# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Nov 18 19:26:01 2018
@author: Jon
from loguru import logger
import os
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from scipy.stats import mode, linregress
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt
import rivgraph.io_utils as io
import rivgraph.directionality as dy
# Todo: create the manual fix csv no matter what; allow user to input values
# before running directionality.
[docs]def set_link_directions(links, nodes, imshape, manual_set_csv=None):
Set each link direction in a network.
This function sets the direction of each link within the network. It
calls a number of helping functions and uses a somewhat-complicated logic
to achieve this. The algorithms and logic is described in this open-access
paper: https://esurf.copernicus.org/articles/8/87/2020/esurf-8-87-2020.pdf
Every time this is run, all directionality information is reset and
recomputed. This includes checking for manually set links via the provided
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
imshape : tuple
Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols).
manual_set_csv : str, optional
Path to a user-provided csv file of known link directions. The default
is None.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties with all directions set.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties with all directions set.
# Add fields to links dict for tracking and setting directionality
links, nodes = dy.add_directionality_trackers(links, nodes, 'delta')
# If a manual fix csv has been provided, set those links first
links, nodes = dy.dir_set_manually(links, nodes, manual_set_csv)
# Initial attempt to set directions
links, nodes = set_initial_directionality(links, nodes, imshape)
# At this point, all links have been set. Check for nodes that violate
# continuity
cont_violators = dy.check_continuity(links, nodes)
# Attempt to fix any sources or sinks within the network
if len(cont_violators) > 0:
links, nodes = dy.fix_sources_and_sinks(links, nodes)
# Check that continuity problems are resolved
cont_violators = dy.check_continuity(links, nodes)
if len(cont_violators) > 0:
logger.info('Nodes {} violate continuity. Check connected links and fix manually.'.format(cont_violators))
# Attempt to fix any cycles in the network (reports unfixable within function)
links, nodes, allcyclesfixed = fix_delta_cycles(links, nodes, imshape)
# The following is done automatically now, regardless of if cycles or sinks exist
# # Create a csv to store manual edits to directionality if does not exist
# if os.path.isfile(manual_set_csv) is False:
# if len(cont_violators) > 0 or allcyclesfixed == 0:
# io.create_manual_dir_csv(manual_set_csv)
# print('A .csv file for manual fixes to link directions at {}.'.format(manual_set_csv))
if allcyclesfixed == 2:
logger.info('No cycles were found in network.')
return links, nodes
[docs]def set_initial_directionality(links, nodes, imshape):
Make initial attempt to set flow directions.
Makes an initial attempt to set all flow directions within the network.
This represents the core of the "delta recipe" described in the following
open access paper:
However, note that as RivGraph develops, this recipe may no longer match
the one presented in that paper. The recipe chains together a number of
exploitative algorithms to iteratively set flow directions for the most
certain links first.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
imshape : tuple
Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols).
links : dict
Network links and associated properties with initial directions set.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties with initial directions set.
# Compute all the "guesses"
links, nodes = dy.dir_main_channel(links, nodes)
links, nodes = dir_synthetic_DEM(links, nodes, imshape)
links, nodes = dy.dir_shortest_paths_nodes(links, nodes)
links, nodes = dy.dir_shortest_paths_links(links, nodes)
links, nodes = dy.dir_bridges(links, nodes)
# Set link directions
# First, set inlet/outlet directions as they are always 100% accurate
links, nodes = dy.set_inletoutlet(links, nodes)
# Use bridges to set links as they are always 100% accurate
# alg = 5
alg = dy.algmap('bridges')
for lid, idcs, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['idx'],
links['guess'], links['guess_alg'],
# Only need to set links that haven't been set
if cert == 1:
linkidx = links['id'].index(lid)
# Set all the links that are known from bridge links
if alg in lga:
links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx,
lg[lga.index(alg)], alg)
# Use main channels (4) to set links
# alg = 4
alg = dy.algmap('main_chans')
for lid, idcs, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['idx'],
links['guess'], links['guess_alg'],
# Only need to set links that haven't been set
if cert == 1:
linkidx = links['id'].index(lid)
# Set all the links that are known from main_channel
if alg in lga:
links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx,
lg[lga.index(alg)], alg)
# Set the longest, steepest links according to io_surface
# (these are those we are most certain of)
# alg = 13
alg = dy.algmap('longest_steepest')
len75 = np.percentile(links['len_adj'], 75)
slope50 = np.percentile(np.abs(links['slope']), 50)
for lid, llen, lg, lga, cert, lslope in zip(links['id'], links['len_adj'],
if cert == 1:
if llen > len75 and abs(lslope) > slope50:
linkidx = links['id'].index(lid)
if dy.algmap('syn_dem') in lga:
usnode = lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('syn_dem'))]
links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg)
# Set the most certain angles
angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 0.5, 10)
for a in angthreshs:
links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape,
# Set using direction of nearest main channel
links, nodes = dy.set_by_nearest_main_channel(links, nodes, imshape,
# Set the most certain angles
angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 0.7, 10)
for a in angthreshs:
links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape,
# Set using direction of nearest main channel
links, nodes = dy.set_by_nearest_main_channel(links, nodes, imshape,
angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 0.8, 10)
for a in angthreshs:
links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape,
# Use io_surface (3) to set links that are longer
# than the median link length
alg = dy.algmap('syn_dem')
medlinklen = np.median(links['len'])
for lid, llen, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['len'],
links['guess'], links['guess_alg'],
if cert == 1:
if llen > medlinklen and dy.algmap('syn_dem') in lga:
linkidx = links['id'].index(lid)
usnode = lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('syn_dem'))]
links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg)
# Set again by angles, but reduce the lenthresh
# (shorter links will be set that were not previously)
angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 0.6, 10)
for a in angthreshs:
links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape,
# If any three methods agree, set that link to whatever they agree on
# alg = 15
alg = dy.algmap('three_agree')
for lid, idcs, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['idx'],
links['guess'], links['guess_alg'],
# Only need to set links that haven't been set
if cert == 1:
linkidx = links['id'].index(lid)
# Set all the links with 3 or more guesses that agree
m = mode(lg)
if m.count[0] > 2:
links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, m.mode[0], alg)
# Set again by angles, but reduce the lenthresh
# (shorter links will be set that were not previously)
angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 0.8, 10)
for a in angthreshs:
links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes, imshape,
# If artificial DEM and at least one shortest path method agree,
# set link to be their agreement
# alg = 16
alg = dy.algmap('syn_dem_and_sp')
for lid, idcs, lg, lga, cert in zip(links['id'], links['idx'],
links['guess'], links['guess_alg'],
# Only need to set links that haven't been set
if cert == 1:
linkidx = links['id'].index(lid)
# Set all the links with 2 or more same guesses that are not
# shortest path (one may be shortest path)
if dy.algmap('syn_dem') in lga and dy.algmap('sp_links') in lga:
if lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('syn_dem'))] == lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('sp_links'))]:
links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx,
elif dy.algmap('syn_dem') in lga and dy.algmap('sp_nodes') in lga:
if lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('syn_dem'))] == lg[lga.index(dy.algmap('sp_nodes'))]:
links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx,
# Find remaining uncertain links
uncertain = [l for l, lc in zip(links['id'], links['certain']) if lc != 1]
# Set remaining uncertains according to io_surface (3)
# alg = 10 # change this one!
alg = dy.algmap('syn_dem')
for lid in uncertain:
linkidx = links['id'].index(lid)
if alg in links['guess_alg'][linkidx]:
usnode = links['guess'][linkidx][links['guess_alg'][linkidx].index(alg)]
links, nodes = dy.set_link(links, nodes, linkidx, usnode, alg)
return links, nodes
[docs]def fix_delta_cycles(links, nodes, imshape):
Attempt to resolve cycles within the network.
Attempts to resolve all cycles within the delta network. This function
is essentially a wrapper for :func:`fix_delta_cycle`, which is where the
heavy lifting is actually done. This function finds cycles, calls
:func:`fix_delta_cycle` on each one, then aggregates the results.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
imshape : tuple
Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols).
links : dict
Network links and associated properties with all possible cycles fixed.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties with all possible cycles fixed.
allfixed : bool
True if all cycles were resolved, else False.
# Tracks if all cycles were fixed
allfixed = 1
# Create networkx graph object
G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
for lc in links['conn']:
G.add_edge(lc[0], lc[1])
# Check for cycles
cantfix_links = []
fixed_links = []
if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G) is not True:
# Get list of cycles to fix
c_nodes, c_links = dy.get_cycles(links, nodes)
# Combine all cycles that share links
c_links = dy.merge_list_of_lists(c_links)
# Fix the cycles
for ic, cfix_links in enumerate(c_links):
links, nodes, fixed = fix_delta_cycle(links, nodes, cfix_links,
if fixed == 0:
elif fixed == 1:
# Report
if len(cantfix_links) > 0:
allfixed = 0
logger.info('Could not fix the following cycles (links): {}'.format([c_links[i] for i in cantfix_links]))
if len(c_links) > 0:
allfixed = 0
logger.info('The following cycles (links) were fixed, but should be manually checked: {}'.format([c_links[i] for i in fixed_links]))
allfixed = 2 # Indicates there were no cycles to fix
return links, nodes, allfixed
[docs]def fix_delta_cycle(links, nodes, cyc_links, imshape):
Attempt to resolve a single cycle.
Attempts to resolve a single cycle within a delta network. The general
logic is that all link directions of the cycle are un-set except for those
set by highly-reliable algorithms, and a modified direction-setting
recipe is implemented to re-set these algorithms. This was developed
according to the most commonly-encountered cases for real deltas, but could
certainly be improved.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
cyc_links : list
Link ids comprising the cycle to fix.
imshape : tuple
Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols).
links : dict
Network links and associated properties with cycle fixed, if possible.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties with cycle fixed, if possible.
fixed : bool
True if the cycle was resolved, else False.
def re_set_linkdirs(links, nodes, imshape):
# Cycle links are attempted to be reset according to algorithms here.
angthreshs = np.linspace(0, 1.2, 20)
for a in angthreshs:
links, nodes = dy.set_by_known_flow_directions(links, nodes,
return links, nodes
# Track if fix was successful (1:yes, 0:no)
fixed = 1
# List of algorithm ids that should not be reset if previously used to
# determine direction
# dont_reset_algs = [-1, 0, 4, 5, 13]
dont_reset_algs = [dy.algmap(key) for key in ['manual_set', 'inletoutlet',
'main_chans', 'bridges',
# Simplest method: unset the cycle links and reset them according to angles
# Get resettale links
toreset = [l for l in cyc_links if links['certain_alg'][links['id'].index(l)] not in dont_reset_algs]
# Get original link orientations in case fix does not work
orig = dy.cycle_get_original_orientation(links, toreset)
# Set certainty of cycle links to zero
for tr in toreset:
links['certain'][links['id'].index(tr)] = 0
links, nodes = re_set_linkdirs(links, nodes, imshape)
# Check that all links were reset
if sum([links['certain'][links['id'].index(l)] for l in toreset]) != len(toreset):
fixed = 0
# Check that cycle was resolved
cyclenode = links['conn'][links['id'].index(toreset[0])][0]
cyc_n, cyc_l = dy.get_cycles(links, nodes, checknode=cyclenode)
# If the cycle was not fixed, try again, but set the cycle links AND the
# links connected to the cycle to unknown
if cyc_n is not None and cyclenode in cyc_n[0]:
# First return to original orientation
links = dy.cycle_return_to_original_orientation(links, orig)
# Get all cycle links and those connected to cycle
toreset = set()
for cn in cyc_n[0]:
conn = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(cn)]
toreset = list(toreset)
# Save original orientation in case cycle cannot be fixed
orig_links = dy.cycle_get_original_orientation(links, toreset)
# Un-set the cycle+connected links
for tr in toreset:
lidx = links['id'].index(tr)
if links['certain_alg'][lidx] not in dont_reset_algs:
links['certain'][lidx] = 0
links, nodes = re_set_linkdirs(links, nodes, imshape)
# See if the fix resolved the cycle - if not, reset to original
cyc_n, cyc_l = dy.get_cycles(links, nodes, checknode=cyclenode)
if cyc_n is not None and cyclenode in cyc_n[0]:
links = dy.cycle_return_to_original_orientation(links, orig_links)
fixed = 0
return links, nodes, fixed
[docs]def hull_coords(xy):
Compute convex hull of a set of input points.
Computes the convex hull of a set of input points. Arranges the convex
hull coordinates in a clockwise manner and removes the longest edge.
This function is required by :func:`dir_synthetic_dem`.
xy : np.array
Two element array. First element contains x coordinates, second
contains y coordinates of points to compute a convex hull around.
hull_coords : np.array
Nx2 array of coordinates defining the convex hull of the input points.
# Find the convex hull of a set of coordinates, then order them clockwisely
# and remove the longest edge
hull_verts = ConvexHull(np.transpose(np.vstack((xy[0], xy[1])))).vertices
hull_coords = np.transpose(np.vstack((xy[0][hull_verts], xy[1][hull_verts])))
hull_coords = np.reshape(np.append(hull_coords, [hull_coords[0, :]]),
(int((hull_coords.size+2)/2), 2))
# Find the biggest gap between hull points
dists = np.sqrt((np.diff(hull_coords[:, 0]))**2 + \
np.diff(hull_coords[:, 1])**2)
maxdist = np.argmax(dists) + 1
first_part = hull_coords[maxdist:, :]
second_part = hull_coords[0:maxdist, :]
if first_part.size == 0:
hull_coords = second_part
elif second_part.size == 0:
hull_coords = first_part
hull_coords = np.concatenate((first_part, second_part))
return hull_coords
[docs]def dir_synthetic_DEM(links, nodes, imshape):
Build a synthetic DEM using inlet/outlet locations.
Builds a synthetic DEM by considering inlets as "hills" and outlets as
"depressions." This synthetic is then used to compute the "slope"
of each link, which is added to the links dictionary. Additionally,
direction guesses for each link's flow are computed.
links : dict
Network links and associated properties.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
imshape : tuple
Shape of binary mask as (nrows, ncols).
links : dict
Network links and associated properties including a 'slope'.
nodes : dict
Network nodes and associated properties.
alg = dy.algmap('syn_dem')
# Create empty image to store surface
I = np.ones(imshape, dtype=float)
# Get row,col coordinates of outlet nodes, arrange them in a
# clockwise order
outs = [nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(o)] for o in nodes['outlets']]
outsxy = np.unravel_index(outs, I.shape)
if len(outsxy[0]) < 3:
hco = np.transpose(np.vstack((outsxy[0], outsxy[1])))
hco = hull_coords(outsxy)
# Burn the hull into the Iout surface
for i in range(len(hco)-1):
linterp = interp1d(hco[i:i+2, 0], hco[i:i+2, 1])
xinterp = np.arange(np.min(hco[i:i+2, 0]), np.max(hco[i:i+2, 0]), .1)
yinterp = linterp(xinterp)
for x,y in zip(xinterp, yinterp):
I[int(round(x)), int(round(y))] = 0
Iout = distance_transform_edt(I)
Iout = (Iout - np.min(Iout)) / (np.max(Iout) - np.min(Iout))
# Get coordinates of inlet nodes; use only the widest inlet and any#
# inlets within 25% of its width
ins = [nodes['idx'][nodes['id'].index(i)] for i in nodes['inlets']]
in_wids = []
for i in nodes['inlets']:
linkid = nodes['conn'][nodes['id'].index(i)][0]
linkidx = links['id'].index(linkid)
maxwid = max(in_wids)
keep = [ii for ii, iw in enumerate(in_wids) if
abs((iw - maxwid)/maxwid) < .25]
ins_wide_enough = [ins[k] for k in keep]
insxy = np.unravel_index(ins_wide_enough, imshape)
if len(insxy[0]) < 3:
hci = np.transpose(np.vstack((insxy[0], insxy[1])))
hci = hull_coords(insxy)
# Burn the hull into the Iout surface
I = np.zeros(imshape, dtype=float) + 1
if hci.shape[0] == 1:
I[hci[0][0], hci[0][1]] = 0
for i in range(len(hci)-1):
linterp = interp1d(hci[i:i+2, 0], hci[i:i+2, 1])
xinterp = np.arange(np.min(hci[i:i+2, 0]),
np.max(hci[i:i+2, 0]), .1)
yinterp = linterp(xinterp)
for x, y in zip(xinterp, yinterp):
I[int(round(x)), int(round(y))] = 0
Iin = distance_transform_edt(I)
Iin = np.max(Iin) - Iin
Iin = (Iin - np.min(Iin)) / (np.max(Iin) - np.min(Iin))
# Compute the final surface by adding the inlet and outlet images
Isurf = Iout + Iin
# Guess the flow direction of each link
slopes = []
for lid in links['id']:
linkidx = links['id'].index(lid)
lidcs = links['idx'][linkidx][:]
rc = np.unravel_index(lidcs, imshape)
dists_temp = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.diff(rc[0])**2 + np.diff(rc[1])**2))
dists_temp = np.insert(dists_temp, 0, 0)
elevs = Isurf[rc[0], rc[1]]
linreg = linregress(dists_temp, elevs)
# Make sure slope is negative, else flip direction
if linreg.slope > 0:
usnode = nodes['id'][nodes['idx'].index(lidcs[-1])]
usnode = nodes['id'][nodes['idx'].index(lidcs[0])]
# Store guess
# Store slope
links['slope'] = slopes
return links, nodes