodes_in]) - F[outlet_subN]
LI[i,0] = outlet_subN
LI[i,1] = (sum_nodes - sum_links) / sum_nodes
LI[i,:] = np.nan
return LI
[docs]def dyn_pairwise_dep(deltavars, epsilon=10**-10):
Compute subnetwork dynamic pairwise dependence.
Computes the subnetwork to subnetwork dynamic pairwise dependence (DPD)
which quantifies the overlapping for all pairs of subnetworks in terms of
A = deltavars['A_w_trans'].copy()
# Set of links in the network (r, c)
r, c = np.where(A > 0)
NL = r.shape[0]
# SubN indicates which nodes belong to each subnetwork
F = deltavars['F_w_trans'].copy()
SubN = deltavars['SubN_w_trans'].copy()
NS = SubN.shape[1]
SubN_Links = [[] for sl in range(NS)]
# Evalueate SubN_Links
for i in range(NL):
for k in range(NS):
if SubN[r[i], k] > 0 and SubN[c[i], k] > 0:
# Link fluxes
L_F = np.matmul(A, np.diag(F))
# Compute DPD
DPD = np.empty((NS, NS))
for i in range(NS):
for k in range(NS):
link_intersect = list(set(SubN_Links[i]).intersection(set(SubN_Links[k])))
links_in_s = SubN_Links[k]
DPD[k, i] = np.sum(L_F[r[link_intersect],
c[link_intersect]]) / np.sum(L_F[r[links_in_s],
return DPD
[docs]def dyn_entropy_based_dyn(deltavars, epsilon=10**-10):
Compute dynamic mutual information and dynamic conditional entropy.
Computes the Dynamic Mutual Information (DMI) and the Dynamic
Conditional Entropy for each subnetwork.
outlets = deltavars['outlets']
A = deltavars['A_w_trans'].copy()
# Fluxes at each node F and subnetworks subN
F = deltavars['F_w_trans'].copy()
SubN = deltavars['SubN_w_trans'].copy()
F = F / np.sum(F)
# Fluxes at links
L_F = np.matmul(A, np.diag(F))
DMI = np.empty((SubN.shape[1], 2))
DCE = np.empty((SubN.shape[1], 2))
for i in range(SubN.shape[1]):
# Nodes that belong to subnetwork i
nodes_in = np.where(SubN[:, i] > epsilon)[0]
# Nodes that don't belong to subnetwork i
nodes_out = np.where(SubN[:, i] < epsilon)[0]
outlet_SubN = list(set(outlets).intersection(set(nodes_in)))[0]
# Fluxes within subnetwork i - remove nodes_out
subN_F = L_F.copy()
subN_F[:, nodes_out] = 0
subN_F[nodes_out, :] = 0
# Compute fluxes leaving (Fn_out) and entering (Fn_in) each node in
# the subnetwork, and total flux in the subnetwork (FS)
Fn_out = np.sum(subN_F, axis=0)
Fn_in = np.sum(subN_F, axis=1)
FS = np.sum(subN_F)
# Normalize all fluxes by FS
subN_F = subN_F / FS
Fn_out = Fn_out / FS
Fn_in = Fn_in / FS
# Compute TMI and TCE
DMI_sum = 0
DCE_sum = 0
for ni in nodes_in:
downN = np.where(subN_F[:, ni] > 0)[0]
if len(downN) != 0:
for d in downN:
DMI_sum = DMI_sum + subN_F[d, ni] * \
np.log2(subN_F[d, ni] / (Fn_in[d] * Fn_out[ni]))
DCE_sum = DCE_sum - subN_F[d, ni] * \
np.log2(subN_F[d, ni] * subN_F[d, ni] / Fn_in[d] / Fn_out[ni])
DMI[i, 0] = outlet_SubN
DMI[i, 1] = DMI_sum
DCE[i, 0] = outlet_SubN
DCE[i, 1] = DCE_sum
return DMI, DCE
[docs]def dist_from_apex(nodes, imshape):
"""Calculate normalized distance from apex.
Does this for nodes. Calculates a normalized distances from apex, ignores
pixel resolution.
nodes : dict
RivGraph dictionary of nodes
imshape : tuple
Tuple of the shape of the domain (e.g., Imask.shape)
norm_dist : list
List of normalized straight line distances between each node and the
inlet in the same order as the nodes come in the input nodes
# id row/coord of the apex (or representative location)
apex_id = nodes['inlets']
if len(apex_id) < 1:
raise ValueError('No inlets')
elif len(apex_id) > 1:
# average inlet locations to a single point
ins_idx = [nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(i)] for i in apex_id]
rs, cs = np.unravel_index(ins_idx, imshape)
apex_xy = np.mean(rs, dtype=int), np.mean(cs, dtype=int)
apex_idx = nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(apex_id)]
apex_xy = np.unravel_index(apex_idx, imshape)
# calculate distances to all nodes from apex location
def calc_dist(apex_xy, node_xy):
"""Euclidean distance function."""
return np.sqrt((apex_xy[0]-node_xy[0])**2 +
# get coordinates of all nodes in xy space
node_xy = [np.unravel_index(i, imshape) for i in nodes['idx']]
node_dists = [calc_dist(apex_xy, i) for i in node_xy]
# normalize and return this normalized distance
norm_dist = list(np.array(node_dists) / np.max(node_dists))
return norm_dist
[docs]def calc_QR(links, nodes, wt='wid_adj', new_at='graphQR'):
"""Clunky solution (target for optimization) to get QR at bifurcations.
QR is defined as the larger branch Q / smaller branch Q per
Edmonds & Slingerland 2008 [2]_. This measure of flux partitioning at a
bifurcation does not scale beyond bifurcations to trifurcations etc.
The graph-based flux partitioning scheme also assumes flow is routed
in a steady-state manner based on the width (or some other attribute)
of the links in the network. Therefore the actual flux value doesn't
matter, we can calculate QR as larger width / smaller width from the two
branches as that will be the same as if we'd calculated the steady-state
fluxes and taken their ratio.
The function is written flexibly to allow one to assuming flux weighting
by an attribute other than the link width if desired.
.. warning::
QR values calculated at nodes located at confluences, polyfurcations,
or any other non-bifurcating location will be incorrect!
.. [2] Edmonds, D. A., and R. L. Slingerland. "Stability of delta
distributary networks and their bifurcations."
Water Resources Research 44.9 (2008).
links : dict
RivGraph links dictionary
nodes : dict
RivGraph nodes dictionary
wt : str, optional
String pointing to the link attribute to use when calculating ratios,
optional, default is 'wid_adj' which is the adjusted link widths
new_at : str, optional
Name of the new attribute to add to the nodes dictionary, optional,
default is 'graphQR' to indicate the graph calculated QR value
nodes : dict
RivGraph dictionary with new_at attribute added
# check links for wt attribute
if wt not in links.keys():
raise ValueError('wt attribute not in the links dictionary')
# set up list of zeros
nodes[new_at] = np.zeros_like(nodes['id'], dtype=float)
for i in range(len(nodes['id'])):
# for bifurcations
if len(nodes['conn'][i]) == 3:
# get the 3 connected link ids
link_ids = nodes['conn'][i]
# get upstream node for each link, its "start" point
link_starts = [links['conn'][links['id'].index(link_ids[0])][0],
# figure out which two links are the ones leaving this node
# and get the width of each
# (which controls the local flux partitioning anyway)
if link_starts[0] == link_starts[1]:
# check if 1st and 2nd match
wid_1 = links[wt][links['id'].index(link_ids[0])]
wid_2 = links[wt][links['id'].index(link_ids[1])]
elif link_starts[0] == link_starts[2]:
# check if 1st and 3rd match
wid_1 = links[wt][links['id'].index(link_ids[0])]
wid_2 = links[wt][links['id'].index(link_ids[2])]
# then 2nd and 3rd must match
wid_1 = links[wt][links['id'].index(link_ids[1])]
wid_2 = links[wt][links['id'].index(link_ids[2])]
# for inlets w/ only 2 connecting links
elif nodes['id'][i] in nodes['inlets'] and len(nodes['conn'][i]) == 2:
link_ids = nodes['conn'][i]
wid_1 = links[wt][links['id'].index(link_ids[0])]
wid_2 = links[wt][links['id'].index(link_ids[1])]
# catch-all for other scenarios: QR will be -1
wid_1 = -1
wid_2 = 1
# calculate and assign QR to the node of interest
wid_big = np.max([wid_1, wid_2])
wid_small = np.min([wid_1, wid_2])
nodes[new_at][i] = wid_big / wid_small
# coerce into list
nodes[new_at] = list(nodes[new_at])
# if junction angles are known, make non-bifurcation node QR values NaNs
if 'jtype' in nodes.keys():
for i in range(len(nodes['jtype'])):
if nodes['jtype'][i] != 'b':
nodes[new_at][i] = np.nan
return nodes